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Image of Two-Toes
Race Murloc (Humanoid)
Level 10-30 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bluegill tribe
Location Bluegill Marsh, Wetlands

Two-Toes is a rare murloc found in the Bluegill Marsh of the Wetlands.


  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png Splash — A splash of water drenches all nearby enemies, dealing Frost damage and knocking them back a short distance.
  • Spell fire burningspeed.png Sprint — Increases movement speed by 120% for 3 sec.
  • Spell frost chillingarmor.png Water Shield — Attacks and spells used against you deal Frost damage and slow the attacker's spell casts. 3 charges. Lasts 10 min.
  • Spell frost frostblast.png Water Shield — Casts a bolt of water at the target, dealing Frost damage and increasing spell casting time by 20%.

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Two-Toes is presumably the second in command of the Bluegill tribe.

Patch changes

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