Clutchmother Zavas

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For the Un'Goro Madness version, see Clutchmother Zavas (Un'Goro Madness).
MobClutchmother Zavas
Image of Clutchmother Zavas
Gender Female
Race Silithid reaver (Beast)
Level 15-30 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Slithering Scar, Un'Goro Crater
Status Killable
Pet family Aqiri

Clutchmother Zavas is a rare silithid reaver found in the Gorishi hive in the Slithering Scar in Un'Goro Crater. She looks identical to Gorishi Reavers.


  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.
  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Gorishi Egg — Summons a Gorishi Egg.
  • Spell shadow vampiricaura.png Pierce Armor — Reduces an enemy's armor by 75% for 15 sec.


  • Spawn Egg: An emote will alarm you when Zavas lays an egg, a few seconds later another emote will warn you that the egg is ready to hatch, once hatched it spawns a level 44-46 Gorishi Grub. It is advised to kill the eggs due to Zavas second ability. It seems like Zavas will lay an egg every 6 to 8 seconds, and the eggs require 6 to 8 seconds to hatch.
  • Call for Help: At 20 or so percent, Zavas will cry for help forcing all Gorishi mobs in a minimum of 20 yards to help her, any eggs/grubs you avoid aggroing are more than likely to aggro on to you at this point.


Patch changes

  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Now classified as Beast instead of uncategorized. Now tamable.

External links

es:Madrezarpa Zavas