Shards of Ahune (quest)

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Midsummer Fire Festival
The subject of this article or section is part of Midsummer Fire Festival, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks, after which it is no longer available until the next year.
NeutralShards of Ahune
Start  [Shards of Ahune]
End Luma Skymother
Level 1-70
Category Midsummer Fire Festival
Rewards  [Tabard of Summer Skies] or
 [Tabard of Summer Flames], and
20x  [Burning Blossom]


Bring the Ice Shards to Luma Skymother.


These shards pulse with foreboding. Do they hold the last essence of the Frost Lord?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc tabardsummer02.png [Tabard of Summer Skies] Inv misc tabardsummer01.png [Tabard of Summer Flames]
You will also receive:
Inv summerfest fireflower.png 20x [Burning Blossom]


Greetings, <name>. You look worried, but you should rejoice. The Frost Lord is defeated!


Yes, these shards hold the final essence of the Frost Lord in this land. We will dispose of them and banish Ahune to the nether regions of cold.

Thank you, <name>. Your name will echo in the chants of the Earthen Ring for days without end. Please honor us by accepting this vestige, a symbol of your kinship with warmth and light.


This quest is only available during the Midsummer Fire Festival.

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