Wind Rider (Warcraft III)

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For lore, see wyvern rider.
Wind Rider


Wyvern Rider Reforged.jpg

Race Orc and Wyvern
Faction Orcish Horde
Hit points 570
Hit point regeneration Always
Hit point regeneration rate 0.25 HP/sec.
Unit Classified As Air
Level 4
Gold 265 Gold
Lumber 40 Lumber
Food 4 Food
Produced at Beastiary
Build time 35 sec.
Attacking priority 2
Hotkey W
Weapon(s) Throwing Spears
Normal attack 36-44 (40 avg)
Can attack Ground, Structure, Debris, Air, Item, Ward
Range 45
Attack type Pierce
Cooldown 2.00 sec.
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Flesh
Defense Type Light
Armor 0
Day Sight 160
Night Sight 80
Movement Speed Fast (320)
Sound Set WindRider
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

The sentient Wyverns of Kalimdor were eager to ally themselves with the Shamanistic Horde. Impressed by the Orcs' commitment to honor and victory, the Wyverns allowed the Orcs to ride them into combat against those who would disturb the tranquility of Kalimdor and its denizens. The Wyverns, who share a common ancestry with both Dragons and Gryphons, use their powerful talons and razor-like fangs against both airborne attackers and ground troops.


Wind Riders are popular among Orc players because they possess high all-around damage which is particularly effective against ground units. This comes into play when under the effects of Bloodlust and Envenomed Spears researched, as not only the rider attacks significantly faster, the poison from their attacks also weakens the enemy over time which deals significant damage if no healers are present.

In Reign of Chaos, they're called "Wyvern Riders" instead.


As medium air units with a somewhat slow attack if not under the effects of Bloodlust, Gargoyles, Hippogryphs, Flying Machines are the best counters against them by overwhelming them with numbers. Troll Batriders may also be used.

Spells and abilities

Research Envenomed Spears (Passive)
Adds an additional poison effect to the Wind Rider's Attack. A unit poisoned by the Envenomed Spear takes an additional 4 damage per second over 25 seconds.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
100 WC3gold.gif 150 WC3lumber.gif Beastiary Fortress 40 sec.
Duration (Hero) Allowed Targets Effect
25 (1) sec. Air, Ground, Organic 4 damage/sec


Steel Ranged Weapons
Increases the ranged attack damage of Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, Troll Batriders and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time Effect
100 Gold 100 Lumber War Mill 60 sec. Normal attack: 37-49 (43 avg)
Thorium Ranged Weapons
Further increases the ranged attack damage of Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, Troll Batriders and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
150 Gold 200 Lumber War Mill Stronghold 75 sec. Normal attack: 38-54 (46 avg)
Arcanite Ranged Weapons
Further increases the ranged attack damage of Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, Troll Batriders and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
200 Gold 300 Lumber War Mill Fortress 90 sec. Normal attack: 39-59 (49 avg)
Steel Unit Armor
Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Troll Batriders, Tauren, Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time Effect
150 Gold 75 Lumber War Mill 60 sec. Armor: 2
Thorium Unit Armor
Further increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Troll Batriders, Tauren, Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
225 Gold 225 Lumber War Mill Stronghold 75 sec. Armor: 4
Arcanite Unit Armor
Further increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Troll Batriders, Tauren, Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time Effect
300 Gold 375 Lumber War Mill Fortress 90 sec. Armor: 6

World Editor description

Highly mobile flying creature. Excellent at scouting. Can learn Envenomed Spears.


Patch changes

  • WC3tFT-logo.png Patch 1.12 (2003-07-31): Wyvern / Wind Rider hit points have been reduced from 600 to 570.
  • WC3tFT-logo.png Patch 1.10 (2003-07-03):
    • Reign of Chaos
      • Wyvern hit points increased to 600 from 500.
      • Wyvern poison now lasts 25 seconds and deals 4 damage a second.
    • The Frozen Throne
      • Wind Riders no longer require a Fortress to be built.
      • Wind Rider damage reduced to 36-44 from 39-47.
      • Wind Rider poison now deals 4 damage a second, up from 3.3 damage a second.
      • Wind Rider speed reduced to 320 from 350.
  • WC3tFT-logo.png Patch 1.07 (2003-07-01):
    • Hit points increased to 600 from 500.
    • Poison hero duration decreased to 1 from 10.
    • Poison damage decreased to 3.3 from 8.

External links