Putridus the Ancient

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MobPutridus the Ancient
Image of Putridus the Ancient
Race Flesh giant (Undead)
Level    Retail: 25-30 Rare
Classic: 80 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Icecrown
Status Killable

Putridus the Ancient is an elite rare mob found in Icecrown. Due to his gigantic girth, he can be seen even from a good 10,000 yards or so, making him an easy mob to spot from such a distance.


  • Trade engineering.png Putrid Punt — Punts an enemy a great distance away, inflicting normal damage.
  • Ability bullrush.png War Stomp — Inflicts normal damage plus 100% to nearby enemies, knocking them back and stunning them for 5 sec.



Putridus the Ancient is a criterion of the achievements:


  • Putridus is one of the 2 mobs that can be seen from a good 10,000 yards or more. The other is the considerably larger Thrym.
  • Putridus was the largest and most powerful rare mob prior to Deathwing's return, but he can still be seen from such a huge distance.

Patch changs

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