"Pokey" Thornmantle

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Mob"Pokey" Thornmantle
Image of "Pokey" Thornmantle
Gender Male
Race Quilboar (Humanoid)
Level 1-30 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bristleback tribe
Location Mulgore
Status Killable

"Pokey" Thornmantle is a rare quilboar found near the battleboar pens south of Camp Narache. He wields a fish as a weapon and it is possible that he is a relative of "Squealer" Thornmantle. He always drops a small pouch of a random color.


  • Spell nature thorns.png Bristleback — Adorned with a bristling coat, the caster's natural armor deals Physical damage to attackers.
  • Inv misc monsterhorn 08.png Quillhorn — Inflicts 50% weapon damage to an enemy, knocking them back a short distance.


Pokey find a fish!

Patch changes

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