Duggan Wildhammer

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MobDuggan Wildhammer
Image of Duggan Wildhammer
Gender Male
Race Wildhammer dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30 Rare
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Wildhammer clan
Location Eastern Plaguelands[35.8, 62]
Status Killable

Duggan Wildhammer is a rare mob Wildhammer clan dwarf, who seems to have met a rather unfortunate fate. He discovered crates of barley and foolishly made mead with it, which turned out to be plagued.

He is found in the Eastern Plaguelands. He is neutral (though able to be attacked) to Horde and Alliance players alike.


  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — Inflicts 110% of weapon damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.
  • Ability marksmanship.png Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.


He sings this song to himself when no one engages him:

To the plaguelands went old Duggan, ta' send them Scourge back inta' th' groun'.
Where th' scent of death is on th' wind and everythin' is mostly brown.
An' when he did arrive there, what'd his dwarf eyes see?
A hundred crates of barley there ta' be makin' inta' mead!
But tha' mead was cursed with th' plague o' death, and now old Duggan, too.
An' surrounded by the Lich King's beasts, what could old Duggan do?
But though I feel the plague within, my hopes 'ave not yet sunk.
If'n I'm gonna be Scourge anyway, I might as well be drunk!

Upon engaging, he says:

Ah ken see very well through this haze, but I'd know tha' smell anywhere! Die ye foul ogre!


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