Clan Ohn'ir

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This article is about the clan. For the quest, see N [62-65] Clan Ohn'ir.
NeutralClan Ohn'ir
Ohn'ir banner.jpg
Banner of Clan Ohn'ir
Main leader IconSmall Centaur2 Female.gif Tigari Khan
Race(s) IconSmall Centaur2 Male.gifIconSmall Centaur2 Female.gif Centaur
Capital Ohn'iri Springs
Other major settlements Carving Winds,
Ridgewater Retreat
Theater of operations Ohn'ahran Plains
Affiliation Maruuk Centaur
Status Active

Clan Ohn'ir is one of the four major Maruuk centaur clans of the Ohn'ahran Plains. It consists of mystics who feel a special connection their god, Ohn'ahra,[1][2] and serve as spiritual advisors to the other clans.[3][4][5] Their khan is Tigari Khan and their main seat of power is the Ohn'iri Springs.


Three windsages channeling wind magic.

Unlike the other Maruuk clans, Clan Ohn'ir is not made up of families, but instead of centaur from across the plains who have an innate connection to Ohn'ahra, the Wild God of the Wind. Foals who show signs of such a connection leave their clans of birth behind to join the Ohn'ir and spend the rest of their lives honing that connection. There are three different ranks available to members of the clan: initiate, windsage, and finally Ohn, the highest rank below the khan. They eventually receive assignments to different parts of the Ohn'ahran Plains, doing everything from maintaining singing stones to advising the khans of other clans. Assignments are not permanent: with time, they return to the Ohn'ir and another takes their place.[3][4] Individual wishes are taken into account for assignments: mystics who want to see the world might get assigned to other clans, while those who prefer to stay close to home may get assigned back to their clan of birth.[6]

Ohn'ahra does not speak in language, but instead through the winds themselves. The Ohn'ir are trained to feel her presence and interpret her songs to advise the rest of their people. When they hear Ohn'ahra calling to them, the mystics use reagents to bind totems to that particular call, allowing them to perform a ritual to center the Windmother's voice and interpret her message.[7][8] The Ohn'ir cultivate flowers called sweetsuckles and use them to create a type of incense that elicits a trancelike effect and is used to deepen their connection to omens from Ohn'ahra.[9] In addition to totems infused with Ohn'ahra's wind magic,[10] the Ohn'ir carry talismans[11][12] and carve wind chimes to allow others to hear Ohn'ahra's presence.[13]

When an Ohn'ir mystic dies, if they are considered worthy, a sacred ohuna known as a Child of Ohn'ahra carries their spirit to Windsong Rise, were they may become one with the wind and sky.[14]

The Ohn'ir do not look kindly on storm magic.[15]

Notable members



  • Like the other Maruuk clans, Clan Ohn'ir is considered a separate reputation faction by the game, but this is only for display purposes to indicate which NPCs are members of the clan. It is not possible to earn separate reputation with them.

Patch changes


External links