Gnomeregan (Season of Discovery)

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This article is about the Season of Discovery raid. For other uses, see Gnomeregan (disambiguation).
Gnome, Gnomer, GR
Gnomeregan loading screen.jpg
Gnomeregan loading graphic
Location Northwestern Dun Morogh
Race(s) Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
Leper gnomeLeper gnome Leper gnome
Trogg Trogg
End boss  Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Level 40
Min lvl 40
Player limit 10

Gnomeregan [noʊmɹəˈgɑːn] is the former capital city of the gnomes. Once a testament to the gnomes' intelligence and industry, after the capital was invaded by troggs the gnomish high tinker was betrayed by his advisor Sicco Thermaplugg. As a result, Gnomeregan was irradiated, and most of its inhabitants slain. The surviving gnomes fled, vowing to return someday and retake their home.

For the Season of Discovery, it was revamped as a 10 player raid instance at the phase 2 level cap of 40. It has a 3-day lockout on loot.





Boss Item
Grubbis  [Belt of the Trogg Berserker]
 [Caverndeep Sabatons]
 [Cord of Deep Earth]
 [Electromagnetic Waistcord]
 [Girdle of Reclamation]
 [Grubbis Grubby Gauntlets]
 [Idol of Wrath]
 [Irradiated Tower Shield]
 [Libram of Benediction]
 [Skullduggery Waistband]
 [The Necro-Gnomicon]
 [Totem of Invigorating Flame]
 [Trogg Transfigurator 3000]
 [Troggslayer Pauldrons]
 [Volatile Concotion Belt]
Viscous Flalout  [Acidic Waders]
 [Defibrilating Staff]
 [Drape of Dismantling]
 [Falco's Sting]
 [Gear-Mender's Grace]
 [Generously Padded Shoulderpads]
 [Lev's Oil-Stained Bindings]
 [Mantle of the Cunning Negotiator]
 [Petrolspill Pants]
 [Synthetic Mantle]
 [Toxic Revenger II]
Crowd Pummeler 9-60  [9-60 Repair Manual]
 [Automatic Crowd Pummeler]
 [Bonk-Maestro's Handguards]
 [Cogmaster's Claw]
 [Dielectric Safety Shield]
 [Experimental Aim Stabilizers]
 [Gizmotron Gigachopper]
 [Gnomebot Operators Boots]
 [Gyromatic Macro-Adjustor]
 [Machined Alloy Shoulderplates]
 [Tinker's Wrist Wraps]
 [Ultrasonic Vibroblade]
 [World Shrinker]
Electrocutioner 6000  [Aragriar's Whimsical World Warper]
 [Cloak of Invention]
 [Electrocutioner Hexnut]
 [Electrocutioner's Needle]
 [Fighter Ace Gloves]
 [Hi-tech Supergun Mk.VII]
 [Machinist's Gloves]
 [Mechanostrider Gear Shifter]
 [Mechanostrider Muffler]
 [Mechbuilder's Overalls]
 [Mech-Mender's Sash]
 [Reflective Skullcap]
 [Staff of the Evil Genius]
 [Welded Truesilver Ringlets]
Mechanical Menagerie  [Darkvision Girdle]
 [Fingers of Arcane Accuracy]
 [Glimmering Gizmoblade]
 [Ingenuity's Cover]
 [Izzleflick's Inextinguishable Igniter]
 [Lightning Rod Spaulders]
 [Marksman's Scopevisor]
 [Ornate Dark Iron Bangles]
 [Oscillating Blasthammer]
 [Power-Assisted Lifting Belt]
 [Prototype Parachute Cloak]
 [Supercharged Headchopper]
 [Truesilver Filament Coif]
Mekgineer Thermaplugg  [Domesticated Attack Chicken]
 [Electromagnetic Hyperflux Reactivator]
 [Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider]
 [Gniodine Pill Bottle]
 [Gyromatic Experiment 420b]
 [Hypercharged Gear of Conflagration]
 [Hypercharged Gear of Devastation]
 [Hypercharged Gear of Innovation]
 [Mekkatorque's Archano-Shredder]
 [Miniaturized Combustion Chamber]
 [Radiant Ray Reflectors]
 [Thermaplugg's Custom Blaster]
 [Thermaplugg's Engineering Notes]
 [Thermaplugg's Rocket Cleaver]
 [Wirdal's Hardened Core]
Shared loot  [Irradiated Boots]
 [Irradiated Robe]
 [Irradiated Trousers]
 [Power Depleted Boots]
 [Power Depleted Chest]
 [Power Depleted Legs]

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2024-02-20): Gnomeregan now has a 3-day lockout (was 7-day).
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.15.1 (2024-02-06): Added.

External links