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Storm Cliffs (Season of Discovery)

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This article is about the Season of Discovery raid. For the location, see Storm Cliffs.
Storm Cliffs
Location Southeastern Azshara
Race(s) Blue dragon Blue dragon
End boss  Azuregos
Level 60
Player limit 20-40

The Storm Cliffs are a small region in southeastern Azshara. They are home to the great blue dragon Azuregos.

For the Season of Discovery, it contains an instanced version of Azuregos, who is ordinarily a world boss in Classic servers. Though it is a 20-player raid instance, it will scale up to 40 players. It has a twice per week lockout on loot and opens in July 18.


  • The region where Azuregos was fought was originally unnamed in the classic version of World of Warcraft. It was Cataclysm that named this area the Storm Cliffs.

Patch changes

External links