Mist Howler

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MobMist Howler
Image of Mist Howler
Race Timber wolf (Beast)
Level 7-30 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Northwestern Ashenvale[25.8, 26.0]
Pet family Wolf

Mist Howler is a rare timber wolf found in northwestern Ashenvale.


Prior to pet speed normalization, Mist Howler was formerly famous for its 1.3 attack speed (typically 2.0) as a tamed pet, making it a good choice for hunters that wished to interrupt casters in PvP. However, it is now a standard wolf. It has an 8.5-12.5 hour respawn timer.

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Level dropped from 22 to 21, and health increased to 782

External links