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Demon Fall Canyon (Season of Discovery)

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This article is about the Season of Discovery dungeon. For the location, see Demon Fall Canyon.
Demon Fall Canyon
Location Southeastern Ashenvale
Race(s) DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
End boss  Hellscream's Phantom
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 60
Min lvl 55
Player limit 5
Key  [Shadowtooth Illusion Ward]

Demon Fall Canyon is a level 60 dungeon unique to the Season of Discovery.

A fel-corrupted canyon located in Ashenvale, south of Felfire Hill and just east of Demon Fall Ridge, it earned its name after the titanic clash between the demonic pit lord Mannoroth, and the two orcs Grommash Hellscream and Thrall.

 [Shadowtooth Illusion Ward] is required to enter the instance.




Boss Item
Grimroot  [Cloak of Leaves]
 [Germinating Poisonseed]
 [Gloaming Treeheart]
 [Resin Loop]
 [Warsong Axe]
Diathorus the Seeker  [Dreadlord's Blade]
 [Fallen Huntress' Longbow]
 [Nathrezim's Greaves]
 [Robes of Elune]
 [Shield of Life and Death]
 [The Eye of Shadow]
The Destructor's Wraith  [Accursed Chalice]
 [Burning Ring of Fire]
 [Hands of Temptation]
 [Spear of Destiny]
 [The Eye of Shadow]
Zilbagob  [Miniaturized Fire Extinguisher]
 [Phaseshifted Legion Band]
 [Repurposed Shredderblade]
 [Shredder Operator's Dogtags]
 [Supercharged Silver Moebius]
Pyranis  [Cenarion Ritual Dagger]
 [Dark Heart of Darkness]
 [Druidic Mantle]
 [Thorned Boots]
 [Woodcarved Moonstalker]
Hellscream's Phantom  [Aperitive Epiphany]
 [Cold Embrace]
 [Dreadblade of the Destructor]
 [Legguards of Sacrifice]
 [Mask of the Godslayer]
 [Nightmare Gown]
 [Shadow of Gorehowl]

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2024-07-15): Increased the experience awarded by enemies in Demon Fall Canyon to brave adventurers who enter before reaching level 60.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.15.3 (2024-07-09): Added.

External links