Ever-Core the Punisher

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MobEver-Core the Punisher
Image of Ever-Core the Punisher
Race Arcane guardian (Elemental)
Level 25-30 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sunfury
Location Netherstorm

Ever-Core the Punisher is a rare mob arcane guardian that spawns in Netherstorm. It has several spawn points throughout the zone, mainly around either Manaforge B'naar, Manaforge Ara, and Manaforge Ultris.


  • Suppression - A direct nuke that deals 700 arcane damage.
  • Arcane Explosion - Point blank AoE for 1000 arcane damage.

This mob is easily killed by any class. It alternates between its two abilities until dead.

It is probably immune to arcane damage.



Ever-Core the Punisher is a criterion of the achievements:

Patch changes

External links