Clan Kaighan

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NeutralClan Ukhel
Race(s) IconSmall Centaur2 Male.gifIconSmall Centaur2 Female.gif Centaur
Base of operations Kaighan Camp
Affiliation Clan Nokhud
Status Active

Clan Kaighan is one of the lesser maruuk centaur clans, located within the Ohn'ahran Plains. The clan plays relatively no role in the story, only serving as the captors of Initiate Radiya when she wanders too close to their camp. They appear to have allied with Clan Nokhud, as the clan is notably hostile to adventurers, and several Storm Extractors can be found within a cave in the clan's home. They are draining the power from a thunder lizard named Lizi; who is a friend of Radiya's. She asks adventurers to free them and bring them back to Ohn'iri Springs.

Kaighan centaur are also capable of dropping  [Tempest Armaments]; confirming their loyalty.


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