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Rare mobs by zone

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A list of rare mobs, ordered by zone. For information on Rare Mobs in dungeons refer to the specific dungeon for more info.


Main articles: Pandarian champion, Champions of Lei Shen, Timeless Champion

There are a number of rare mobs on Pandaria. In the leveling zones (Jade Forest to Vale of Eternal Blossoms), there are eight Pandarian champions in each zone. The two main islands, Isle of Thunder, and Timeless Isle, each have a complement of rares as well: ten on the Isle of Thunder, and thirty on Timeless Isle. As of Patch 5.4, all Pandarian rares are marked with a skull on the minimap.


Wrath-Logo-Small.png WotLK Zone Mobs
Borean Tundra Fumblub Gearwind (elite), Icehorn (elite), Old Crystalbark (elite)
Dragonblight Crazed Indu'le Survivor (elite), Scarlet Highlord Daion (elite), Tukemuth (elite)
Grizzly Hills Arcturis (elite), Grocklar (elite), Seething Hate (elite), Syreian the Bonecarver (elite)
Howling Fjord King Ping (elite), Perobas the Bloodthirster (elite), Vigdis the War Maiden (elite)
Icecrown High Thane Jorfus (elite), Hildana Deathstealer (elite),Putridus the Ancient (elite)
Sholazar Basin Aotona (elite), King Krush (elite), Loque'nahak (elite)
The Storm Peaks Dirkee (elite), Skoll (elite), Time-Lost Proto Drake (elite), Vyragosa (elite)
Zul'Drak Gondria (elite), Griegen (elite), Terror Spinner (elite), Zul'Drak Sentinel (elite)


Bc icon.gif TBC Zone Mobs
Bloodmyst Isle Fenissa the Assassin
Blade's Edge Mountains Hemathion, Morcrush (elite), Speaker Mar'grom
Eversong Woods Eldinarcus, Tregla
Ghostlands Dr. Whitherlimb
Hellfire Peninsula Fulgorge (elite), Mekthorg the Wild (elite), Vorakem Doomspeaker
Nagrand Bro'Gaz the Clanless, Goretooth, Voidhunter Yar
Netherstorm Chief Engineer Lorthander, Ever-Core the Punisher, Nuramoc
Shadowmoon Valley Ambassador Jerrikar, Collidus the Warp-Watcher (elite), Kraator (elite)
Terokkar Forest Crippler, Doomsayer Jurim, Okrek
Zangarmarsh Bog Lurker, Coilfang Emissary, Marticar (elite)


Zone Mobs
Arathi Highlands Darbel Montrose, Foulbelly, Geomancer Flintdagger, Kovork, Molok the Crusher, Nimar the Slayer, Prince Nazjak, Ruul Onestone, Singer, Zalas Witherbark
Ashenvale Akkrilus, Apothecary Falthis, Branch Snapper, Darkslayer Mordenthal, Eck'alom, Lady Vespia, Mist Howler, Oakpaw, Prince Raze, Rorgish Jowl, Ursol'lok
Azshara Antilos, Gatekeeper Rageroar, General Fangferror, Lady Sesspira, Scalebeard, Varo'then's Ghost
Badlands 7:XT, Anathemus (elite), Barnabus, Barricade, Broken Tooth, Rumbler, Shadowforge Commander, War Golem, Zaricotl
Blackrock Mountain Scarshield Quartermaster (elite), The Behemoth
Blasted Lands Akubar the Seer, Blackleaf, Cassia the Slitherqueen, Clack the Reaver, Deatheye, Dreadscorn, Grunter, Magronos the Unyielding, Mojo the Twisted, Mordak Nightbender, Narixxus the Doombringer, Ravage, Spiteflayer, Teremus the Devourer
Burning Steppes Deathmaw, Gorgon'och, Gruklash, Hahk'Zor, Hematos (elite), Malfunctioning Reaver, Terrorspark, Thauris Balgarr, Volchan (elite)
Darkshore Carnivous the Breaker, Firecaller Radison, Flagglemurk the Cruel, Lady Moongazer, Lady Vespira, Licillin, Lord Sinslayer, Shadowclaw, Strider Clutchmother
Desolace Accursed Slitherblade, Crusty, Giggler, Hissperak, Kaskk, Prince Kellen
Dun Morogh Bjarn, Edan the Howler, Gibblewilt, Great Father Arctikus, Hammerspine
Durotar Captain Flat Tusk (elite), Death Flayer, Felweaver Scornn, Geolord Mottle, Sergeant Curtis
Duskwood Carved One, Eliza, Fenros, Lupos, Marina DeSirrus, Marus, Naraxis, Nefaru, The Unknown Soldier, Watcher Eva
Dustwallow Marsh Brimgore (elite), Burgle Eye, Darkmist Widow, Dart, Drogoth the Roamer, Hayoc, Lord Angler, Oozeworm, Ripscale, The Rot
Eastern Plaguelands Baron Bloodbane, Death Knight Soulbearer, Deathspeaker Selendre, Duggan Wildhammer, Foreman Jerris, Foreman Marcrid, Gish the Unmoving, Hed'mush the Rotting, Lord Darkscythe, Lynnia Abbendis, Zul'Brin Warpbranch
Elwynn Forest Fedfennel, Gruff Swiftbite, Morgaine the Sly, Mother Fang, Narg the Taskmaster, Thuros Lightfingers
Felwood Alshirr Banebreath, Death Howl, Dessecus (elite), Immolatus (elite), Mongress, Olm the Wise, Ragepaw, The Ongar
Feralas Antilus the Soarer, Arash-ethis, Bloodroar the Stalker, Diamond Head, Gnarl Leafbrother, Lady Szallah, Mordei the Earthrender, Mushgog, Old Grizzlegut, Qirot, Skarr the Broken, Snarler, The Razza
Hillsbrad Foothills Araga, Big Samras, Cranky Benj, Creepthess, Gravis Slipknot, Indigos, Jimmy the Bleeder, Lady Zephris, Lo'Grosh, Maggarrak, Ro'Bark, Scargil, Skhowl, Tamra Stormpike
Loch Modan Ashtail, Boss Galgosh, Emogg the Crusher (elite), Geoshaper Maren, Gosh-Haldir, Grizlak, Kubb, Lord Condar, Magosh, Morick Darkbrew, Nix, Optimo, Sagepaw, Shanda the Spinner, Whitefin
Mulgore "Pokey" Thornmantle, Arra'chea, Doomsayer Wiserunner, Enforcer Emilgund, Mazzranache, Sister Hatelash, Snagglespear, The Rake
Northern Barrens Brokespear, Dishu, Elder Mystic Razorsnout, Engineer Whirleygig, Foreman Grills, Gesharahan, Humar the Pridelord, Rathorian, Rocklance, Sister Rathtalon, Sludge Beast, Snort the Heckler, Stonearm, Swiftmane, Takk the Leaper
Northern Stranglethorn Gluggle, High Priestess Hai'watna, Mahamba, Mogh the Dead, Pogeyan, Roloch, Tsul'Kalu
Redridge Mountains Boulderheart, Chatter, Kazon, Ribchaser, Rohh the Silent, Seeker Aqualon, Snarlflare, Squiddic
Searing Gorge Faulty War Golem, Highlord Mastrogonde (elite), Rekk'tilac, Scald, Shleipnarr, Slave Master Blackheart, Smoldar
Silithus Gretheer, Grubthor, Huricanian, Krellack, Lapress (elite), Rex Ashil (elite), Setis (elite), Twilight Lord Everun, Zora (elite)
Silverpine Forest Aquarius the Unbound, Berard the Moon-Crazed, Bolgaff, Effritus, Fenwick Thatros, Gorefang (worg), Krethis the Shadowspinner, Lost Son of Arugal, Nightlash, Old Vicejaw, Thule Ravenclaw
Southern Barrens Azzere the Skyblade, Captain Gerogg Hammertoe, Digger Flameforge, Geopriest Gukk'rok, Hagg Taurenbane, Heggin Stonewhisker, Malgin Barleybrew, Silithid Harvester, Swinegart Spearhide
Stonetalon Mountains Brother Ravenoak (elite), Nal'taszar (elite), Sister Riven (elite), Sorrow Wing (elite), Taskmaster Whipfang (elite)
Stormwind City Sewer Beast
Swamp of Sorrows Dreamwatcher Forktongue, Fingat, Gilmorian, Jade (drake), Lost One Chieftain, Molt Thorn
Tanaris Ainamiss the Hive Queen, Andre Firebeard, Aquementas the Unchained, Caliph Scorpidsting, Emberwing, Fronkle the Disturbed, Haarka the Ravenous, Harakiss the Infestor, Hellgazer, Jin'Zallah the Sandbringer (elite), Kregg Keelhaul, Occulus the Corrupted, Omgorn the Lost, Scorpitar, Slaverjaw, Soriid the Devourer, Twisted Reflection of Narain, Warleader Krazzilak (elite)
Teldrassil Agal, Blackmoss the Fetid, Duskstalker, Fury Shelda, Grimmaw, Threggil, Uruson
The Cape of Stranglethorn Kurmokk, Lord Sakrasis, Rippa, Scale Belly, Verifonix
The Hinterlands Grimungous (elite), Ironback, Jalinde Summerdrake, Mith'rethis the Enchanter (elite), Old Cliff Jumper, Razortalon, Retherokk the Berserker, The Reak
Thousand Needles Achellios the Banished (elite), Gibblesnik, Harb Foulmountain, Ironeye the Invincible (elite), Krkk'kx, Vile Sting (elite)
Tirisfal Glades Bayne, Deeb, Farmer Solliden, Fellicent's Shade, Lost Soul, Muad, Ressan the Needler, Sri'skulk, Tormented Spirit
Un'Goro Crater Clutchmother Zavas, Gruff (elite), King Mosh (elite), Ravasaur Matriarch, Uhk'loc
Western Plaguelands Dreadwhisper, Foulmane, Lord Maldazzar, Putridius, Scarlet Executioner, Scarlet High Clerist, Scarlet Interrogator, Scarlet Judge, Scarlet Smith, The Husk
Westfall Brack, Foe Reaper 4000, Leprithus, Master Digger, Sergeant Brashclaw, Slark, Vultros
Wetlands Garneg Charskull, Gazz the Loch-Hunter, Gnawbone, Leech Widow, Ma'ruk Wyrmscale, Mirelow, Razormaw Matriarch, Rufus Darkshot, Sarltooth, Sludginn, Two-Toes
Winterspring Azurous (elite), General Colbatann (elite), Grizzle Snowpaw, Kashoch the Reaver (elite), Mezzir the Howler, Rak'shiri, Sian-Rotam


Mists of Pandaria

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Wrath of the Lich King

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The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif TBC Instance Zone Mobs
Karazhan Hyakiss the Lurker (elite), Rokad the Ravager (elite), Shadikith the Glider (elite)

World of Warcraft

Instance Zone Mobs
Blackrock Depths Panzor the Invincible (elite)
Dire Maul Tsu'zee (elite)
Gnomeregan Dark Iron Ambassador (elite)
Lower Blackrock Spire Bannok Grimaxe (elite), Burning Felguard (elite), Crystal Fang (elite), Ghok Bashguud (elite), Quartermaster Zigris (elite), Spirestone Battle Lord (elite), Spirestone Butcher (elite), Spirestone Lord Magus (elite)
Maraudon Cursed Centaur, Meshlok the Harvester (elite)
Razorfen Kraul Blind Hunter (elite), Earthcaller Halmgar (elite)
Scarlet Monastery Azshir the Sleepless (elite), Fallen Champion (elite), Ironspine (elite)
Shadowfang Keep Deathsworn Captain (elite)
Stratholme Duke Ragereaver, Hearthsinger Forresten (elite), Skul (elite), Stonespine (elite)
Temple of Atal'Hakkar Captain Wrymak
The Deadmines Brainwashed Noble, Marisa du'Paige
Upper Blackrock Spire Jed Runewatcher (elite)
Wailing Caverns Boahn, Deviate Faerie Dragon (elite), Trigore the Lasher
Zul'Farrak Dustwraith (elite), Sandarr Dunereaver (elite), Zerillis (elite)