Azshir the Sleepless

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MobAzshir the Sleepless
Image of Azshir the Sleepless
Gender Male
Race Ghost (Undead)
Level    Retail: 10-30 Rare Elite
Classic: 33 Rare Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Scarlet Monastery Graveyard
Status Killable

Azshir the Sleepless is a rare mob that can be found wandering the graveyard of the Scarlet Monastery.


  • Spell shadow chilltouch.png Call of the Grave — Inflicts 10 Shadow damage to an enemy after 60 sec.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain02.png Soul Siphon — Drains 2 health every 2 sec. from an enemy and its nearest ally, healing the caster for up to twice the amount of health stolen. Lasts 12 sec.
  • Ability physical taunt.png Terrify — Terrifies an enemy, causing it to flee in fear for 4 sec. Only 1 target can be terrified at a time.


Inv pants 07.png [Blighted Leggings] Inv jewelry necklace 06.png [Ghostshard Talisman]
Inv wand 04.png [Necrotic Wand]


Patch changes

External links