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This article is a player character biography page for Danarshi of Moon Guard US

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Image of Danarshi
Title <The Waverer, The Soulbound, Echo of Auchindoun>
Gender Male
Race(s) Draenei (formerly Eredar)
Class Anchorite, Soulpriest, Harbinger, Necromancer
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Aldor, Te'Amun
Status Alive
Relative(s) Duum'viaer (Father), Shi'var (Mother), Mordaros (Younger Brother), Aelleena (Wife), Irenora (Older Daughter), Kai'soran (Son), Leanarhi (Younger Daughter)

An Ongoing Work in Progress

This page will never truly be complete; not until I finally decide to lay down my staff and quit roleplaying with Danarshi, which is most certainly not in the foreseeable future. Never stop expecting new updates to appear on the page, whether it be me adding new segments to the existing story/description, or applying edits to older, sub-standard segments (there will be a tonne of both).



A close up shot of Danarshi's face. New model.
A close up shot of Danarshi's face. Old model.

Danarshi's physical appearance alone may be sufficient enough to turn the stomach of any who are strongly devoted to the Holy Light, his skin run darker than most, like that of the shadowy Void itself. His face bares deep scars, carved into each cheek, three on each, six in total, their purpose: to serve as an eternal reminder for what he had lost in consequence of the Burning Legion's conquest over Argus, and what it is that he is forever fighting for.

The skin upon his face is a testimony to the aftermath of thirty seven thousand years of endured life, baring many wrinkles, which resemble wisdom, just as much as venerability. His body beneath the concealing robes he is most often seen wearing, is littered with scars from countless battles, fought over the span of such a remarkably long life.

The length of his hair is considered absurd, hanging down against his back, even with his ludicrous, foxtail-esque method of containing it. His hair's washed out, sickly shade of brown proves only to turn the eye of the Holy even further in his direction. His rather demonic shaped horns upon his forehead do not offer him respite from the eye of the vindictive.

His brilliant moustache shrouds the top of his lip like a rough cover, sharing the identical shade of colour with that of his hair, as does his fine goatee, hanging beneath his bottom lip and down below his chin like a thick, woven rope.

Danarshi's height is slightly beyond average for that of a male draenei, standing at 7'7'' feet tall, over the racial average of 7'4''/7'5'' feet, still proving to be quite colossal in comparison to many of the other Alliance races. His tremendously buff, toned body, expresses both his height, and strength, with solid confidence.

The outfit that he is most commonly found wearing has a remarkably dark and sinister vibe to it, an intriguing decision on his part, due to the quest for redemption that he is actively pursuing, although even he would be the first to admit that his outfit tends to fit his character like a glove. This attire presents itself with a robe woven by Danarshi himself from powerful cloths. His shoulder armour is a massive show of both strength, and craftmenship, their incredible size having Danarshi looking certainly more imposing than the average draenei. The general colour of this outfit is primarily comprised of flushed out greens, purples, and tans, his gloves doing well to promote the green, including his belt and crown, both seeming to possess a foul, burning flame of fel, his crown even including two horns, and his shoulders emitting a sickly, green mist, although none of this display is as it truly appears, being nothing truly demonic, and more so a simple illusion.

Danarshi's cape is among the more elaborate parts of his outfit, his cape baring a darker shade of purple, including a display of silver, and additional tans, much like his robe. The appearance of Danarshi's cape only manages to add to his magnificent staff, it's size remarkably significant, with an enormous, circular, spiked head, it's core glowing the sinister tinge of green seen elsewhere upon his body, the staff's hilt a lengthy addition, proving only to do the staff's elaborate head justice. His purple trophy tabard of the Illidari was torn from a member of Illidan's sinisyer Illidari a number of years ago, and it continues to stick by him to this day, as a show of both dominance, and vengeance, for the crimes that they had committed upon him personally.

Once a harbinger of undeniable melee prowess, Danarshi stood confident in plated gear, and even today, he adopts such a habit, including his robes, which contain many great hints of plated metal, although most evidently over his shoulders, belt, crown, and staff, all of which are crafted almost purely of metal, this bolstering his defence considerably more than the average anchorite. Although not considered a legitimate blacksmith, Danarshi, after using plate armour for such a lengthy period of time, holds the wits to work his way around the basics of blacksmithing, able to successfully combine it's use with his battle robes.


Danarshi is, at the core, a bitter character, the events of his lengthy past weighing down upon him like a boulder of hurt, grief, and guilt. He is persistently known to manifest an incredibly vindictive attitude, and he will not pardon any of those who are not of demonic, or orcish origin, if he is provoked. Irritating Danarshi to a far enough extent may very well prove dangerous for the health of those foolish enough to try his temper.

Befriending a man such as Danarshi will most likely take much patience within an individual, as he bears a large tenancy to ramble on extensively over matters that may even seem insignificant to others. As an individual with such extensive age and experience upon his shoulders, it is only natural that he will often have much to speak about, if the mood correctly strikes him, proving as the reason for Danarshi often largely losing himself quite easily in what even may seem like the simplest of conversations.

An individual simply seating themselves by Danarshi will certainly not prove to be enough to encourage him into a lengthy conversation, as he will often by hesitant, quiet, and rather rancorous if he is not approached with respect, especially for those considered complete and utter strangers to him. Those who may share his guild/order etc. will tend to have a far easier time in breaking through this first barrier of social defence with Danarshi.

Those who show the correct amount of respect for Danarshi will, on most occasions, receive the very same treatment back, most especially for those who have already proven themselves as worthy of his time. Being the truest of friends with Danarshi would only prove as being one of the greatest challenges of all, as with countless memories to grieve and fume over, only those with such a level of trust and friendship would hear, and witness the full extent of Danarshi's inner emotions, and not in a way that would conclusively inflict physical harm upon those that he is venting upon, although naturally, in such an emotionally unstable state, wrongly provoking him in a moment such as this would prove to be highly idiotic.

However, attempting to win the care of Danarshi over would not prove as being nothing but a complete burden, as reaching this level of friendship and trust with Danarshi can prove to have it's many benefits, as he will show tremendous care for these people, often going out of his way to fight their battles for them, whether it be a verbal, or physical conflict. This is quite solely due to the extraordinary amount of loss of loved ones that he has endured over the span of nearly countless years, in turn, meaning that he is far more driven to protect those that he truly cares for, due to a rather tragic fear of losing these said people to death, or worse.

Additionally, Danarshi may be considered a rather impatient character, often wishing to charge head first into a situation, rather than evaluate it accordingly. This may often become an issue for people who choose to venture with him on perilous journeys that are riddled with danger. If Danarshi spots a threat that seeks to have them destroyed, he would likely wish to attempt the very same to them, rather than think it out strategically and/or avoid them entirely. This, however, is far more common when encountering opponents such as demons, or orcs, and it would prove a significant challenge to convince him against attacking these certain enemies.

Ideally, Danarshi should be brought upon a mission involving demons or hostile orcs, -only- if a lot of aggression and possible slaughter upon them is needed, or even wanted. Even when taking the role of a healer, using his considerably limited knowledge of the Holy Light to mend the wounds of his allies, it may prove an issue if battling against those that he holds a grudge with, as his emotions could cause him to act unpredictably.


It is highly recommended that you read this biography from start to finish, as skipping to certain points may possibly cause confusion. An understanding of many of Danarshi's past events are often required to understand sections of his story. Be informed that although this often takes in the form of a summary, as would be expected upon a Wowpedia page, it does tend to flow like that of an actual story, rendering it a lot more difficult to simply skip forward to a later date in the storyline. In recognition of the Wowpedia format, some of the information linked throughout the story may, or may not reveal a glimpse at future events in the story, for the sake of being informative, so please do keep that in mind.

Throughout the course of this story, there will be many moments starring additional characters, such Danarshi's family members, or others who are deemed important enough for a proper spotlight. Although some of these moments will include Danarshi himself, there will be many standalone moments with these additional characters. This is to keep the story flowing more effectively, and also possibly help to develop more of an understanding of those who are deemed as important to Danarshi.

Additionally, please do note that the first seven segments of the story do not necessarily include Danarshi, or any characters involved with him, and are not a necessary read. If you wish to learn more of the land that Danarshi grew up in, then please do proceed to read from the very beginning. If you would rather drop right down into the thicket of the story, then feel free to begin reading from the section: "Long before the Storm".

A lot of time and passion went into the creation of this backstory, so please do enjoy!


Amanalar, the Land of Prosperity

Roughly thirty seven thousand years ago, Danarshi was born upon the world of Argus, the former homeworld of his people, the eredar. Upon Argus were countless different regions, and the eredar, who were considered the masters of their own world, even at this time, likely dominated the majority of the planet. The eredar people thrived extensively off the energies of powerful and unique crystals, found most commonly beneath the earth, this having become the pinnacle of their functionality and success as a society. Their crystals very well shaped them as a people, shifting their architectural designs, powering their settlements, destroying those who would dare inflict harm upon them, and their capabilities travelled far beyond. Danarshi, in specific, was born within a settlement known as Amanare, which was nestled within the very heart of a rural area of Argus, known as Amanalar, a land that housed six separate settlements in total, known as Xzaarven, Boros, Faralihr, Umera, Korus, and Amanare, all of which were dotted separately throughout the region. Amanalar was predominately dominated by large, grassy plains, multiple species of native animals having roamed it's lush, rolling hills, either to simply graze, migrate, give birth, or be hunted by the settlers, or the deadly predators. Spotted around the lengthy outskirts of Amanalar were many peaceful, though dangerous forests, the thicket of these many forests having been much dominated by hostile life, most certainly considered as being among the most inhospitable locations within Amanalar, most especially during the earlier days of Amanalar's society, when they were most poorly defended and organised. Even a small number of towering mountains rested ever so dormant by Amanalar's borders, having added to the natural beauty of the landscape on a grand scale. Despite the peaceful wonders that Amanalar, as a land, brought with it, it was not this that brought life into the eredar who lived within the region, though instead, it's settlements, and the cultural essence that flowed between them.

Amanare, the Heart and Soul

Amanare, the heart of both life, economy, and rulership within the Amanalar region, was the largest, oldest, and most populated settlement, out of the six that were present within the region, situated within the very centre of Amanalar. Amanare had rightfully earned it's place at the top of Amanalar rulership, having founded the very region itself, so naturally earned it's right to act as the capital of the region. Amanare was considered an old village, even in eredar terms, having existed for several millennia before the construction of a second settlement. The raw size that Amanare of itself throughout it's life, was certainly no feat to scoff at, although it's origins was of but a simple rural village, most especially when comparing it to the many constructed wonders that were to be found upon Argus. This marked Amanare as a simple farming village during it's earliest days, having been very rural in it's general design, as the use of timber was far more common than that of the durable metals which had made themselves widely common with eredar architecture upon Argus, this being a grand rarity to it's denizens. Amanare was lit against the darkness of night by torches and lanterns, rather than the use of crystals, which would not come until a later day.

Although Amanare's very origins were of a simple, rural settlement, it did not always remain this way, as it's population had proved only to increase gradually overtime, as did it's size, these both marking a significant difference, though most importantly, improvement, to the settlement, over the span of countless years. In truth, Amanare's past was not always quite as successful and peaceful as many would think, as Amanalar remained an unclaimed land that was ripe for competition, which would have brought many newcomers across it's borders. Many of these newcomers did not come to aid in Amanare's development, though rather to put a stop to it, as they would begin to set up their own settlements across the region, in hopes of competing against Amanare for it's own land. Most of these competitors were simply driven out, or, when extreme measures were required, beaten in battle, though only when matters grew out of hand. In the end, all who challenged Amanare were defeated, as Amanare stood always out on top, and even earned itself some impressive fame in the process. Amanare is only granted lucky that Argus' most fearful powers did not seek ownership of Amanalar, for the settlement's existence would have been but a short one.

Xzaarven, Village of the Magus

Xzaarven, the second settlement to be arisen within Amanalar, was, at first, built in order to support the permanent colonisation of Amanalar, and to ward off any further competition, most hopefully for good. Luckily for the denizens of Amanare, this plan did not only work marvellously, increasing their state of power over the region, and even impressing some who had been monitoring the progress of Amanalar, though Xzaarven itself was even approached by three, peculiar, powerful mages from beyond Amanalar, only soon after the completion of it's construction. Each one of these three mages possessed a different class of magic, these being fire, frost, and arcane. Upon spotting these rather intimidating visitors, the people of Amanalar had their arms at the ready, expecting little more than a violent encounter, though to their surprise, this was but an entirely different matter, as the mages laid down their staves, knelt before the constructors of Xzaarven, and pledged their loyalty to those who dominated Amanalar, that they would be honoured to stay as permanent guests within their new settlement, sworn to bring both it, and the land itself, to further glory. At very first, the idea of having a band of unfamiliar mages, setting themselves up within their new village, was concerning, at the very least, and rightfully so. After hard, immediate thought, the off chance that this would truly bring them all to glory, as the mages had promised them, was well worth the risks that came alongside it, Amanalar's leaders at this time, having accepted the offer of the mages, though cautiously.

These unfamiliar guests made good on their word, truly impressed by Amanare's rough survival over the past several millennia, and were below hesitation to aid them on their road to success, so gave birth to Xzaarven's nickname: “Village of the Magus”. Amanalar did not truly possess any means of legitimate rulership until the following of this event, as the neat and organised manner of the mages, promoted such an idea to the citizens of Amanalar, as they monitored their manner of conduct impressively. Considering that it would only become a due necessity down the line, Amanalar's professional rulership was, at last, born, founding itself within the heart of Amanare, becoming formally known as the “Amanalar Board of Rulership”, the mages of Xzaarven having acted as it's wisest guides, a system which was born with a destiny of success, so led to the true expansion into Amanalar. The own respect that Xzaarven's mages had earned, alone, allowed even the mages themselves their own, unique order, which was named the “Xzaarven Order of Mages”, this order having no grasp over the management of Amanalar as a whole, though was centric on the focus on Xzaarven's well being, and the teaching and management of new and willing mages within the Amanalar population, which would only prove to grow as time progressed, some residents of Amanalar having been exceedingly keen to grasp the practice of magic.

Doros, the Blood and Veins

Doros, the third settlement to be founded, was but a necessary addition to the growth of Amanalar's society, as it was built at the very base of the tallest mountain of the many that bordered the region, allowing extensive mines to be built into the mountain itself. Although several mines were constructed across the region, in search for valuable metals and minerals, Doros was built only when the richest of all mines was located, so earned it's place as Amanalar's official mining settlement. Within it's expansive mines, many crystals and metals, ideal for various manners of crafts, were each mined from the tunnels. These resources, new to the people of Amanalar, did not only advance the settlements of Amanalar significantly, though even allowed them to negotiate official trade agreements with neighbouring regions, increasing their status as an individual nation, as they offered their various crystals, metals, and even timber, in exchange for goods that they had never before had access to. In truth, it was Doros that indefinitely placed Amanalar on it's sure path to grand success and fame.

Never did Doros' mines run dry of resources during the days that Argus remained a world of peace and prosperity, and although only few lived within the settlement itself, the majority of these being the miners themselves, some were simply drawn by the beauty of the mines themselves, and set up home within Doros. The remainder of Amanalar's population remained situated within Amanare and Xzaarven, although most significantly within Amanare, as most who resided within Xzaarven had become powerful and wise users of magic, much like those who first ventured to the settlement, following it's creation. Most importantly, Doros' contribution to Amanalar society led to the creation of structures crafted purely of metal, and crystalline lighting systems. Overall, crystals offered the greatest technological advancement to life within Amanalar, their use expanding from the simple lighting systems, to even advanced defence mechanisms, which could easily ward off invaders, or even shroud the settlements within impressive force fields.

Despite the impressive defences that came with these new technologies, living and breathing guards would always remain a necessity, and worryingly so, never did Amanalar truly have a system of guarding or policing, not until the following of their technological advancements. Adapting to the similar idea that the majority of Argus had come to use, multiple, willing candidates were trained tirelessly, so that they could serve as Amanalar's very first peacekeepers, these men and women serving their region by maintaining the defensive systems of the settlements, patrolling the land and keeping an eye out for trouble, ensuring that the roads between the settlements were kept clean of danger, either by the wildlife or otherwise, and ensuring that general crime within the population would not exceed itself. The peacekeepers acted as Argus' most primary force of guards, so gave birth to Amanalar's use of the name, although their features differentiated. Most importantly, this system was a successful one to Amanalar's prosperity.

Faralihr, the Cultural Renaissance

Amanalar thrived for many more years with only it's three settlements, though in time, the population only continued to inflate, and the expansion of Amanare could stretch only so fast. With the frequent imports that came in due to trading, they began to have increasingly little place to go, due to the lack of a true market within Amanalar. The solution to this problem was but an obvious one, and so Faralihr was born, soon to house the greatest market found within Amanalar, this being located in the very heart of the settlement. Built around the centre were many more buildings that became home to the people of Amanalar, eventually marking Faralihr as Amanalar's second largest residential settlement. Faralihr's marketplace attracted visitors from far and wide, and due to it's increasing importance, it became even a place of cultural importance to the people of Amanalar, this giving birth to multiple community events which occurred frequently within the marketplace, including festivals, celebrations, and even plays, the peacekeepers of the region even including themselves into many of these plays, which gave way for many interesting performances, gripping the attention and respect of eredar both from, and beyond Amanalar.

Unexpectedly, Faralihr granted the region's most respected peacekeepers with an entirely new tier of power and importance, and due to the significant differentiation of Amanalar's primary peacekeepers, in comparison to those found in most locations around Argus, a new order was soon born, those who had earned this place of power being known as an “Amanalar Peacekeeper”, acting as the formal name for their new order. This, however, did not at all replace Amanalar's original peacekeepers, though instead, acted as an elite force, made up of the most powerful, and respected peacekeepers found within Amanalar. Becoming an Amanalar Peacekeeper was one of the greatest honours that could be bestowed upon a serving peacekeeper of Amanalar, and it was considered quite rare. This would only change if a decline in the order's population arose, though due to the impressive physical attributes and wit that these men and women possessed, a population decline occurred almost never. In most situations, the high status of the Amanalar Peacekeepers alone, was enough to ward off entire attacks, entirely due to fear. The first eredar capable of surpassing the many tests required to become one within the Amanalar Peacekeeper order was Duum'viaer, the father of Danarshi.

Umera, the Seed of Life

Surprisingly, for the majority of Amanalar's existence as a region occupied by the eredar, it did not possess a settlement purely dedicated to farming, an act which was, of course, crucial to the survival of the population, having provided it's many sources of food. Although Amanare serving as Amanalar's primary source of food was exceptional during Amanalar's earlier years, approaching the apex of it's society, even through the combined use of trade, it did not prove enough to support the growing population of Amanalar, so began a food depression within the region, several families even beginning to starve. No matter how financially successful the people were, there simply was not enough food to support each family. In order to stabilise the situation during it's peak, food was distributed to the needy. Although this did help to an extent, the population began to grow fearful and restless, and riots were beginning to peak around the corner. Amanalar needed far greater food reserves, and it was obvious that only they themselves could achieve such a thing. So was the beginning of Umera, the fifth settlement, which served as the region's primary source of food, following it's finalisation.

It was weeks before the population was calmed and fed accordingly, though it was Umera that truly delivered Amanalar from a grim happening. In order to avoid such a tragedy from occurring a second time, Umera continued to grow as time moved on, eventually providing such levels of food, that they were even able to add it to their preferable items of trade with the outside regions. Alternatively, the settlement allowed only a limited number of civilians, much like Doros, and was mostly occupied by the land's farmers. Alongside food came other materials, such as dyes and fabrics, which proved useful for further trade, sale within the Faralihr market, and the crafting of items such as clothing and bandages. Although both fabrics and dyes clearly existed within Amanalar before the founding of Umera, it was far more limited beforehand, and not often available for outside trade.

Korus, the Final Breath

The growing success of Amanalar brought only a continuously growing population with it, and despite the dent that it's food depression had nearly burnt into it's side, this was most widely forgotten with time, and progress was not hindered. Amanalar's five settlements served well as home for the population, though in order to truly ensure the stability of Amanalar's future, a new idea had been placed into motion: Korus. Korus was to serve as the first of many new settlements, all of which were to be entirely dedicated to the housing of Amanalar's excess population. Korus was officially the sixth, and final settlement built within Amanalar, proving to be the smallest of all six, though time would have proven to change this. Korus was, perhaps, the stillborn child of Amanalar's future.

Long Before the Storm

By the teachings of his father, Duum'viaer, Danarshi lived his life upon Argus as a harbinger from a considerably young age, and this was of no surprise, as his personality, at the time, was quite strongly forged by that of his father's. Duum'viaer was one with a powerful personality, and although Danarshi did not necessarily take directly after his father's incredibly confident and domineering character, he rather simply became a highly enthusiastic person, notably always having been excited to tackle whatever challenges that life was to thrown at him, and always being openly proud of his achievements. Some had even described Danarshi as being a rather "fiery" character, as he had always been as passionate as he was quick-tempered, not having been the most patient man by nature, although it could have most certainly been worse, considering the incomprehensibly long lifespans that the eredar were able to endure, which, in turn, naturally blessed them with a stronger patience than most, especially during times without conflicts such as war. Although having been quite a friendly character at the time, one with many companions and friendships, Danarshi had always been a fast paced, energetic sort, and if others could not keep up with him, then his relationship with them could have proved rather difficult, although certainly not impossible, as there were, in fact, many who could not keep up with him. Ultimately, Danarshi was an incredibly eager person, and his rise to to glory as a harbinger would come faster than it would for most.

The harbingers were sworn, fierce combatants and defenders of the eredar people. Danarshi became an eventual expert in the use of melee tactics for close encounters, even shaping up to be a notable military figure of significance during his duty upon Argus, commended by the people of Amanalar, and eventually stationed to lead soldiers of less experience, after many years of earning his own experience, yet progress that was made in less time and with more passion than most, this being with little surprise, due to his personality, and the influence of his father. On most occassions, a harbinger in Amanalar was destined to become a peacekeeper (the general term for a guard on Argus), as it was the most practical use of their abilities, unless if solely becoming tutors, or venturing into other lands, in order to find, perhaps, a war worthy of fighting, or a gladitorial arena to battle in, something that did not exist within Amanalar, and would not have been common on Argus, though certainly in existence, most usually, and most likely for the primary purpose of entertainment, or dealing with the unjust. Danarshi, following in the footsteps of his father, pursued his chance in becoming a peacekeeper as soon as it was available to him, and he succeeded with flying colours. Danarshi became a guardian of his home, and people, as an Amanare peacekeeper, and was sworn to ensure that no injustice would slip beneath his gaze. His duty in this role extended from the interior of Amanare's walls, to the exterior areas and roads, not including Amanalar's five other settlements. Leadership, sadly, was never Danarshi's strong suit, as he was one to often make rational decisions, though despite this, his difficulties in this field often proved null, as until he was to rise throughout the ranks as a peacekeeper, he would have little commanding to be concerned about. From here on in, Danarshi's combative expertise would certainly be put to an unfamiliar use, although one that would quickly come to grow on him.

Mordaros, wandering nearby the borders of Amanalar, an impressive construct clearly visible in the distance of a neighbouring region.

Danarshi's younger brother and only sibling, Mordaros, had become an impressive mage from a relatively young age, as he was strongly inspired by many of the stories told to him by his mother, Shi'var, from his early childhood and onward. Passionately insisting that he become a powerful mage during his adolescence, in an ambitious hope of becoming like those in the many stories that had been told to him across the span of his life, Duum'viaer was immediately displeased with Mordaros' dream, having strongly wished for him to become as his brother, Danarshi, had, in the practice of a harbinger. Following the course of what seemed like almost countless heated arguments and disagreements between the two, Mordaros would only prove to refuse against his father's will, something that Duum'viaer had comically not become used to. Shi'var soon took Mordaros to the village of Xzaarven, in pursuit of the many mages that dwelled within it. Conceivably, the Xzaarven Order of Mages were very welcoming of the young, curious Mordaros. After proceeding to spend much time among them, regularly approaching them for tutoring, Mordaros was accepted into the order only soon after he passed into adulthood, after a remarkable amount of success in his studies, most especially for one of his particular age group. He became adept in the art of fire magic, although he did not often have a need to use his knowledge to strike down a living creature, unless if it were necessary for self defence.

Mordaros was known as being the more "logically advanced" of the family, taking much after his mother, rather than his father, as Danarshi had. His mind, however, was anything but perfect, as he was quite a hot headed character, easy to anger, especially when his thoughts and ideals were disagreed with. Due to the many fights between Mordaros and Duum'vier, the two never truly got along with one another, although the respect and friendship that he had managed to maintain with his brother, was far stronger. Impatience was also one of his greatest traits, this sometimes having even proved a worry for the mages of Xzaarven, as impatience could ultimately lead to a power hungry attitude, if not kept in check. In a sense, Mordaros' personality was comparative to that of his brother's, although with a sour twist, and not quite the same level of enthusiasm. Magic, being such an elaborate subject, required much time and patience, something Mordaros would not have strived at, if not for his significant level of intelligence, which, in turn, had him both learn, and tame his practice much faster than the average eredar, due to the rapid pace that he was able to study at, and his gifted ability to absorb almost any knowledge that he was to rest his eyes upon.

Amanalar Peacekeeper Danarshi, wandering the great plains of Amanalar, on a particularly overcast day.

Reflected by his heroic feats over the span of five thousand years, Danarshi was elected a place among the ranks of the Amanalar Peacekeepers, a sacred order of breathtakingly skilled and gifted eredar guardians. Although in most locations on Argus, a peacekeeper was simply a common guard, the population of Amanalar had come to adopt the general idea extensively. As time had passed, the influence of rising stories and legends of remarkable feats and accomplishments of Amanalar's peacekeepers, even if overly dramatised, caused the peacekeeper order located there to shift by it's own accord, so gave form to the Amanalar Peacekeepers, an elite branch of peacekeepers, exclusive to Amanalar. This new breed of peacekeeper did not overtake the traditional branch, and served only as an elite division. Members of this order were naturally considered a huge rarity, as those who were given the privilege to be a part of the order, were often always incredibly skilled in aspects such as combat, and leadership, the expansive skills of their members having primarily made up for their rarity in numbers. If an eredar was offered a place within the Amanalar Peacekeepers, they were immediately noted by the community as being a significantly skilled figure, and one who could be trusted to defend Amanalar and it's six settlements with their very lives. They were a very unique branch of peacekeepers, as opposed to the common guard force of Argus, and their name, the Amanalar Peacekeepers, was a reflection of their sworn service to safeguard their homeland, rather than a single settlement, or area, as did most of the ordinary peacekeepers located within Amanalar.

Duum'viaer, venturing across a vast, distant desert of Argus, on an expedition in the name of the Amanalar Peacekeepers.

Duum'viaer was a venerable harbinger, and a well known, incredibly respected member of the Amanalar Peacekeepers, also proving as being one of it's very first members, likely having been one of the most likely origins of his powerful personality. Duum'viaer's appearance was one carved of both strength, and experience. Born a gifted leader, Duum'viaer often exercised a strict rule, whether it had been over his own children, lower ranking military figures, or even civilians, when necessary. He greatly respected, and appreciated those who did as they were told, even if mistakes were made. Ultimately, it was enthusiasm that meant the greatest deal to Duum'viaer, this having been among the reasons that the bond between himself, and Danarshi, had become so strong. To him, progress was progress, and mistakes were life's greatest lesson. Duum'viaer approached discipline with utmost seriousness, and it was to only be executed if one was either impolite, disrespectful, or disobedient, applying especially to those who did not have a ruling above him, which, within Amanalar, was not many. Impressively, he was even a decorated member of the Amanalar Board of Rulership itself, having held a significant pull in political matters concerning Amanalar and it's six settlements. Unlike the Amanalar Peacekeepers, however, Duum'viaer was not one of the Board's initial members, despite being residing within Amanare even prior to the Board's formation. Duum'viaer earned his place on the Amanalar Board of Rulership only shortly after being admitted as an Amanalar Peacekeeper, and it became yet another display of his venerability.

In truth, Duum'vier was admittedly the key reason that Danarshi had been even admitted as an Amanalar Peacekeeper in the very first place. Despite the number of heroic feats that Danarshi had performed within his life, even they paled in comparison to practically all of his fellow Amanalar Peacekeepers, and his skill as a leader was worthy of scoffing at. During his very first years as an Amanalar Peacekeeper, Danarshi was given little short of harsh treatment for his free pass into their order, though as the son of one of their most respected and venerable members, the backlash was fortunately a lot weaker than it could have been. Luckily for Danarshi, his mistreatment proved to die down with time, when he was given the many opportunities to prove his worth to them, in which he did so, over and over again, whenever possible, although his ability to lead would remain open for debate.

Having become an Amanalar Peacekeeper, Danarshi's duties extended not only to every corner of Amanalar, though at times, even beyond, such as if a threat was to approach their borders. This, at times, even led them dozens of miles beyond their homeland, Danarshi's new role having also granted him the opportunity to venture beyond Amanalar, allowing him to experience locations of the world that he had never even dreamed of visiting, including various distant regions, their settlements, and on a single occassion, even the grand, fabled capital city of the eredar at the time: Mac'Aree. Few who lived outside the great city's walls were granted the opportunity to physically visit the great city, not due to forbidden access, though it's distant location from most, although it's fame often convinced many to embark upon the voyage. When tasked to travel large distances, the Amanalar Peacekeepers (and other respective figures, such as politicians) most commonly approached the mages of Xzaarven, in pursuit of their teleportation capabilities, something they very rarely allowed, other than to those of significant power, such as, typically, the Amanalar Peacekeepers, who, even then, required a valid reason for being supplied a portal. Thus was of little surprise, as Amanalar's people were not known as being travellers, most not ever even leaving the bounds of their homeland. Primarily, the Amanalar Peacekeepers would not even bother approaching the mages of Xzaarven, unless if it were for a quest of utmost importance. Luckily for them, their business within Mac'Aree was more than important.

Being able to step through a conjured portal and experience Mac'aree firsthand was an incredible privilege for Danarshi and his fellow Amanalar peacekeepers. Even to this day, he describes it as being one of the most elaborate architectural marvels that he has ever witnessed with his own eyes, since the very day of his birth. Even the very culture alone was something to be perplexed of, and the organisation of their guard force would have easily given even the Amanalar Peacekeepers a run for their money. In the majority of scenarios, selected Amanalar Peacekeepers ventured to outside civilisations, whether they be near, or distant, either to threaten them, or peacefully negotiate with their leaders, an operation most commonly exercised if tensions were growing, or to simply earn favour with them, in the hopes of forming a trade agreement, an alliance, or even both, if possible. These missions of diplomacy were rarely handled by the Amanalar Peacekeepers, as they were, instead, most commonly tasked as being the guardians of whichever diplomat was responsible for handling the situation, Mac'Aree certainly proving as no exception here. Duum'vier himself handled the diplomatic attempt at securing favour with the civilisation of Mac'Aree. Even he would have been the first to admit that they were aiming far beyond their own league, although, as a member of the Amanalar Board of Rulership, and the Amanalar Peacekeepers, Duum'vier was still the prime selection for such a volatile task. Despite any plans that they may have made, no matter how elaborate they may have been, Mac'Aree was among the most difficult of civilisations to impress, and with good reason. Ultimately, in consequence of this, the ambitious attempt at forming an alliance, or trade route with Mac'Aree, had failed for Amanalar, though fortunately, not all was lost. Mac'Aree's favour with Amanalar was slightly bolstered, most significantly due to the unusually impressive representation of Amanalar's leadership and force, proving more of a victory to the people of Amanalar than they had even been expecting. Truthfully, as this was not the most open of meetings, any remaining residents of Mac'Aree at the present date, would arguably hold no memory of Amanalar, nor their brief visit to their grand city.

Even Danarshi's mother, Shi'var, was a well respected member of her people, though not as a fierce combatant, but rather as a wise and intelligent philosopher. When not nose deep in her studies and lectures, she focused her time and efforts on the maintenance of family, even beyond just that of her husband and two sons. She was a very warm and approachable character, a woman who was always willing to listen to all that others had to say, and be there to support them in their most trying of times. No matter how diverse those around her were, she never allowed them much of a reason to dislike her, most specifically her family, appreciating them all as much as the other, including their goals, varying outlooks, and opinions. Shi'var was even among the few that Duum'viaer would not dare attempt to command about, as their respect for each other was as impenetrable as their bond, one that had lasted for many thousands of years. Like the many that resided within Amanalar, Sha'vir was a home soul, and almost never found herself leaving beyond the borders of her homeland, in the exception of only a single occassion, when she, alone, by caravan, travelled to Mac'Aree. She was inspired by her husband and son, whom had both ventured there on an important diplomatic mission, and found that if she were to eventually die without seeing Mac'Aree even once, then it would barely be a life worth living. Once entering Mac'aree, she remained for a number of weeks, contemplating the magnificence of it's architecture, technology, and culture, even spreading her elaborate knowledge of philosophy to it's people, alongside various stories from Amanalar. This was certainly among the most inspirational moments of her time.

Impenetrable Bonds

The initial nine thousand years of Danarshi's lifespan was noted to have been his period of youthful freedom, as without the responsibilities of raising a family, he had formed many intimate relationships, though none of which had become a serious commitment. It was no secret that Danarshi was a member of a reasonably sized bloodline, one which included multiple age groups, each which obviously contained their own role within the family, such as grandparents, uncles/aunts, and beyond. Although the eredar were not necessarily known to value family to the extent that many other of the universe's races would, including the disuse of a family name, the eredar were still well aware of who’s blood that they shared, and respected their relatives. Nine thousand years following his birth, a time that would forever shift Danarshi's life had, at last, come. Danarshi acquainted himself with a bright eredar woman known as Aelleena. Only five hundred years separated these two in age, Aelleena being the younger of them both. She had a peaceful soul, with a natural talent for artistic practices, such as sculpting and painting, with no incentive for any form of violence. Upon a particular day, during a patrol schedule on the fringes of Amanare, Danarshi stumbled upon Aelleena, who's life was put in the way of danger by feral beasts of the wilderness, no doubt due to the fact that she had brazenly ventured beyond the secure borders of the settlement, in order to collect exotic plants that were used in the creation of certain paints. Danarshi, successfully ridding of such a threat, was greatly appreciated by Aelleena for his heroic deed, and, as such, pledged herself forever in his debt. In truth, the two of them had already known of each other's existence, although to no surprise, as residing within a remote community such as Amanare, despite it's growing size, had rendered it difficult not to encounter every single resident at least once, and Danarshi's fame as an Amanalar Peacekeeper certainly helped in earning him recognition among his people. Danarshi and Aelleena remained in contact on a regular basis, following her rescue, as they continuously traded interests and became familiarised with each other. Contact was more than simple for them, as they both fortunately resided within Amanare, able to speak whenever Danarshi was not attending to his duties beyond Amanare.

It was certainly not long before Danarshi and Aelleena formed a strong friendship with each other. Although their interests were not completely and utterly intertwined with one another, the two had always something to speak of that would interest the other, and plenty for them to learn from one another, this virtually being the perfect match, as some would say. The two new friends had experienced their fair share of romance across their years, although never before had they felt the love that had been forming between them, day after day that they spoke to each other. Neither of them had the courage to confront the other on such a matter, proving rather ironic, especially in Danarshi's case, due to the brave, burly hero that he had supposedly been. When Danarshi had finally managed to break free of his shell, it did not come without a colossal amount of nervousness, though Aelleena only met the poor, embarrassed Danarshi in joyful acceptance of his romantic request. As the two grew comfortable with their newly formed relationship, their love and care for each other became eternal, a sensation that neither one of them had ever come to feel before, until that time. Before a century had even struck, a joyful marriage ceremony took place, uniting the two together, with a pledge to never abandon each other's side. To the eredar people, a pledge such as this meant more than nearly anything, due to the unwavering amount of time that a couple are to spend with each other, if they are to avoid facing a timely passing, and remain loyal. Together, they lived in each other's company for three centuries following their loyal marriage, until the inevitable came to pass: a new additions to their young family came to be. Aelleena gave birth to their first child, a girl whom they named: Irenora.

A thousand years following the birth of Irenora, Danarshi was more than eager to offer her the tutoring required in order to become a harbinger, something in which he had been eager to do, since the near date of her birth. As inspired as Irenora had been by her father's heroics, most especially his presence within the legendary Amanalar Peacekeeper order, sadly, she knew well enough that her calling rested elsewhere, and not through handling physical weaponry, using them to cut down enemies through raw, close quarters combat. Luckily for Irenora, Danarshi was not nearly as strict as Duum'viaer, and he happily accepted his daughter's choice, continuing to show his love for the person that she desired to be. Irenora certainly did not plan on tarrying when it came to finding her purpose, and set out to find her own destiny. She did not have to search for long, upon discovering: arcane magic, a practice that truly sparked her inspiration above all. Truthfully, some of this influence originated from her uncle, Mordaros, who had become far beyond adept in his abilities as a fire mage. Irenora found her undying interest in the arcane arts, when exploring a series of woods that closely loomed by the village of Xzaarven. Despite the well known dangers of Amanalar's forests, Irenora, even in her youth, had always been shaping up to be a strong, confident person, and these warnings of danger were certainly not enough to keep her curiosity at bay. Fortunately for her, she had not a reason to regret her choice upon that day, when she stumbled upon a group of powerful, though peaceful mages, rather than a pack of wild beasts with a hungering for flesh. These mages had clearly wandered from Xzaarven in search of solitude.

Within a neat clearing in what was coincidentally the very centre of the woods, the mages sat side by side in the formation of a neat circle, a pattern physically etched upon the ground within said circle, gleaming in arcane radiance. Most impressively, they had noticed the presence of the curious Irenora since the very moment that she had entered the woods, their senses heightened by ten fold more than the average eredar, something that she was not aware of in her uneducated state, as she stalked them from a nearby series of bushes with effervesce intrigue. Approach her they did not, as they proceeded with a magical ritual, an awe inspiring sight to one who had not experienced the many marvels of magic. Irenora witnessed the entirety of the ritual, and she was stunned by the phenomenal display, one which had touched the whole of the forest clearing in an intricate, though stunning display of varying shades of light and colours, working against the very laws of physics itself. Intelligent enough not to overstay her welcome, Irenora made her leave from the woods, following the magical ritual that she had bared witness to. Irenora could only dream of being able to achieve such things as what she had seen upon that day. Impatience ate away at her the longer that she waited by, eventually pushing her to visit Xzaarven itself. The warm welcome that she had received upon entering the Village of the Magus came with much initial surprise to her, until it had become obvious to her that it had truly been a crafty plot by those particular mages that she had encountered within the forest, whom had purposely performed the ritual before her, in order to bolster her interest in the subject of magic. Rather than being angered by this happening, Irenora was, rather, impressed by the ingenuity of the mages. Upon that very day, Irenora was accepted into the ranks of the Xzaarven Order of Mages, in which her studies in the art of arcane magic would begin with soaring passion on her part.

Irenora's entry into the Xzaarven Order of Mages came as an immense surprise to her family, who hadn't even a clue of her interest in the field of magic. Fortunately for her, their negativity was nil, and only did they openly pledge to give her their full support, even including her grandfather, Duum'viaer, who had already experience a happening such as this firsthand, following his second son's involvement with Xzaarven, which, despite his refusal to train as a harbinger, taught Mordaros many great lessons. Although Mordaros accompanied Irenora within the ranks of the Xzaarven Order of Mages, he did not often affiliate himself with her directly, as his study of magic was of significant difference, meaning that there was little that he could teach that would be of true interest to her. Despite the very essence of a mage functioning off of the use of arcane, no matter whether they specialise in fire, or frost, Irenora preferred to directly channel only arcane alone, rather than twisting it into a different form, as her uncle did. The two did, however, have many engaging debates over the two schools of magic that they pursued, often more comical than serious in nature.

The Burning Dawn

Once the darkest of all days had at last struck, when Sargeras and his Burning Legion began their reign of manipulation and corruption over Argus, Danarshi was convinced that these astounding offers of power beyond the comprehension of the mind were an offer far too grand to simply pass down, willing to give himself up to these almighty strangers over such an affair. Once the word of truth from the naaru: K'ure, had been personally delivered to one of the three members of the eredar triumvirate: Prophet Velen, bestowing upon him the wisdom of the terrible truth behind Sargeras, and his plans for the eredar, he was swift to spread this word among the eredar people, attempting to warn as many as he possibly could of Sargeras' deception. Danarshi began to grow a state of caution, however, it was Aelleena who grew the largest concern, seeing nothing more than malignant lies within these promises of power. Danarshi was hard struck by the situation, though the eternal love of his life had a vastly greater sway over his will, more than these mysterious visitors could ever hope to harness from him. This risky offer of power would never be worth the safety of his own family, if the Prophet Velen's message had been correct. It became apparent to Danarshi that Aelleena was no fool, as after some time, those who refused the Burning Legion's offers of power began to slowly disappear without a trace, including many that Danarshi had known, particularly his own brother, Mordaros.

Once Velen had sent out the word of truth behind the manipulative Sargeras and his Burning Legion, true chaos began to break out, as Velen's co-leaders: Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, cried out in utter disgrace over the betrayal of Velen. Upon the march of all eredar who had been successfully corrupted and converted into the forces of the demonic Burning Legion, it became clear to Danarshi that for the very sake of his loved ones, he was left with no alternative choices, other than to take a one way escape route from his beloved homeworld that he had sworn to protect. Velen had promised the resistance a viable escape route from the planet, with the help of the naaru, at the peak of the tallest mountain on Argus. As the time for the final retreat came, Danarshi, Aelleena, Irenora, Shi'var, the citizens who had managed to survive the initial onslaught of the Burning Legion, and others belonging to Danarshi's bloodline, fled from the encroaching demons, beginning their voyage for the tallest mountain on Argus. This would prove to be a perilous journey, no time to be spared for rest along the way. Duum'viaer, however, refused to flee his homeland, and although his family pushed him extensively to shift his priorities, it was of no use. Duum'viaer, followed by the entirety of the Amanalar Peacekeeper order, excluding Danarshi, made the decision to remain behind and defend Amanalar to their final, dying breaths, staging their final stand within the centre of Amanare. If Amanalar was to fall on that day, then they would fall with it. Danarshi was, surprisingly, seen as the opposite of a coward for his choice to flee, as he acted as the lone Amanalar Peacekeeper, whom would defend the many civilians of Amanalar in their evacuation, and live to be the final voice of the order, if the others were not to endure the coming battle. Following a sorrowful and regretful farewell, Danarshi, and the rest of the survivors, began their journey, laying eyes upon Duum'viaer's face for the very last time. They were luckier than most, to have lived approximately only a few dozen miles away from the mountain, increasing their chances of survival, though the risk was still prodigious. Dozens upon dozens were cut down during this perilous journey, no matter how hard Danarshi tried to protect them. Even with the combative aid of Irenora, who had become an admirable mage by this point, they stood little chance. Those who perished, acted as bait to slow their attackers down: the man'ari, the name given to those of the eredar who became malformed by the Burning Legion's corruption. Many of their skin turned either red, or a sickly, faded blue colour, in the wake of their corruption, with their eyes blazing in a sinister new magic that they had never seen before: the fel.

Danarshi was forced to slay many of these cretinous eredar, who he had once called his kin, Irenora, and those of the civilians who were able to hold a weapon, joining him in the fight. They passed through burning forests and plains, beneath skies choked with smoke, destructive creatures known as: infernals, raining down from beyond Argus' own atmosphere. Upon reaching the base of the colossal mountain, waves of death had been endured by both the citizens of Amanalar, and the Burning Legion, in order to reach it. As they began their climb up it's towering altitude, their circumstances would only prove to grow worse. Tragically, only Danarshi, Aelleena, Irenora, and a few civilians present within the group, not including even a single other member of their bloodline, had managed to survive. Danarshi was forced to watch on, as the countless civilians, including his own mother, Shi'var, and the remainder of his family, lost their lives during the great climb up the mountain passage. There was little that could have been done to save them from their harrowing end, and it was undeniably enough to haunt Danarshi for the remainder of his days.

Fleeing Fate

Those who had managed to survive the momentously labored climb were able to experience what was among the most stunning of sights that they had ever before bared witness to: the grand arrival of K'ure, and a Dimensional Ship known as: the Genedar. This ship would be their one key of escape from Argus, and without it, they would not last even an hour where they stood. Danarshi, and all of those who had been durable enough to reach the rendezvous atop the grand mountain peak in response to Velen's call, abruptly boarded the Genedar, their only means of survival. As the ship powered up, it was revealed to have been powered by K'ure himself, who much served as both the vessel's battery, and pilot. This had been the first moment that any eredar, save Velen, had laid eyes upon a naaru; their magnificence was enough to dawn a new age. The Genedar barely managed to escape through the atmosphere of Argus intact, trailed closely by the Burning Legion, only to be forever chased throughout the midst of the Great Dark Beyond, until their annihilation was accomplished.

Swearing an oath that he would some day return to see his homeworld vanquished of the evil that had swept over it like a wave of engulfing darkness, Danarshi carved three, deep scars into each of his cheeks, as an eternal reminder of the six settlements: Amanare, Xzaarven, Doros, Umera, Faralihr, and Korus, that had been lost on his homeland of Amanalar, and those who had lost their lives within said settlements, such as Duum'viaer, who's survival would have been near to impossible, beneath the imposing might of the demonic army. Danarshi joined his people on their journey throughout the cosmos, yearning the day that he would, at last, be able to return to his rightful home, and achieve his vengeance for what the Burning Legion had done to his people, and their world.

The Genedar

The Exiled Ones

Danarshi, and his eredar brethren, all now admittedly refugees of Argus, had officially become known as the “draenei” (“Exiled Ones”), and had set out on a long journey throughout the Twisting Nether for the course of nearly twenty five thousand years. The naaru had become a symbol to the draenei people, standing out as godlike beings for them to worship and follow, for both hope, and glory. The naaru had granted them a gift, greater than anything that they had come to witness ever before in the past of time: the powerful, radiant embrace of the Holy Light. At first, Danarshi approached this unfamiliar study cautiously, rather wary of these new teachings that the naaru had offered him, at first refusing against the sway of the Holy Light. For many years, he simply maintained his skill as a harbinger. Although he was grateful for what the naaru had done for him, his family, and his people, he was strictly attached to the older traditions and cultures of Argus, meaning that it took far more time and effort for him to have been convinced to embrace a practice as new and unfamiliar as the Holy Light.


Danarshi's twelve thousand year experience of Argus had brought him very closely attached to his home planet, causing him to develop a far fetched and rather twisted desire of returning there at some point in the future. His goal, following their escape aboard the Genedar, was little more than to vanquish every single demon in existence, even beyond those who were guilty of killing and corrupting his people. At this point in time, Danarshi would not cease his lust for violence, until Argus was reclaimed for his people, even if it were to be to the death, proving his undying hatred for the Burning Legion.

During this period of immense grief, hatred, fear, and uncertainty, the slightest glimmer of hope shone over the horizon. For the draenei, no matter how long of a wait it would be, there would come a day where their vengeance against the Burning Legion would be sated. Even during this time of waiting, they were free from the demonic corruption that the rest of their eredar kin succumbed to, and were able to roam the cosmos as they willed, in search of a new world to call home. Danarshi and Aelleena, on the other hand, agreed upon the decision of marking this monumental time in history, with the birth of their second child. This child was born a boy, who they named: Kai'soran. Kai'soran would be the first of Danarshi's bloodline to be born a member of the draenei people, being brought into the world only very briefly following their timely escape from Argus. The very existence of this young boy was symbolic, the transformation of eredar to draenei. He was to be considered a foundation of the Exiled Ones, one of those who came about to carve the existence of this new race. It was only certain that regardless of who Kai'soran was to become, he would be a highly respectable individual.

The Light's Embrace

The draenei who had lived aboard the Genedar, including Danarshi, Aelleena, and Kai'soran, had gradually began succumbing to the Holy Light as their primary choice of practice. Aelleena was the first of her family to embrace this alien practice, as she felt as though the long awaited time to discover her true and hidden potential, had finally arrived. Although she moderately continued to maintain her skill in sculpting, painting, and her several other crafts, they became little more than simple hobbies, their purpose acting as little more than distractions during her free time. She used her new-found knowledge to heal the wounds of her people, rather than to cause injuries to her enemies. In reflection of this, Aelleena became known as an anchorite, a Holy priest of the draenei people. Kai'soran was, at first, weary of nearly all teachings that were presented to him, still very much in his youth when this occurred. As Danarshi influenced him in the ways of the harbinger, Aelleena did the complete opposite, encouraging him to become a peaceful anchorite. Kai'soran, growing to be a fair soul, who did not wish to choose a side with either of his parents, found a means of pleasing them both, equally. Following Danarshi's lessons in the art of a harbinger, Kai'soran combined it's potential with Aelleena's teachings in the potency of the Holy Light. With steel and Light combined, Kai'soran became: a vindicator, and one of the very first in existence. The vindicators are draenic warriors who use the Light in their attacks, aiding them in striking down their foes with deadly precision. Kai'soran became a highly open minded individual as he became of age, after so boldly taking on two different skill sets simultaneously, and combining them together into a greater coexistence. Despite his attitude, however, Kai'soran was bred into exile upon the Genedar, possessing a natural hatred for the Burning Legion, and most dark magics, such as fel. As a natural born draenei, he, too, opened his mind to the teachings of the naaru, accepting all of the knowledge that they bestowed upon him.

It was only a matter of time before Danarshi crumbled beneath the tempting sway of his wife and son, eventually feeling as though his purpose as a harbinger had slowly become irrelevant. Only with the settlement of new worlds was there an active threat for him to combat, though often only meagre, at best. Additionally, his duty as an Amanalar Peacekeeper had become non-existent following his escape from Argus, and was now a defunct and forgotten order, as he lived on as it's sole survivor. Seeking a path that would prove far more helpful to both himself, and the draenei people as a whole, he courageously traded in his weapons and armour for a staff and robes after many restless nights, openly accepting the teachings that the naaru had to offer. Danarshi was granted nearly countless millennia to become a powerful and venerable anchorite of the Holy Light, in which he was quite strongly influenced by his wife. Using his new found abilities, he did as Aelleena had done: tending to the wounded and sick, which proved to be of far more use to his people at the time, and in the foreseeable future, rather than standing by, idly, with a weapon in hand, though not an enemy in sight. The capabilities of the Holy Light became apparent to Danarshi, and he was impressed. Although Danarshi excelled in the use of the Light, his strong focus over this subject caused his melee prowess to slowly wane as the years flowed by him. Although he continued to find the time to maintain his skill as a harbinger, he did not nearly train as much as he used to, and could not hope to remain as skillful as he had been upon Argus. Additionally, the maintenance of his skill as a harbinger proved invaluable in the maintenance of his body, keeping his strength and health in good condition at all times. He would forever be considered a harbinger, though by no means as his primary class.

As Danarshi, Aelleena, and Kai'soran, became respectful users of the Holy Light, Irenora sought no involvement throughout the entirety of this affair, continuing her studies into the use of arcane magic. She became an incredibly venerable mage as the years flowed by her, and even began to study into the art of bending arcane into the elements of frost, and fire. Through her success in magic, Irenora also proved to be an admirable advisor to her people, with exceptional skill in leadership.


Twenty three thousand grueling years following their departure from Argus, the draenei people continued to endure as exiles on the run from their sacred enemy. Across the vast expanse of these years, the draenei found world upon world to colonise, each facing devastation only briefly following their arrival there, as the Burning Legion remained ever persistent to put an end to their race. This endless cycle was enough to drive most mortals into madness, most certainly having become evident upon Danarshi by this point, although despite his sanity, which gradually continued to decrease at a steadier rate, he, and his family, continued to endure, despite their increasingly lower odds of ever laying witness to their beloved homeworld again, or even having a chance at defeating the Burning Legion, who only continued to grow unchecked. It had been lifetime upon lifetime for the eternal bond mates, and their children had grown into some of the finest members of their society. After the eons that had passed by them, Danarshi and Aelleena both began to require reason to continue fighting, to never lose hope, or reason. They marked this time in history with a third child. Her name was: Leanarhi, and she was to be a living and breathing example of the resilience of the draenei, the race that never gave up their hope, and never ceased to continue searching the Great Dark Beyond, for a means to achieve peace.

As Leanarhi came to be, the period in which she was born was much unlike that of which her older siblings had originated from. Not only had the draenei people changed, though so had Danarshi, and Aelleena. When Leanarhi came to be of age, neither one of her parents found it fit to dictate the course of her life to her, as they had both tried with Irenora, and Kai'soran. Leanarhi was a secluded, though resilient character, accepting the presence naaru as any draenei would, although she was quite not as open about their teachings as most had been. Placed into existence so that she may seek out her own purpose, Leanarhi did not feel as though her place belonged among the anchorites, vindicators, or even harbingers of her people. Not one of these practices felt satisfying to her, and she knew that: what ever was out there, waiting for her, it would be ultimately up to her, and her alone, to find it.

The Great Dark Beyond

As the Genedar travelled the stars of the Great Dark Beyond, in exploration of the Twisting Nether, Danarshi experienced many unique, unfamiliar experiences when the draenei had halted their journey various times in search of a new home, exploring planets entirely alien to them, some of them representing true beauty, whilst others were vaguely bearable. Unfortunately, the Burning Legion continued their pursuit over the draenei with persistence, forcing them to remain forever on the run, never truly finding the opportunity to name a new planet home, until the day that the naaru K'ure, who had acted as the very source of energy for the Genedar, fell gravely ill. Lacking the required energy to keep the Dimensional Ship functional, the Genedar was soon to crash land upon the surface of a new, unique planet. This planet became known to the draenei as: Draenor (“Exiles Refuge”).


Exile's Refuge

So abruptly would twenty five thousand years of search for a new home, come to an illusive end for the draenei people. For so, so long, they drifted throughout the Great Dark Beyond, the naaru being their only hope, their only salvation. Each and every planet that they had found, was soon to be nothing short of ravaged by the Burning Legion and their utterly chaotic Burning Crusade. How and when would they escape such persistent devestation? As K'ure fell gravely ill, perhaps, by chance, this question was, at last, answered. Without the Genedar's core functioning correctly, the Dimensional Ship was doomed only to crash into whatever solid body was closest to it, so which happened to be yet another, unscathed world. The Genedar did not drift for long before hitting the soil of a land so lush, so green, a land known only as Nagrand. As rough and traumatic as the crash landing had been, almost all concern had been whisked away at the seams, when the golden sunlight and delightful breeze, met with the senses of the emerging draenei. As beautiful as this land had been, the world in which it rested upon, had not a name to be called by. Draenor, "The Exile's Refuge", a word which became the draenei's own solution to this problem, gave them a comfortable means of referring to what was soon to become their next 'home'. At last, had they found their desperately sought escape from the Burning Legion? Danarshi, among others, were not so convinced of this upon taking their first steps upon Draenor's soil, although not one of them could deny the beauty that this world seemingly basked in.

Kai'soran specifically took a shining roll in aiding with the establishment of draenei occupation within Nagrand, whilst Danarshi, Aelleena and Irenora, were among the first of the draenei to venture beyond the perimeter of Nagrand, eager to discover just what it was that was awaiting them beyond the mountainous ranges bordering the rolling green hills of the peaceful land they had crashed upon. So marked their time within Nagrand as only a short one, when they proceeded to bid a difficult and touching farewell to both Kai'soran, and Leanarhi, after the imperviously powerful bond that had been formed between their family, during the lengthy journey throughout the cosmos. Following their touching farewell, the three of them set off for the distant, unknown lands of Draenor, although this was certainly not the first time that they had experienced the pleasure of uncovering the secrets of a new world.

Their journey most certainly was one to be remembered, as they passed by lands of barren desert, freezing blizzards, towering spires, everlasting night, and at last, golden forests, filled with the comforting sounds of countless forms of life, the entire atmosphere combined giving a safe, though grand feeling to nearly any who would wander through it. It became known as Talador, another name to have been born by the draenei. Talador was famously considered as being the very heart of Draenor, both literally, and in draenei society. Danarshi had passed through Talador more than once during his journey to discover a new land to settle down within, and it was certainly considered as being among the most visually stunning of all, both to himself, and his fellow people. It was a place that Danarshi, Aelleena, and Irenora, would gladly name their next residence, despite the obvious fear that from literally any moment, it could all go up into flames, and reduced into nothingness. Hope was not an easy thing for them to come by, and this new land offered them as much as they were going to possibly find. This, alone, granted them sufficient relief.

The City of the Dead

Danarshi, the radiance of the Holy Light forming within his hand, the elaborate halls of Auchindoun set out behind him.

Danarshi and Aelleena, by this point in time, were considered as being near masters of the Holy Light, and were among the very first to embrace the idea of the construction of a grand structure that would serve the sole purpose of housing the fallen, and honouring their passing. This structure became a reality, and was named Auchindoun (“City of the Dead”). The creation of the Auchenai followed almost immediately, the Auchenai's purpose having been to serve as the keepers of Auchindoun. Both Danarshi and Aelleena became incorporated into their ranks on the very day that this faction was formed, and so heralded their new purpose, one that would last for longer than either of them would have initially come to expect. Never again during his days within the Auchenai would Danarshi raise another blade, and Aelleena was more confident in herself than she had ever been before. In this, they were both ready to face the challenges ahead, without distraction.

Surprisingly, among the first of the bodies stored within the newly forged crypts of Auchindoun, was that of the naaru known as D'ore, who had become gravely injured during the crash of the Genedar. Due to this happening, D'ore had crossed over into a voided state, a process that all naaru pass into, only when they near death. During this state, the voided naaru absorbs nearly every soul that near it, absorbing the very energy of these souls. The voided naaru continues this process, only able to put a stop to it after it has gathered enough energy to regenerate from this state, and regain it's connection with the Holy Light.

Safeguarding D'ore was only one activity among many that Danarshi, Aelleena, and the entirety of the Auchenai, were profoundly relied upon to uphold during their time within Auchindoun, and as such, it was also considered as being an incredibly deep secret to be kept by the Auchenai, one that was to never be revealed to the public, as doing so could have undeniably had disastrous consequences. Whilst most believed that the spirits of their loved ones were approaching Auchindoun in order to find their peaceful, eternal rest, they were truly passing into their final demise, drawn and completely absorbed by D'ore. This was rather disturbing to Danarshi, that such a noble species could pass into such a darkened state, though as the saviours of his people, he could only be honoured to ensure that the naaru was to remain protected, and that it's process of recovery was to never be disturbed.

After being forced to work among the spirits of his people on such a regular basis, Danarshi became personally involved with them in more ways than one, despite the fact that he could not even see them. Most importantly, he began to note the peculiar rise of a new practice within the Auchenai, one that used a class of magic that was highly unexpected to him: shadow, and those who practiced this magic were commonly referred to as "soulpriests". Although Danarshi would normally flip out in disgust upon seeing such a practice being used, he was quick to learn, as were the remainder of the Auchenai, that a soulpriest was strictly expected to use their knowledge over shadow magic, in order to communicate with the spirits that were constantly passing through Auchindoun, allowing the soulpriests to aid them as necessary, so that no spirit would become lost during their search for D'ore. If such magic was to be used in any other way, the suspect could face immediate banishment, or worse, although in theory, shadow magic is truly an offset of the Light, which, in turn, was likely the sole reason as to why it was so accepted by the Auchenai. Ideally, without shadow, the Light cannot even exist.

The soulpriests were more than aware of the ramifications that the mistreatment of their practice could have upon them, and thankfully, this kept them in place at all times, despite the fact that no soulpriest would ever dream of using their abilities to cause harm to their kin, wishing only to aid them with what they had learned, and Danarshi was almost intrigued by this, surprised that the use of dark magics did not twist the draenei who were brave enough to use them. Although Danarshi had strongly practiced the art of an anchorite for many thousands of years, becoming incredibly venerable in the practice, it had also convinced him to be considerably more curious in regards to external practices. Danarshi was actively interested in the role that the soulpriests held within Auchindoun, although it was their initation that convinced him to turn his interest into another direction, for the time being. Those who sought to become a soulpriest, were made to consume a carefully procured potion, one that would forever grant them the ability to see the spirits of the dead, if consumed. Danarshi was more than uncomfortable in perusing the possible madness that could follow with the consumption of such a potion, and for the time being, continued to serve the Auchenai as an anchorite. He had already witnessed countless deaths among his people. He did not trust what toll that mysterious potion would have on his mind, although he would continue to watch the soulpriests with intrigue. He was interested to see who they would become in the future, and if they would remain in check. Aelleena, however, held no interest in this affair, sworn only to uphold her duty as an anchorite, forevermore.

The City of Light

Irenora specifically sought for a different path to follow, rather than simply joining with her parents as a keeper of the dead within the ranks of the Auchenai, something that she was most certainly not interested in pursuing, and for good reason, one that many would have shared with her. Upon learning of the construction of a brand new city, it's future rumoured to be grand in scale, said city becoming known as Shattrath (("City of Light")), Irenora wished her parents her love and good fortune, her departure a difficult one, as it was so with both Kai'soran, and Leanarhi, though she did not give in to her emotions, and she then set out for this brand new city, aiding in it's very creation, and aiming to claim her one, true destiny amongst her people. Following the completion of this city, Irenora incorporated herself into the ranks of the Prophet Velen's new order, the Aldor. Although it was predominately an order that was appreciative of the naaru and their gift of the Holy Light, Irenora found it more than possible to claim her place within their ranks. Though she did not show strong signs of drifting towards the influence of the naaru and the Holy Light, she did actively manage to form a far greater respect and admiration for them through the priesthood of the Aldor, even beyond what her parents had convinced her upon, and her arcane excellence found far more than one use for her newfound peers. Irenora had found her calling upon Draenor, and with this thought, she had found her comfort.


Leanarhi, practically an ancient by this time, though still without a true purpose to her life, mustered a greater courage than she had ever before managed, as she set out on her very own journey of enlightenment, wandering the lands of Draenor, in search of her true calling, leaving her beloved brother behind to tend to their people within Nagrand. Her journey lasted for weeks on end, as she braved the harsh weathers of environments, some of which were almost completely alien to her. She persevered with determination, until her journey brought her upon the frozen land of Frostfire Ridge, in which she explored with great effort, the sight of the white land and it's towering mountains, much shaped like enormous spikes, brought her sheer awe, without a doubt. Leanarhi grew foolish upon traversing extensively into the ridge, as she began to falter in supplies, and was far too lost to have any immediate hope of finding her way out of the chilling land. It was only a matter of time before she was caught within the chilling embrace of a powerful blizzard, and when death began to call her name, she was miraculously rescued by an orc male by the name of Brundak, a member of the Frostwolf clan. Brundak nursed Leanarhi back to health over the span of multiple days, and luckily for her, he had dealt with such situations dozens of times over the span of his life, the Frostfire Ridge a location infamous for claiming the lives of the unweary.

Much of Leanarhi's recovery was spent learning how to even understand Brundak in the very first place, his language obviously foreign to her. Luckily for Brundak, the draenei were faster learners than most, and within a week, she could already speak simple Orcish. Eventually, Leanarhi did find the strength to tread back outdoors, and as much as he had urged against it, she insisted that she accompany Brundak on one of his hunting trips, something that he had perhaps foolishly spoken told Leanarhi of towards the end of her recovery. Brundak had already revealed himself as a gifted hunter, often tasked with tracking down and killing exotic beasts for his clan, when necessary, although Leanarhi was more than willing to see if he could back his words up with physical proof. Brundak eventually crumbled, and the two of them set out into the tundra, in persuit of the young, icehoof clefthoof, found most commonly in the northern reaches of the Frostfire Ridge.

Brundak demonstrated his gift with a bow, and Leanarhi was more than intrigued. She insisted that Brundak allow her to give hunting a shot for herself, and luckily for her upon that day was that Brundak had brought them both a younger herd of clefthoof on purpose. He was obliged to show her the way of the bow, and even after his first practice demonstration to her, she managed to fire her very first arrow with ease, although it did unfortunately bounce awkwardly off of the surface of a nearby boulder. Brundak was surprised that she had even managed to successfuly fire her first arrow from the strong, although all the same, he let out a hearty chuckle at the embarrassed Leanarhi. For the remainder of that day, he willingly taught her in the art of a hunter. By the end of said day, Leanarhi was already hitting targets, and luckily for her, this was still only to be the beginning of her training. After three years had passed by, Leanarhi had not once left the compounds of Frostfire Ridge, and she was nearly a literal expert with a bow, almost no target evading her accuracy, and, to a certain extent, almost as capable of hunting game as deadly as Brundak could, as she already moved far beyond any training that he could offer her. In fact, it was almost hard for him not to be jealous of her incredible feat.

Considered as being accepted by the Frostwolf clan at best, Leanarhi, by the persistent influence of Brundak, was allowed to occasionally accompany the clan on their journeys to Nagrand, in persuit of the mighty clefthoof herds who were known to migrate beyond the borders of Frostfire Ridge when the change of season occurred. This often brought them to the site of Oshu'gun, the remnants of the Dimensional Ship Genedar, renamed by the orcs themselves, the meaning behind Oshu'gun being “Mountain of Spirits”. To Leanarhi, Oshu'gun, or more so the Genedar in her personal case, was a monument baring great reminiscence of both herself, and her people, serving as a reminder that never should she forget that she is draenei, and that it was the draenei who helped raise her into the person she had become. These trips to Nagrand often granted Leanarhi the chance to frequently remain in touch with her brother, Kai'soran, who continued to spend his days overlooking the progress and prosperity of the draenei within Nagrand, until he too found his true calling upon Draenor.

Initially unexpected by the two of them, after five years had passed since their initial meeting, both Leanarhi and Brundak came to develop a deep love for each other beneath their strong companionship, and friendship, and although they were never able to declare an official marriage, they openly expressed their love for each other, Leanarhi "settled" herself down within Frostfire Ridge with Brundak, although the two of them certainly did not give up their thrilling hunts in both Frostfire Ridge, and Nagrand. Due to Leanarhi's race, the two of them hadn't much of a choice other than to move beyond the borders of the primary Frostwolf settlement, Wor'gol, building themselves a home from the ground up, the structure of such a building inspired by Brundak, and the aesthetics by Leanarhi, one obviously reminiscent of orcish culture, whilst the other being of draenei, making an interesting combination, to say the least. Despite their fair distance from Wor'gol, Brundak was by no means considered an outcast of the clan, although slightly disrespected for his choice. Both Brundak and Leanarhi continued to aid the Frostwolf clan openly with food supplies gained from their hunts, to prove their ongoing respect and care for the clan, which earned them the same treatment back, for the most part

The Temple of Karabor

Kai'soran had remained strictly located within Nagrand since his arrival upon Draenor, helping to preserve his people's fledgling civilisation there, and often watching over the Genedar, and the dormant naaru K'ure who remained nestled inside, acting as the very soul of the Dimensional Ship, in a sense, as his voided state absorbed the orcish spirits who roamed the site, very much in common as to what had happened to D'ore, who continued to rest within the crypts of Auchindoun. K'ure, too, had sustained critical injuries during the violent descent of the Genedar, which had initially forced him into his voided state.

It brought Kai'soran as much interest, as it did amusement, that the orcs had actually managed to transform the Genedar into such a prevalent site of religiousness, upon naming the crashed Dimensional Ship to the Orcish word: Oshu'gun, meaning: Mountain of Spirits. Despite Kai'soran's wish to prevent the orcs from causing any form of harm to the Genedar, fortunately for him, and his people, they treated the site with much peace, and respect, Kai'soran remaining strictly out of their way due to this.

Although life within Nagrand was both peaceful, and simple, Kai'soran could not have possibly felt further sated with this peace that was continuously being kept within Nagrand. After hearing word of the sacred Temple of Karabor, which had been constructed by the eastern shore of Shadowmoon Valley as a holy temple of worship for the draenei, said to stand at a grand scale. Kai'soran, accompanied by a small group of his kin, simply had to experience this sight for themselves, with an excitement that they may find a more interesting purpose there, their lives having been quite dormant since landing upon Draenor.

Kai'soran, accompanied by these strangers, travelled from the near exact west of Draenor to it's very east, never before granted the chance to properly experience their new homeworld, until that very journey. Said journey itself had enlightened them as much as the sight of Karabor would prove, as they were able to experience brilliant sights, such as Shattrath, and Auchindoun, both something to truly behold, although upon reaching the Temple of Karabor following several tiresome days of journeying, the sight was nearly unmatched. Kai'soran was amazed by the scale of the temple, the ingenuity of draenei craftsmanship certainly not faltering by any grand measure, since their escape from Argus.

Maintaining his role as vindicator, Kai'soran proudly served as a defender of Karabor, and heavily worshipped both the Light, and the naaru, within the holy halls of Karabor's primary structure for the coming years. Shadowmoon Valley was only just as beautiful as Karabor, if not even more, and Kai'soran was proud to call this land his new home during his coming years upon Draenor.

Darkened Descent

Shadows began to course through Danarshi's mind once more, as he continued to uphold his duties as an anchorite within Auchindoun. Still, he could hear the spirits of the dead, calling out to him, speaking his name in whispers. At times, he had even seen them in his sleep, beckoning for him, crying out for him, with pained looks upon their faces. It was unknown if these spirits were truly haunting him, or if his sanity was beginning to take it's toll upon him, after having chosen to work within the environment of the dead for multiple years, and even then, not even a century had passed, and he could feel himself changing, faster than he ever had before. At last, darkness grasped at Danarshi's shoulder yet again. Danarshi knew that the time had come for him to claim his destiny within the Auchenai as a soulpriest, caused not by courage, though by angst.

There was little delay following Danarshi's request to embrace the practice of shadow, and after perhaps one of the mightiest, longest drawn breathes of his life, he consumed the shadowy concoction. His vision wavered and multiplied, and only moments later, at last, he could see the dead outside of his dreams, wandering the halls, nearly as though they were alive, some even floating, passing through walls. Aelleena immediately knew that Danarshi had done this, and rather than being pleased, she was furious. For countless years, she had studied alongside her beloved husband, to master the Light as anchorites. Although the soulpriests fulfilled a brave and noble role, Aelleena knew Danarshi best, and the stability of his mental health. She was concerned for him, and if he would be able to carry out his new role. Most importantly, she did not trust that he could, and this was most certainly a problem, for the both of them.

Time only continued to pass by, though upon Draenor, time had been working much differently for Danarshi, feeling much more like a forceful wind, rather than a flowing stream. Since Danarshi had consumed the shadowy elixir, he had only continued to change, becoming heavily isolated, often speaking of pure nonsense to both himself, and complete strangers. Not only did his frequent interraction with the dead change him for the worse, though it even began to twist away at his dreams, which became more haunted by terrible visions of the pain and suffering of his people than they had ever been before, the memories of the loved ones that he had lost over the many thousands of years even occurring during the occassional dream. In truth, it became erroneous to refer to Danarshi's experiences during sleep as dreams, though rather more as nightmares.

With such a strong lust for vengeance over his fallen homeworld, burning no less brightly within him than it had been since his departure from Argus, even Danarshi began to notice his own struggle against his very own sanity, and it did not help him, at all. Everyday, he would spend his hours dealing with ghosts and corpses, laying the broken to rest, deep within Auchindoun's crypts, and guiding the lost spirits to the fallen naaru D'ore, only to be consumed before his very eyes. Danarshi would only prove to become not only more disturbed, and anxious, though even more hateful, and vengeful, each corpse and spirit reminding him more, and more of the pain that the Burning Legion had forced his people into for such an immeasurable period of time, and the more that this continued to happened to Danarshi, the more that it felt as though the walls of Auchindoun were closing in around him.

Aelleena, who also held a grudge over the Burning Legion, although far less severely than Danarshi ever had, could not comprehend his bizarre and troublesome change in behaviour. She expected that he would change, though not to this degree. Whenever she would attempt to create social interaction with her husband, he would simply become flustered and excessively annoyed, dismissing her with anger and frustration, at times, even ignoring her entirely, almost as though she did not even exist. In reflection of such neglectful treatment, their relationship began to wither away at the seams, nailing a crack into their bond that was once so strong, that it had been thought to have been impenetrable. Perhaps the most tragic fact of all, was that Danarshi was almost too lost to even realise what he had done to Aelleena, and it was truly tearing her emotions apart.

Noble Intent

Frequently, the Auchenai would send caravans either ripe with, or in search of supplies, deployed to draenei settlements located within Talador, such as Telmor, Tuurem, Aruuna, and most especially, Shattrath City. On each caravan trip, differing members of the Auchenai would be granted the option to embark upon the trip, acting as an opportunity for the Auchenai to find temporary release from the City of the Dead, which proved to be a limited, though refreshing breather for them, proving as some form of aid to the stability of the mental health of certain members of the Auchenai, Danarshi notably having being one of these members, without a single doubt.

Many, many years following the initial descent of Danarshi's mental stability, even after the remnants of love between Aelleena and Danarshi had all but dwindled into complete and utter nothingness, there was a certain day that contained skies shrouded in blackened clouds, looming over the horizon of Talador, a storm soon to seep in over the heads of the Auchenai who travelled with the supplies caravan on that particular day, Danarshi having been with these travellers on said day. They ventured down the road leading to Tuurem from Auchindoun, the attention of the caravan soon caught by the sound of loud, sorrowful weeping, the attention of the concerned Auchenai caught by the sight of blood, red in colour, soaked into a nearby patch of grass, trailing behind a concealing set of bushes, and into the thicket of the forest before them, certainly an unlikely sight within Talador. Undeciding on who was to be sent to investigate this disturbing find, as it was seen as crucial that the caravan continue travelling for Tuurem before the brewing storm hit, Danarshi, determination brewing up within his heart, a feeling that he would almost never be able to achieve when caught within the halls of Auchindoun, accepted the role of investigating the mysterious turn of events, to the surprise of his companions.

Danarshi, sitting upon the caravan itself, climbed his way down to the ground, before proceeding cautiously into the bushes before him, the caravan continuing on it's route to Tuurem, the distance from Auchindoun only a walking distance away from Danarshi. The sound of heavy grieving grew louder the further that he pushed into the thicket of the forest. Upon passing a wall of thick shrubbery, it was then that the eyes of Danarshi were met with the sight of an orcish woman, down upon her knees in a pool of blood that did not even belong to her. An infant, her son, who looked almost newborn, was wrapped tightly within the woman's arms. An orcish man laid lifeless beside her, proving to be the source of the blood soaked ground. By near instant evaluation, it was exceedingly simple for Danarshi to figure out that the three, orcish characters in front of him, were of family.

Beside the fallen man laid three corpses, belonging to that of the arakkoa, these certain arakkoa serving as members of a faction known as the Adherents of Rukhmar, who notably possessed the ability to take flight. Although the Adherents of Rukhmar were native to the Spires of Arak, and were far more numerous within such a land, they would often pass beyond their own borders in search of artifacts knowingly related to the Apexis civilisation of arakkoa, who had become extinct, long into the past. Due to their intrusion, these arakkoa occasionally presented themselves as a danger to both orcish, and draenei life, and these arakkoa had certainly been the cause of the event that was set out before Danarshi's eyes, as his face was now full of pity for the suffering woman.

The orcish woman, clearly aware of Danarshi's presence, simply stared up at him with pleading eyes that were drowned in her own tears. Upon pointing out her dormant child did Danarshi realise that the infant appeared to be deceased, a deep slash etched into the chest of the orcish child, clearly caused by the attacking arakkoa. “...P-please... help...” was all that came from the woman's lips in the draenei tongue, her understanding of such a language clearly at a minimal level. Silent, although feeling great sympathy for the grieving woman, Danarshi knelt before the woman and gazed the child down, his eyes shut close. Upon placing his large hand atop the bleeding chest of the boy, the Holy radiance of the Light coursed through the body of the child, at first, proving to have no effect, though only the very moment before Danarshi declared the boy beyond rescue did his small, fragile, right arm, twitch with the spark of life, shocking both Danarshi, and the orcish mother. Danarshi continued channelling the mending effects of the Holy Light into the body of the child, the deep cut across his chest having sealed into a mere scar. At last, the child had awoken from near death, almost immediately falling into tears, the mother ecstatic over the revival of her child, as her own tears continued to roll down her own cheeks, although not of sadness, but rather of joy, and relief.

Such happiness would be sufficient enough to place a smile on the faces of even the darkest of characters, though as Danarshi would revert his healing focus to the slain man beside them, clearly the father of the child, it proved to be of no use, as all of the remaining life that had resided within the man's body had fled from him, his spirit having already moved on, likely to seal it's fate among the draenei souls within Auchindoun. Danarshi stood, and took his step back from the motionless man, the woman having at last turned her eye to her husband, before gazing up at Danarshi questioningly, Danarshi having simply shook his head at her with a deep frown, silently informing her that the man had not made it. The woman collapsed by the deceased man, and her tears seeped into the bloodied leather cowl upon his back.

Danarshi, having felt greatly downhearted for the loss that the woman had endured, knowing much about the loss of family, leant by her, and placed a comforting hand upon her back, before her watering eyes glanced back up at him, “What is... your name?” were the questioning words she spoke to him, Danarshi having stared her down in silence for a matter of seconds, before at last responding with: “Danarshi.” in his own tongue, knowing only nothing about the orcish tongue. A weak, though thankful smile, emerged upon the face of the woman, as she replied with: “Thank you, draenei... Thank you. Leave, please... I bury husband now.”. Danarshi did not express a single care for her lack of fluidity when it came to the draenei tongue, and simply issued the woman a respectful bow and a parting smile, before turning back the way he had came. After becoming a soulpriest, Danarshi only rarely had the chance to grant such acts of kindness, and upon doing so to a native species of Draenor, this was certainly a new experience to him, one that warmed his heart.

Little had Danarshi known that the family of orcs he had come across were of Gorgrond origin, and represented the Mok'Nathal clan. However, they had been on the run from their clan, who often treated them with cruelty, due to their orcish origin, many of the Mok'Nathal being of half-ogre blood. When the orcish mother, Ruika, and her child, ventured back to Gorgrond, following the burial of her husband, who was known as Drathas, they were easily tracked down by the Mok'Nathal clan, Ruika and the child forced back into their ranks. The child became known as Danarsho, in reference to Danarshi, his saviour.

The story of this young orc's life, is one for another day.

The War Machine

Long following the passing of Brundak, Leanarhi lived her days primarily alone, within the walls of the home that they had built, together, so very long into the past, a building that she had gone through great effort in order to maintain over the course of such years, orcish architecture clearly not designed to last long beyond the life span of one of their own people. However, she was not without purpose, as she continued to do what she, by now, knew and did best: hunt, in honour and respect of her deceased love, and the Frostwolf clan, who had come to respect her determination following the loss of her partner, despite Leanarhi ceasing her participation in the great Frostwolf clan hunting expeditions to Nagrand, following Brundak's passing.

Little did Leanarhi suspect, a time of enormous peril would once again wash over the draenei people, who at last, had found comfort upon a new world, convinced that they had finally found escape from the Burning Legion. Little did the draenei know that they were anything but right, as at last, the Burning Legion had found them, and Kil'jaeden did not plan on allowing their escape, as they had already managed several dozens of times across the span of the past twenty five thousand years. Rather than taking the direct approach, as the Burning Legion had done each time before, Kil'jaeden decided to take the draenei by complete and utter surprise, in a way that they would not have possibly been expecting. He managed to conjure the beginning of a storm of concern and mistrust for the draenei throughout the orcish people, following his deceitful contact with the warlord of the Shadowmoon clan, Ner'zhul, through a false vision of his deceased wife. Although this, on it's own, did not have any significant impact, it virtually carved the way to the eventual event of Gul'dan's corruption of the orcs, through the use of the Annihilan, Mannoroth's blood.

This new breed of orcs, corrupted by the fel energies of the pit lord's blood, abruptly set out upon a bloodthirsty campaign, one that would aim to drive the draenei people to extinction. Leanarhi, at the dawn of this tragic age in history, was unexpectedly caught by a large group of these marauding orcs, during a perilous hunting expedition, which led her to the top of a towering cliff within Frostfire Ridge. These orcs came as only a surprise to Leanarhi, as almost immediately, she knew that these were not members of the Frostwolf clan, their garments entirely different. They bared a torn and blood soaked banner of the Warsong clan, each and everyone of them with skin as green as poisonous acid. These orcs had approached Leanarhi by no friendly means, and within moments, proceeded to attack her with all of their savageness. Leanarhi was certainly at a disadvantage, with no desire to battle with orcs, though with all of the skill and ingenuity that she could muster, Leanarhi fought against her own will, and battled off these terrifying aggressors, managing to kill quite a large number of the attackers, despite their furiosity and surprising resilience.

Even despite Leanarhi's greatest efforts at repelling the attackers, it would not prove sufficient enough against the overwhelming number of orcs that were being thrown at her, only continuing to push closer, and closer towards her, some of them even mounted upon wolves. No huntress could fire fast enough to repel such an attack, and Leanarhi could not last another minute, before being completely overwhelmed by the Warsong aggressors, having forced her to the very edge of the cliff that they fought upon. By this point, it was clear that her fate had already become sealed. It was this moment that Leanarhi felt herself collapse beneath the overwhelming pressure, and all hope that she held only a moment beforehand, fleeted from her, entirely. She did not know what malformation had corrupted these orcs, nor did she know why they had dared tread over the borders of the Frostfire Ridge in such a warmongering fashion, though she knew all too well that she was nothing more than game for them to kill on their way to a larger target: the Frostwolf clan, who's warlord, Durotan, had refused to have his clan succumb to the fel corruption, bravery that was rare during this time, and for good reason. For this reason, the near entirety of the orcish race were now out for their blood, and anything in their way would be obliterated.

Leanarhi would not dare offer the Warsong a chance to spit into her face and be responsible for taking her life, only for them to continue fourth upon some of her most trusted allies. Upon raising both of her arms to her sides, much like a bird, her bow still in hand, she simply allowed herself to fall backwards, barely a second to spare, as the marauding orcs stomped on the very spot that she fell from. Over the edge of the cliff did her life come to a close, too quickly for anybody to even comprehend for such an ancient being. Leanarhi, a soul with such an open, welcoming heart, had become among the first of the victims to the rising orc war machine, despite her incredible isolation from her own people, something which still could not save her. Danarshi's youngest child was the first of his family to have their life claimed by the coming genocide, proving only as a sign of the sheer darkness that was to follow. If Argus was not the dawn of darkness for the draenei, then this most certainly was.

Auchindoun Down

The passing of Leanarhi marked only the beginning of the orcish onslaught of Draenor, which became evident in only a matter of days, as already, the rising conflict had found it's way to Auchindoun, where both Aelleena, and Danarshi, continued to reside, unknowing of the approaching wave of destruction. These belligerent attackers were but another orcish clan to have consumed the blood of Mannoroth, tainting them, just as the Warsong clan, among many others, had been. They stormed the City of the Dead with roaring battle cries of, at the immediate time, unfathomable, searing rage. They were the Bleeding Hollow clan, led by the notorious Kilrogg Deadeye. The attack was as brutal as it was relentless, many of the draenei present at Auchindoun having faced death in only a short amount of time, despite their greatest efforts in preparing for such an unanticipated assault. The Auchenai were simply far too unprepared for an attack of such scale, and their losses were only continuing to pile up on a tragic level. Danarshi was forced into a difficult position, having lost much of his immediate knowledge in the art of melee combat, something he had once specialised in, and he knew by heart that he would not dare abuse his knowledge over the shadow, despite how dire the situation was. In result of this, he was no longer confident in close quarters combat, and was yet to test the might of the Holy Light against an opponent, something in which he certainly had not attempted to exercise during his years as an anchorite, this having complicated his situation even further.

The Bleeding Hollow orcs pushed relentlessly into the inferior forces that the Auchenai had roughly set up in a matter of minutes, as a desperate measure of defence. Although this attempt of retaliation bought them precious time, it was very limited, and Auchindoun was excessively quick to endure heavy structural damage, met only with a rising number of draenei casualties. By this point in time, the battle had already been lost for the Auchenai, and this was painfully evident to all present upon the battlefield. Danarshi, not necessarily interested in meeting death, gave himself a choice that he knew would further break his being. The distraction that the Auchenai were making would only last for so long, and so Danarshi was to either fight alongside his order to the very death, or sieze the moment at hand, attempting an escape for Shattrath City. As much as Danarshi had come to treasure the Auchenai as his kin, he knew that he had a greater purpose than death at the hands of the Bleeding Hollow clan. With his heart bleeding with guilt and regret, Danarshi ultimately decided to turn his back on both the Auchenai, and Aelleena, who was caught in the thicket of the battle, aiding the wounded Auchenai. Danarshi made haste for the north-west, where Shattrath awaited him. His mind was clouded beyond belief during his guilty escape, although he would truly suffer from what he had done, when he would be allowed to properly contemplate his actions. Danarshi had survived the downfall of Auchindoun, and now he would see if he was worthy of his deliverance from death.

False Hope

After spending almost centuries on end upon the site of Auchindoun, Danarshi was familiar with the general layout of Talador on only a basic level, as he had only the poor level of knowledge that he had possessed during his numerous caravan journeys between the various settlements to rely on, which proved to be among the only occasions where he had even grasped the opportunity to venture beyond the proximity of Auchindoun. He wandered through the gleaming forests, the sound of clashing steel sounding behind him, disturbing the usual peace of the forest. Danarshi found himself quite fortunate to have run into a very minimal, if any, amount of trouble during his lone journey to Shattrath. After an hour of restless wandering, where had finally begun to feel the price of his actions weighing down upon him, painfully experiencing the guilt of leaving the former love of his life to the mercy of the marauding orcs, though he could not let it stop him, and he did not stop, until at last, he reached the outskirts of Shattrath City. Knowing of Irenora's presence within the city, he knew where he was to go, and so, he ventured beyond the city's walls, the sight set before him grand at scale, almost serving him a direct reminder of the famous city: Mac'Aree, the former capital of Argus, a place that he had ventured to only once himself, though it was a privilege to be remembered by Danarshi for the remainder of time, the city being cherished by the entire draenei people to even that very day.

Shattrath served as a powerful symbol of hope for the draenei people, that peace and prosperity could eventually be found once again for his people, and that Draenor could have been that very world in which they had been searching for. Unfortunately, Danarshi knew all too well that this sign of hope was nothing more than a misleading lie, an illusion, for he had seen more than enough death and destruction to know that this was more than the case, and following the attack of the Bleeding Hollow clan at Auchindoun, he would not allow this illusion to twist at his own will and common sense. Danarshi knew that it was only right to be prepared for the worst, no matter how peaceful life may seem, and Danarshi knew that the very worst may have been marching on their doorstep at that very moment.

The search for Danarshi's daughter hastily led him to the Aldor Rise, the home terrace of the Aldor, nestled high up the mountains that rested directly by Shattrath City, forever watching down over the glorious city. Danarshi's search was not a difficult one, and the following reunion of Irenora and Danarshi was heartwarming, as much as it was tense, as Danarshi was certainly not as he had once had been mentally, added the state of trauma that he caught in, after his timely and costly escape from Auchindoun. Irenora was devastated by the news of Auchindoun and Aelleena, and openly allowed her father sanctuary upon the Aldor Rise, Danarshi considered quite lucky to have not been caught out by his daughter for the cowardly betrayal of his bondmate. Danarshi proceeded to question Irenora on the whereabouts of his two other children, Kai'soran and Leanarhi, though only Kai'soran's location was known to her, still stationed at the Temple of Karabor. Both the fate of Leanarhi, and where she had gone for the past several years, was entirely unknown, and due to the unfortunate course of history's events, it was at risk of remaining a mystery, one to never be solved. Although Danarshi forced himself to believe that Leanarhi had managed to survive, and remain hidden out within the world, Danarshi would eventually be forced to accept the fact that it was beyond a mere possibility that his daughter had been killed, and he would more often assume her death, rather than her survival.

Irenora was a woman with a notably powerful will, having a near mastery at shrouding her true emotions, with a very strong, proud character. Her bond with Aelleena had been exceedingly strong, far more powerful than it had ever been with that of her father. Danarshi could actively tell how badly his daughter was aching over the situation with Aelleena, when her emotions of grief and worry would literally consume her, causing her to act with greater anxiousness than he had ever bared witness from her, and when alone, at times, she would even lose complete control over herself, breaking down into tears, occasionally within Danarshi's arms, which certainly did not help keep his own emotions in check, to any degree. When word of the orcish corruption had begun spreading amongst the people of Shattrath, the very atmosphere of the city was swallowed in intensive stress, and misery. Danarshi felt no different, already accepting the fact that the orcs would soon march upon the draenei capital upon Draenor, and that the draenei would not stand a chance against the overwhelming numbers.

The Siege of Karabor

Soon came the devastating fall of Karabor, Kai'soran present on the day the orcish armies came brutally charging into the temple itself, and it's surrounding area, slaughtering all draenei that they could find, sparing them no remorse or mercy, their eyes burning in searing rage and anger, almost as though they were placed beneath a trance, a haze of violence and aggression. Kai'soran had heard word of the orcish outbreak prior to the attack on Karabor, though never did he believe such a rumour to be true. Battling with tooth and nail, Kai'soran knew that the sacred temple would not stand a chance against such a vicious army of attackers. A defensive strategy became hopeless, and escape was the only means of survival. Recovering as many children, women and unarmed, innocent men as he could, Kai'soran took his group of draenei refugees and made haste from Karabor, before the orcs had yet gained the chance to block all exits. It was not quite so simple, as he did not manage to escape without receiving new scars, as he was forced to take the lives of numerous orcs, for the safety of both himself, and the refugees, smiting the orcs with the Holy Light, and breaking their bodies with his two handed mace. His escape was successful, though the lives of a few refugees who had been at his side, fell during their timely escape, the blood and guilt laid out on Kai'soran's hands, as it had been his duty to ensure the safety of the refugees during their escape.

Kai'soran wandered the outskirts of Shadowmoon Valley, fortunate to have ventured across the land quite extensively in the past, both on his first journey to Karabor, and on multiple other occasions during his stationing there. He knew where the orcs would be present most, and how to avoid their movements and settlements. Knowing that Shadowmoon Valley would remain a safe haven for a only a very brief period of time, before becoming far too overwhelmed by the orcs to ensure survival for any member of the draenei race, Kai'soran knew it best not to take their chances taking refuge in such a place, as he, and his group, decisively proceeded for Talador, seeking out the City of the Dead, Auchindoun, where his parents were thought to reside continuously up to that very day.

The Fall

During the long and perilous journey of Kai'soran and the refugees, the dark day that the residents of Shattrath City had been expecting had at last come before them. The orcs appeared in staggering numbers, their force unmatched. They surrounded the city of Shattrath, the draenei falling into panic, as the city's defences dashed about with desperation, doing whatever they possibly could to secure a formidable defence, despite the fact that it had already become obvious to them that they would lose hundreds of lives at the very least. During the dawn of this attack, Danarshi stood upon a platform located behind a building on the Aldor Rise, the entirety of the city visible before him, and the closing orc armies in his clear view. He began to feel himself fall into a state of utter shock, as he watched his people hopelessly set up a defence against the superior invaders. Irenora was quick to appear by her father's side, urging him to find safe refuge within the Shrine of Unending Light, though mustering his shock, he was unable to do anything other than transfer it into pure anger, a feeling of vengeance washing over him, as the bloodthirsty army set out before his very eyes reminded him sorely of the Burning Legion, the countless lives they had taken, and the destruction that they had caused upon his people. This may be seen as ironic, as it had truly been the fault of the Burning Legion for the corruption of the orcish race, though at the immediate time, Danarshi had been unaware of such a happening. In reflection of this, Danarshi refused to take refuge during yet another time of great death for his people, and with much struggle by Irenora to have her father change his mind, she could not possibly hope to snap such sense into the man.

Danarshi joined up with the forces of the Aldor, Irenora directly by his side on their march to battle. Traditionally, with such anger coursing through him, he would have even considered taking a head on charge into battle with a weapon in hand, though come this day, he no longer gave a care how his enemies fell, and only that it would be done efficiently, and painfully. This time, Danarshi was no longer afraid, as he primed the luminous energies of the Holy Light within the palms of his hands. This time, Danarshi was prepared to fight, and he would not dare make the same mistake that he had made at Auchindoun. With the naaru's blessing surging through his veins, Danarshi, and those that he was marching alongside with, charged for the orcish hordes, upon a bridge that led it's way out into the wilderness. As the orcs promptly began their siege over the city, balls of exploding flame bombarded the city, soon to shroud the skies with the smoke of burning structures. The clash upon the bridge was brutal, the sound of blades meeting with shield and flesh being heard clearly by the draenei combatants, as multiple screams of agony followed. Although consumed by rage, Danarshi was not foolish enough to place himself at the front of the draenei force, and so remained within the protection of those in front of him, as did Irenora. Danarshi smote the orcs with hostility, the amount of pain and suffering that the Holy Light alone appeared to cause came as a mighty surprise to him, after using the gift only to mend to the wounds of his people, or to act as a guide for their lost spirits, though nothing more. Sickeningly, though typically enough, Danarshi enjoyed watching the pained expressions spread across the faces of his opponents, and this he would not have been ashamed to admit to.

Irenora was among the most powerful combatants present upon the bridge, harnessing the ability to literally detonate her victims into a pile of gore with pure, arcane energy. They relented against the charging orcs for nearly five minutes straight, though no matter how many orcish corpses would pile up on top of one another, their numbers would simply not wane, and they only continued to make their push over the bridge. Slowly, the draenei force was withering away, the need of an individual with healing potential becoming desperate. Unfortunately, Danarshi was the only soul present upon the bridge who truly knew how to tend to the wounds of the injured, though following such a relentless burst of pure combat from his own fingertips over the course of several minutes, he began to feel his energy deplete, as his abilities weakened following each he casted. Irenora repetitively yelled at her father with desperation, in a frenzied attempt to have him focus his abilities on the healing of their wounded. After eventually coming to his senses, Danarshi knew that his daughter was correct, and with as much strength as he could possibly muster with his hastily depleting mana, he shone the Holy Light down over those who fought at the front, specifically targeting those who were greatly weakened from their wounds. With the help of Danarshi, the bridge was held successfully for an additional two minutes, until he was physically unable to continue. This was the moment that the glimmer of hope that they held above them truly began to be extinguished, and the fatigued soldiers of the draenei were cut down with increasing haste.

Danarshi fell to his knees in result of his depleted energy, Irenora ceasing her fire, watching, as she had also realised that the orcs had them beaten in the fight. Her glimmering, blue eyes watered up in barely restrained tears, as she was forced to accept this grim truth. She lit up her hands with arcane energy once again, as she had hastily opened an unstable, one way, one use portal that floated directly in front of her, it's location unpredictable, as she was forced to save both energy, and mana, for the fight before her. “Forgive me for this, my father.” were the words she spoke, when her grip tightly snatched on to the bulky arm of her father, forcing him to his hooves. Danarshi pulled, thrashed, and resisted weakly against his daughter at the sight of the unstable portal set out before them, causing tears to have began forming even within his own eyes, as it had become obvious to him that his daughter was willing to sacrifice her own life for his survival. His stare was met by his daughter's. “Always know that I loved you.” were her final, parting words, as she wrapped her arms around Danarshi, acting as a hug, though in guise of pushing him forcefully through the portal only seconds later, Danarshi defencelessly sent stumbling through, the portal having closed behind him. For the following minute, Irenora did not dare relent to the enemy. Up until and beyond the very moment where she was the very last draenei standing upon the bridge, she screamed out in bellowing rage, blasting away at the dozens of charging orcs with all that she had left, corpses sent flying over the very edge of the bridge. It was a massacre, until the arcane energy that had once coursed from her fingers, lessened to little more than sparks of depleted mana. In response to her inevitable defeat, having grasped it minutes beforehand, she simply fell down to her knees, accepting her fate, as her life was quickly taken by the orcish hordes.


Sent aimlessly trailing through the Draenor ley line network with no specified destination, Danarshi was expelled from the network only moments after being forced through the portal by Irenora, dazed, as he fell from the air and into the cold, watery depths of the Zangar Sea. For multiple seconds, he sunk, barely conscious, though was fortunate enough to have landed nearby the shores that bordered the Zangar Sea, and was soon to hit the seabed. This was quick to alert him, and as he had began choking away on the salty water, he frantically flailed his arms desperately for the surface, kicking and swimming as hard as he possible could, the weight of his gear proving to have been a large burden on his ability to do so. Danarshi had perhaps been at the very embrace of death, only barely managing to meet with the surface of the water, as he spluttered and gagged away, whilst making his way for land. Danarshi was now left at the peril of an entirely unknown land.

Kai'soran and his group of surviving refugees made great progress on their journey to Auchindoun, as the fabled City of the Dead soon fell into their view. It was that very moment that brought the sheer feeling of shock and distraught into the minds of Kai'soran and the refugees, this having clearly shown upon their faces, as Auchindoun laid before them in near ruins, clearly the site of a recent battle. They were not required to stray closely to the temple, as it had become painstakingly obvious that such an assault was by the hands of the orcish hordes, many of these attackers still present within the area at that exact time. Kai'soran, who was clearly unable to risk the lives of himself, and the refugees, for only the slimmest chance of finding his parents in a living state, fell to his knees on the very spot they stood, chanting a prayer of hope for the sake of not only the survival of Danarshi and Aelleena, though all other surviving draenei who had already been sucked into the orcish machine of war, and those who would soon join them. Although his prayer had been aimed specifically at the naaru, it became unknown if such a prayer managed to reach them, and without a single call ever returning to him, he was left to assume that such a prayer did not manage to reach them. Accepting the hopelessness of approaching Auchindoun any further, Kai'soran and the refugees turned their path back towards the west, with a thought of hope that Shattrath City still stood tall and proud. Typically, this hope was crushed only later that very day, as they bared witness to the smouldering remains of the City of Light. Kai'soran was heartbroken by the sight, forced to accept to the overwhelming possibility that Irenora, Danarshi, and Aelleena had all, by that time, met with their gruesome ends. From this moment fourth, Kai'soran would be as lost as that of Danarshi, forced to continue wandering the war torn lands of Draenor, in hope of locating draenei survivors, ensuring the very survival of himself, and the refugees, who had little choice but to stick with Kai'soran as their guide and leader throughout the conflict, or else risk receiving a grim fate by the hands of the orcs.

Danarshi had been overwhelmingly fortunate to have landed within the Zangar Sea region, as it was considerably the safest haven for draenei survivors during the acts of genocide committed by the orcs, though that did not mean that danger did not lurk there. For the very first time in several millennia, Danarshi had at last surpassed his initial fears and doubts, picking up an able weapon as soon as he could. After many days of revising his once rich knowledge in the arts of a harbinger, Danarshi was confident enough in his ability to defend himself, and so set out into further areas in search of survivors, food, and fresh water. Arguably, as an extremely avid user of the Holy Light, Danarshi could have very well become one with the vindicators, if the correct training had become available to him. Without a mentor to guide him down such a path, he was forced to separate these two skill trees, unable to merge them together into a single force.

Ultimately, Danarshi was quite successful in all three of his endeavours, the outskirts of the Zangar Sea ripe with exotic fruits, creatures to hunt down, ponds to retrieve fresh water from, and even coming across many draenei bands of survivors. With these various groups of survivors, Danarshi often fought against bands of orcs, or packs of wild beasts, who would occasionally track them down and attack them, Danarshi also having proven himself of being a very useful healer to the wounded following battles, or those who would fall ill with sickness. Unfortunately, Danarshi had never gained the chance to remain within such groups for extended periods of time, as they would eventually be overwhelmed and beaten, forcing him to make a retreat. In other cases, the groups would simply come about to destroying themselves from the inside, in fights over scarce supplies of ingestible food, and the complete loss of hope and sanity for many of the survivors, Danarshi quite often the cause for such social outrages amongst the groups, due to the increasingly poor standing of his own emotions and sanity. Preferably, when a member of a band of survivors, Danarshi would spend much of his time ensuring the survival of said group, keeping himself heavily busy, in order to divert his mind from thoughts that proved dangerous for the health of both himself, and those around him. On multiple occasions, Danarshi, alongside various of the groups he had come across, were forced to venture into extremely dangerous territories such as Talador and Gorgrond, in order to retrieve food, when certain areas of the Zangar Sea did not deliver enough. Much of the aquatic life present within the water proved difficult to catch, or unsafe to eat, due to the presence of poisonous spores, which had also proved to be an extremely common problem with the general plantlife.

Fortunately for Danarshi, this was not only a time of tremendous loss, though a time of bountiful gain, for the skills of survival he had began to learn would carry with his soul, for the remainder of eternity, becoming even remarkable at scouring the seas in order to fish up impressive catches, despite the great difficulty that travelled alongside it, only proving an additional boost to his skill over time. Naturally, a basic knowing of herbalism and skinning arose before Danarshi, during these times of grievous struggle, although never did he truly excel at these professions.


Upon one unsuspecting day, Danarshi, and all other life present upon Draenor, were forced to bare terrible witness to the horrific destruction of this beautiful and forbidden world, following the construction of the Dark Portal within the Tanaan Jungle, in which the orc's used in order to lay siege upon the world of Azeroth, in hope of claiming it for themselves, this war becoming known as the First War. The First War was notably a great success on the behalf of the orcs, although their victory was only short lived, as they were eventually pushed back through the Dark Portal by the newly formed Alliance of Lordaeron, in what became known as the Second War. In response to their defeat, various orcish Warlocks opened up multiple dimensional portals scattered all over Draenor, in a desperate search for yet another world that could fall victim to their berserking armies, as Draenor itself had become a land far too ravaged by destruction to be considered a land safe to inhabit. War had even broke out among the orcs themselves, when Kil'jaeden and the Burning Legion had abandoned them to their unknown fate, following the defeat of the draenei at Shattrath City . In response to the sheer amount of unstable energy generated by the activation of the dimensional portals at a single given time, the entirety of Draenor was violently torn to shreds. The incredibly limited remnants that remained of Draenor were now left only to float endlessly through the Twisting Nether, like that of a lost spirit, this ravaged, obliterated world becoming well recognised as Outland, serving as a reminder of just what the Burning Legion is capable of, whether or not the bulk of their forces are even present upon a planet to begin with.



Danarshi was on his own during the birth of Outland, nearly deafened and knocked unconscious by the sheer amount of force and noise generated by Draenor's brutal destruction. He was left to watch, as the Zangar Sea drained over the course of hours, arguably minutes. In reflection to it's major loss of water, the Zangar Sea was rightfully renamed Zangarmarsh, though became much further hospitable to land dwellers, due to the emergence of vast, new dots of land. This soon led Danarshi to the draenei settlement of Telredor, a marvel of draenei ingenuity, as it was featured atop a towering mushroom, an impressive elevator having granted passage from the ground to the settlement itself. Danarshi had heard much of Telredor since his arrival into the outskirts of the Zangar Sea, though never truly did he find a legitimate need to seek out such a refuge, prior to the destruction of Draenor. Teldredor served as an old retreat for draenei anchorites and spiritualists, which granted Danarshi great acceptance and respect upon his arrival at the moderately refugee-ridden settlement, due to his venerable skill in the Holy Light. Although the peace had been well kept within the first number of days, dozens, perhaps hundreds of draenei survivors soon flocked to the safety of the towering refuge, if they had not done so already, proving to become a very crowded, uncomfortable place.


Danarshi had spent the majority of his time living off the land of Zangarmarsh in seclusion during this particular period, venturing to Telredor only when seen as necessary. To him, silence and tranquillity was considered golden, and he could not ever forget how crucial it was to keep himself well occupied, in effort of keeping his thoughts of hate and despair at bay. The much time spent within Zangarmarsh proved quite peaceful for Danarshi, only very rarely finding trouble with the orcish warbands who would tread upon the land. Danarshi was soon to have his attention caught by a peculiar happening, as many of the Telredor refugees had began leaving in large numbers at a time, their destination unknown to him. In curious excitement, Danarshi made his way for the refuge, in search of answers. There, at Telredor, he had discovered that the Prophet Velen had reached out in a call for the draenei, just as he had on Argus; the time for retreat from Outland had come. Danarshi was near shocked by this news, as he had quite heavily predicted the eventual doom of the draenei people. Although this glimpse of hope placed a rare smile across his face, Danarshi refused to join his people yet another time on the run from a planet that he had truly come to call home after such years of progress upon it's surface, despite the genocide committed by the orcs. He had been forced to flee for his life from countless other planets in the past, during the venture of the Genedar through the Twisting Nether. At last, he had found it time to take the fight to those who would seek to inflict harm upon himself, and his people, rather than running from the face of danger.

Although Draenor had remained quite vastly unknown to Danarshi during his time there, the sheer thought of abandoning yet another home, urged him to make a powerful choice on that very day: that he would remain behind, in order to fight for what remained of Draenor, whilst the majority of his people made way for Netherstorm (the remnants of the Fields of Farahlon), with plans to lay siege to a satellite Dimensional Ship, anchored to the Tempest Keep, known as the Exodar, which had been initially swept from the possession of the naaru by the hands of Kael'thas Sunstrider and his sin'dorei forces. This attack upon the Exodar proved to ultimately be a success for the draenei, granting them a swift retreat from Draenor. Danarshi, and all other willing draenei, remained behind, their pride held strongly by their sides.


Danarshi enjoyed only a brief period of new-found peace within the refuge of Telredor, as following the departure of the majority of the draenei aboard the Exodar, he had almost immediately began considering multiple plans of action to pursue from that moment forward, by no means planning to remain within the supposed safety of Zangarmarsh for a lengthy period of time. Although by that time it was brutally destroyed, it had been rumoured to him that much of the continent that the draenei had been living upon remained intact, following the devastation caused by the opening of the dimensional portals. Eventually, Danarshi salvaged an old, dust-ridden map of the continent, which contained many burns, stains and tears, spread out across it. The Frostfire Ridge and Spires of Arak portions had been eerily torn straight from their places, as though they had ceased to have ever existed, whilst Farahlon was covered in smaller tears, though still existed upon the map. The coincidence was massive, though at that moment in time, Danarshi had not truly known the state that the rest of Outland remained in, these certain missing segments of the map not succeeding in grasping his full attention.

Danarshi's darting finger was quick to land atop Auchindoun, which instantaneously grasped at his attention, his eyes having met with such a sight for multiple seconds straight, the memory of the siege that had befell upon the City of the Dead flashing before him, like a haunting vision. Shortly following such a vision, the face of his bond mate, Aelleena, appeared strongly within his mind. By the time Danarshi had snapped his attention from such a vision, he had realised that the map had been tightly scrunched up within his clenching fist, caused by the anger and sorrow that had coursed through his veins at pace, and without his knowing. From that very moment, Danarshi had at last accepted the fact that the time to investigate the status of Aelleena, and the Auchenai, had at last come. Packing himself with as much survival gear as he could possibly carry, Danarshi set out from Telredor and headed towards the south, where Talador laid. It was a land that had swiftly transformed from a gleaming forest of golden leaved trees, to a warped and undoubtedly corrupted land, becoming well known as Terokkar Forest.

As a precaution of safety for his own mental health, Danarshi had made a great effort in order to avoid the ruins of Shattrath City, as gazing upon such a sight would have no doubt forced terrible visions into his mind, something that he certainly did not need to bare witness to. Surprisingly to him, Danarshi's journey had proved to be quite peaceful, however, desolate, and overwhelmingly eerie, as much of the wildlife which had once dotted the elaborate forests of Talador had largely swept up and disappeared, although he still came across the occasional beast every now and then, often forced to defend himself, as it became quite apparent that the wildlife had naturally evolved to be far more aggressive over the course of recent times, largely due to the events of war and destruction that they had wrought down upon them over the recent years. It was made clear that the humanoid beings of Draenor had certainly not been the only life impacted by such chaos.

Setting up camp for only a single night of rest, which had proved nearly restless for him, due to the lurking danger of the wilderness, Danarshi's journey was, in the end, a relatively fast one. Although the Bleeding Hollow clan that had laid waste to Auchindoun and the Auchenai had been expelled long ago, by the Alliance forces led by both Turalyon, and Danath Trollbane, something far more greater and sinister had dug it's way deep into the former, Holy ground: the Shadow Council, a demonic clan, forged by the sinister Warlock, Gul'dan. The once beautiful temple of Auchindoun had tragically become a grey, scorched, bone-ridden wasteland, caused by the summoning of Murmur (the primordial essence of sound) by the hands of the Shadow Council. The summoning of such a powerful creature was followed by an enormous explosion, obliterating nearly all that remained of the Auchindoun exterior, and all of the land that circled the temple. Although Danarshi had not witnessed such an event himself, the sheer sight of the temple remnants and the land surrounding it, proved to be sufficient enough to send mighty chills through his bones, and eat away at the fragility of his emotions, his heart having sunk incredibly low, as his hope for the survival of Aelleena, and the Auchenai, had greatly plummeted to near rock bottom.

Danarshi wandered across the scorched land surrounding Auchindoun that had infamously become known as the Bone Wastes, examining the several thousand bones that were scattered across the near entirety of the colourless wasteland. Although the atmosphere alone of such a place would be enough to give that of an ordinary mortal a sense of desolateness, Danarshi, one who had become so strongly in touch with the spirits of the fallen, could feel an extremely powerful presence that would increase in intensity the closer that he moved towards Auchindoun. This was a feeling that had become well known to him; the spirits of the dead were plentiful, both inside, and outside of the temple itself, however, they were lost, tormented. Without the aid of the Auchenai, the spirits of the dead outside Auchindoun had lost all the guidance that had allowed them to “move on”.

The Dead Speak to Those Who Listen

Fortunately for Danarshi, the Shadow Council had primarily made it's home deep within the tunnels of Auchindoun, proving to be a non existent problem for him, as he made his way for the very centre of what remained of the City of the Dead, now more an open crater, rather than halls and chambers carved out of sheer brilliance. To Danarshi, it was a feeling like no other, as he had gazed about himself, what remained of the temple's ceiling, now impaled through the ground in great chunks, before his very eyes. By this point, Danarshi was practically ready to accept the fate of the Auchenai, and his wife, as Danarshi's knees crashed against the charred soil, sending out a called out to the naaru with a prayer, having pleaded for them to help place the aimless souls that wandered the haunted grounds to eternal rest. If anything, he had hoped to contact the naaru D'ore himself, who was still thought to be recovering, deep within the halls of Auchindoun, although only if he had not been destroyed by the devastation. With some surprise to Danarshi, his prayer had been directly met, however, not by the naaru, though by the Auchenai themselves, and the voice that had contacted him was one that he mad most certainly heard before. Danarshi was awestruck after discovering the survival of the Auchenai, as they were confirmed to be in hiding, deep within a series of the crypts of Auchindoun. The Auchenai had not forgotten the face of Danarshi, as he was greeted by an agent, who swiftly granted him access into the crypts that he had once called home.

All of these events had unfolded with such haste that Danarshi was struggling to comes to terms with it all. Although he still felt as though he could trust the Auchenai, remembering only who they were when he was a member of their ranks, the halls that they resided within had been reduced to chaos, bones littering the floors in piles, the halls themselves dark and broken, and many of the Auchenai draenei's appearance more sickly than Danarshi could remember, though he was not sure if he was to take all of these troublesome sights into any regard at the time. For the most part, Danarshi was both relieved, and excited to see his former people in some form of shape, although said feelings would only manage to wane away from him at the seams, upon his questioning on what fate Aelleena had faced, his questioning meeting him only with the heart-shattering confirmation that her life had been taken in the initial onslaught by the Bleeding Hollow clan. Despite the great rift that had formed between the two, ancient partners, something within Danarshi had truly snapped upon that day, and it would mark the time within his life that he would begin to change into something far more different, forever. At last, he had become a victim of his own sanity, resorting to that of a bumbling, secluded wretch, aggressively ridden with violence, despair, and hopelessness, as appeared to be the case with the vast majority of the Auchenai survivors, including the Exarch Maladaar himself, to a large extent.

Ironically, despite his complete and utter emotional collapse that had been strongly building up over the course of twenty five thousand years, Danarshi fit in exceedingly well with what remained of the Auchenai, as many of them, including Exarch Maladaar, had begun coming to terms with the inevitable doom of Outland, and those who lived upon it. In response to such a conformed body of insanity, Exarch Maladaar allied himself with the eredar Levixus the Soul Caller, in a lust for grasping a sinister new power: necromancy. This alliance had caused Danarshi to question Maladaar and his motives, almost violently so, unbelieving that there could possibly be a man'ari eredar residing within the crypts, living cooperately with the Auchenai. Danarshi was nearly a single misplaced word away from awakening from his guise of misguided insanity, though by this time, it was already too late, as even he had begun imagining the benefits of necromancy, despite his unwavering hatred for the Burning Legion, and their foul magics and demons. Truthfully, though heavily hidden deep within Danarshi's heart, he had never truly come to terms with the corruption of his people, and often mourned over who they had become, as eager to find a method of redeeming them, as much as he wished to destroy them. Given the chance to study the man'ari eredar, he sought to delve deeper into the mystery of the man'ari's corruption, accepting the presence of Levixus, though very strictly.

When Light Falls, Darkness Rises

From this very moment forward, the Auchenai were twisted from Holy anchorites of the Light, to deathly priests of the darkened Void, beginning to twist the spirits of the dead in such ways once thought so sinister, that it would never have been dared attempted by a single member of the draenei race in the past of time, and any soulpriest who would have dared such an act, would have beeen immediately exiled from draenei society, or worse. Danarshi had spent his initial efforts harnessing his ability to more effectively track specific spirits of the dead, as he was now on the search for Aelleena's, widely unsuccessful, for a time, though after much patience and dedication, at last, he had found the restless spirit of his wife, roaming the crypts of the Auchenai. Her appearance did little more than horrify Danarshi, a look of great fear, pain, and confusion, consistently spread across her pale face. This sent him more into a state of sheer shock, rather than bringing a feeling of accomplishment and/or ecstasy to him.

Danarshi, donning his sickening, necromantic attire, his features now twisted from his corruption.

By this point, the very moment that the concept of necromancy crossed the mind of Danarshi, he willingly leapt at it, so lost within his own, twisted thoughts, that he had completely forsaken his oath to avoid and loath all demonic magics. Danarshi's concept of necromancy, however, was quite unique, in comparison to many of the others who practiced the same magic within the crypts. To Danarshi, if the dead of his people had been clawing away him, tormenting his sanity for so many years, then the only possible solution, in his eyes, would be to bring life back into the deceased, granting them what he thought to be a second chance at life itself. Danarshi undertook the teachings of necromancy with a near unbreakable focus, excelling at the subject at what would easily be considered an unhealthy rate. In recognition of such corruption, constantly coursing it's way through his mind and body, Danarshi's very skin began to darken into a sickly, voided shade, his hair sharing the same fate, as it darkened from a natural brown, to a far darker, washed out colour. His hair grew to an extraordinary length, due to a lack of attendance, an issue that he resolved by tying his overgrown locks of hair into a rather ludicrous, fox-tail fashion, which followed quite closely with how his hair had been initially styled. The horns atop his forehead that had once stuck almost directly upwards, now shifted forward into more of a “demonic” appearance.

Danarshi's transformation into a darkened, sickened individual had become as clear as it could get, the fabled anchorite of the Holy Light that he had once stood out to be, now completely twisted into the darkness of the Void and all aspects of shadow. Danarshi proved to have very little trouble making such a transition, as he had obviously become quite strongly in touch with that of shadow magic during his initial years within Auchindoun, as such a practice proved integral to the removal of the shadows that blocked the ability for lost souls to “move on”. To truly know the shadow, you must become one with with the shadow. Ideally, without the Void, the Light cannot exist. Although it is understandably debatable as to why Danarshi had not initially used shadow magic to harm his opponents in troubling situations, misuse of the practice was considered a huge breach of morals within draenei society, and was greatly frowned upon. In recognition of this, Danarshi had never before even considered using the practice of shadow magic beyond working with the spirits of the dead, and regardless, had not even truly known how to inflict pain with such magic. It was not until his days of necromancy did Danarshi dwell beyond the borders of shadow magic that were considered “safe” and “just” by his people, and began to abuse the practice in almost every way possible.

Danarshi, undergoing his foul, necromantic ritual, within the corrupted halls of the Auchenai Crypts.

When the time had finally come for Danarshi to at last reanimate his very first corpse with the use of necromancy, he demanded upon the Auchenai that the body of his wife be revealed to him, waiting until only this very moment to have it brought to him, and without a reason to argue, they accepted his request. Aelleena's scarred and partially decayed corpse was brought before him by two of the Auchenai, who laid her down upon an altar. Danarshi's face had been entirely void of emotion during this ritual, as he called for the spirit of his fallen wife, and she came at his beck and call. “Gaze now, upon your second chance at life, my love. It had been my duty to protect you from death, and that is a duty that I had shamefully failed. Now, you shall be the first to gain the privilege of the greatest gift of all gifts: the gift of new life.” Danarshi had proclaimed to her, as he performed a the foul ritual upon the soul and corpse of Aelleena, binding the two of them together, in a hope of reanimating the woman into what she had once been. Danarshi was clearly delusional, as this proved to be nothing more than both a failure, and disaster. Aelleena rose from death itself, though she was no less decomposed. She snarled like a feral, rabid beast, as she mindlessly, and relentlessly flailed her arms at all of those around her with aggression, even forcing Danarshi to restrain her wrists and ankles with shadowy tendrils. Aelleena was caught upon the altar, unable to move or escape, though it did not stop her from snarling, screaming and other chilling sounds, and it would remain this way for even weeks on end, ignored, with some even enjoying the sounds.

Aelleena's body, now desecrated, was now left as nothing more than a reminder of the price of selfishness, and failure. Danarshi was disgusted by his absence of ability when reviving his fallen love, and rather than seeing in himself that he had been wrong this entire time, he found it more suitable to simply fall into another multiple weeks worth of extensive study, which even resulted in him raising the corpses of several dozen draenei over the course of this time, many of them proving to be little more than failures, until at last, the dead had begun to serve him, not as he had originally anticipated, though after forming such a great impatience, due to his risen dead doing little more than attempting to strike him down, he came to accept this change in their behaviour, and proudly, at that. Naming such terrible abominations as companions would only have been a sheer lie, as they were nothing more than mindless pets. This, however, clearly pleased Danarshi, as it had only made him further addicted with the reanimation of the dead, to the very point that he had even begun to lose grasp over the noble reasons that he had initially delved into necromancy, now abusing it so that he could feel more like an ruler, rather than a savior.


Danarshi had gone without sleep for several days on end, his eating patterns also faltering a great deal, as the shape of his body had began to reflect this change, transforming into a weaker, scrawnier individual. During one of the rare occasions where Danarshi would find rest from his necromantic plots, in the midst of a deep sleep, Danarshi was mysteriously contacted within his dreams. A harmonic essence washed throughout him, a feeling that had become near to forgotten for Danarshi. What remained of the naaru D'ore had made contact with Danarshi, responding to the plead that he had made to the naaru a rather lengthy amount of time in the past, before his acceptance back into the ranks of the Auchenai. D'ore, remembering of who Danarshi had been, and where he had come from, came to him with a desperate message, stirring him heavily in his sleep, as Danarshi was alerted of the Burning Crusade's arrival upon Outland. D'ore convinced Danarshi with an unwavering will, that he had foolishly betrayed the Holy Light, and that the Light had never done so to him. D'ore reminded him clearly of what his true goals had once been: the survival and perseverance of his people, the destruction of the Burning Legion, the reclamation of his homeworld, and that Danarshi had betrayed all three of those goals, through the support of the eredar Levixus' vile teachings. Additionally, D'ore alerted Danarshi of the presence of the Shadow Council within Auchindoun, that it had been they who had laid waste to Auchindoun and it's surroundings, and that their support was held tall and proudly for that of the Burning Legion. In reflection of the Burning Crusade's arrival upon Outland, if Danarshi was to find survival, and any chance at future redemption, then he would have no choice but to break the binds that the Auchenai had placed upon his mind, before he lost himself, forever.

Awakening immediately after his contact with D'ore, Danarshi had not only awoken from his sleep, though to the realisation of the terrible atrocities that he had willingly committed upon the dead; his realisation brought a feeling of great guilt within him. At long last, he had come to realise that no matter how noble he may have perceived his goals when he first delved into the study of necromancy, they were by no means justifiable, and that as time had progressed, he had managed to completely lose himself to the corruption, to the point where he had entirely forgotten, and forsaken his initial goals: to offer the fallen of his people a second chance at life; instead, he had risen them as mindless pets, a curse that no creature should ever have to suffer from.

Danarshi made his way through the crypts, witnessing the same horrors he had now come to regret, as his fellow Auchenai were actively defiling the graves of the resting corpses, raising them straight from the dead. With a mind now clear, it was obvious to him just how morally wrong the practice of necromancy was, and that there was no secret to be found behind the demons of the Burning Legion; they are beings of complete and utter evil, wishing for nothing more than pure suffering upon all life within the universe. Danarshi made haste for Aelleena's reanimated body, who forever pushed against her shadowy chains, screaming and snarling at those who would pass by her.

For their final moments together, Danarshi stood before the snarling woman that had once been named as the love of his life. Tears rolled down his cheeks, as he stared directly into the monstrosity he had become; the face of Aelleena was clear proof of what Danarshi had become. “Please, my love, please, forgive me... This is not, and never was my way. This is not what you deserved. After all those years that I had promised to bring us back to the homeworld, I was conquered by the Burning Legion. Never again shall I allow them, or any others, to successfully lay such a heinous action of manipulation upon me. I am so sorry, Aelleena, for the monstrosity that I have become.” were the words he spoke to her, before tightly grasping the face of Aelleena, the sickened life that coursed through her rotting body, diminishing in a matter of seconds, as he had sucked her soul directly from her body. She soon fell limp, Danarshi then releasing the spirit of his wife from his grasp, ensuring that she could at last move on, and find eternal rest, and peace. All hope for the revival of Aelleena had become lost, as Danarshi saw to it that no other foul user of necromancy would gain the chance to perform the same atrocities on his former bond mate. Releasing the body of Aelleena from her chains, and moving her to the rightful resting place that she had initially been placed, Danarshi made haste for the exit of the crypts, not even daring look back and issue it another gaze, as he fled far from Auchindoun and the Bone Wastes with his fragile sanity intact, left to wander the ravaged world, without a choice but to use the power of dark magic for survival, as he had lost the will to use the Holy Light, and had become far too weak to battle his foes physically.

By that point in time, Danarshi had moved well beyond the concept of “newborn love”, after respecting the bond that he and Aelleena had crafted between each other for the past twenty eight thousand years. Following his failure to secure said bond, and the death of his chosen bondmate, Danarshi sought no more out of the aspect of love, other than to avenge the death of Aelleena out of sheer love and respect. Any soul who would attempt to craft a connection of love and affection with Danarshi would be shamefully rejected, and likely quite severely scolded for the disrespect of Danarshi's fallen bondmate. To him, he had failed Aelleena to such an extent that opening up any new path of romance would be nothing more than a complete and utter action of disrespect to her. Danarshi may become further susceptible to romance following the destruction of the Burning Legion, though even if such an incredible feat was ever to be achieved at all, he would continue to prove incredibly hard to woe, something that would turn most in the other direction. One would have to have great persistence and dedication to even gain the slimmest chance of winning Danarshi over, and that is after his path of vengeance is complete. Beforehand, it is considered as being near to impossible.

Although Danarshi no longer held a grasp over the Holy Light, the naaru D'ore had left a spark within his heart, so that at a designated time in the coming future, Danarshi would gain the chance to atone for his crimes, and recover what he had once known with much time, dedication, patience, and mentoring. The beginning of his atonement began almost instantaneously, as he had sworn to himself never again to dabble with the arts of necromancy through the rising of the dead, whether it be performed on friend, or foe. How well Danarshi would manage to maintain this promise would only be seen with time.

The Burning Crusade

After fleeing Auchindoun, Danarshi almost immediately made way for Hellfire Peninsula (what remained of the Tanaan Jungle), seeking the re-opened Dark Portal, and the invasion of the Burning Legion that D'ore had warned him of directly. Hellfire Peninsula had been a land he had not yet ventured to, prior, or following it's complete and utter destruction, and even without a comparison in mind, the seared, red land stabbed at his aching heart like a thorned blade, both piercing, and tearing away at him. The sights that he bared witness to sickened him to the stomach, the first of these sights coming in the form of the twisted, fully corrupted fel orcs, complete and utter abominations. Rather hesitant at first, Danarshi knew that without the aid of what he had learned during his time within the ranks of the corrupted Auchenai, he would have no chance of survival against such powerful, bloodthirsty opponents. He flayed the attackers down with aggression, nearly managing to destroy their physical form with violent, forbidden magic, such as the very rotting of bone and flesh, and the warping of shadow in order to tear an opponent to shreds, and melt away at their very minds.

Danarshi was brought to a heavy surprise, due to the sheer effectiveness of his attacks, though he did not allow it to bring him into regret for the use of such foul magic, and continued his journey through the crumbling wasteland. It was soon that he would come across a sight to be forever etched into his mind: the bones of thousands upon thousands of his people, carved into the ground itself, which shaped an awfully long road that led to the awe inspiring sight of the Dark Portal, a road that became known as the Path of Glory, a name evil enough to place a burning hatred into Danarshi's heart for the orcs who committed such an atrocity. Upon gazing at the Dark Portal was when Danarshi had at last bared the sight he had dreaded of most: demons. The demons of the Burning Legion actively made their march down the road, preparing for their offensive strike against the combined, defensive forces of the Alliance, and the Horde. Until that very day, Danarshi had never become acquainted with the races native to Azeroth, as he ventured cautiously around the outskirts of Hellfire Peninsula, the overwhelming amount of demon forces enough to ward even a man such as himself off.

What Danarshi came to witness at the Dark Portal shone both shock, and hatred into him, as he witnessed the sight of green skinned orcs, present in the defence against the Burning Legion. Naturally, he would have been obliged to obliterate them with ferocity, though as many, unfamiliar races fought alongside them, including the draenei themselves, Danarshi was placed into a state of utter confusion; 'Had the draenei become so terribly susceptible?' were the thoughts that coursed through his mind. The very first moment he had gained the chance to speak to an Azerothian came before him, as he approached the human in gleaming, bright armour of fine craft: Commander Duron. He learned of the many details concerning the invasion at hand, what the draenei had accomplished upon Azeroth following the crash of the Exodar by fault of blood elf sabotage, and the very reasoning behind the orcish corruption, which had left Danarshi clueless until that very day. Danarshi was furious, not at the human Commander, not even at the orcs, though at the Burning Legion, and that it had been they all along who had corrupted the orcs of Draenor into bloodthirsty killing machines of death and destruction, using them as their lapdogs to commit total genocide upon the draenei. Danarshi willingly joined the war against the Burning Legion on Outland, though his charge would not be at the Dark Portal itself, as despite his new found discovery, his hatred for what the orcs had done still burned far too strongly within him, and the wound that they had caused upon the souls of both himself, and his people, was far too fresh for him to simply forgive and forget, especially when battling upon a path forged by the orcs themselves from the bones of his people. Due to this strongly held grudge, Danarshi would do whatever was necessary to fight where it did not involve the orcs of Thrall's Horde, simply for the safety of both himself, and these orcs. Any of the Horde's orcs who stepped into his way within the wilderness, however, would not have been offered such mercy on Danarshi's behalf.

In regards for the remainder of the Horde, at this point in time, Danarshi was largely considered without faction, at a neutral standing between both the Alliance, and the Horde. In reflection of this, almost all other races of the Horde, trolls, tauren, and forsaken, were not shown any form of hate by Danarshi, though upon a few misinterpretations during run-ins with these certain races within the wilderness of Outland, his tolerance for such races deteriorated slowly though steadily as time progressed, forced to combat against few of these people. Danarshi, however, was much further weary of the blood elves from the get-go, due to his knowledge of the damage that their former prince Kael'thas Sunstrider had inflicted upon the draenei in the past.

Facing Fel

Danarshi was eager to at last stand up to those who had forced his people into hiding for nearly countless millennia, though his charge would lead him all over Outland in the course of mere days. Even did he once again come across Shattrath, the city certainly bruised and beaten, the memories of such a place proving as grim for Danarshi, though the emergence of the Sha'tar (“born from light”) was a welcoming sight, as was the slowly rising prosperity of the fallen city, despite the many problems that had been present within certain areas, such as the Lower City, and the tenuous relations between the Aldor and the Scryers. Although forever mourning the loss of Irenora, he had been glad that the sacrifice of his daughter had not been without reason, as beneath the ruins that the city had been reduced to, hope arose. Danarshi himself became a rather notable figure of the Aldor, upon approaching the High Priestess Ishanah, who recognised Danarshi, following his telling of the tale of his daughter, Irenora, which swiftly gained him welcome into the ranks of the Aldor.

Danarshi had used the fight against the Burning Legion's Burning Crusade upon Outland as an opportunity to regain the physical strength he had lost within the Auchenai Crypts, maintaining his handiness with a weapon as often as he possibly could, although even still, sleep continued to be a rarity for Danarshi; even when he would try to do so, it would only allow his mind to wander off far too extensively for his own good, and in the midst of a war so ripe with hatred, sleep was often a dangerous fuel for his lust to spill demon blood. Danarshi strictly saw to it that his grasp over dark magic was well concealed around his own people, as it would certainly have been expected to cause much outrage within them. His sickly appearance, however, did often turn a few eyes in his direction, and not in a way that boded positive. Danarshi spent much of his downtime during the war against the Burning Legion within Shattrath City, an opportunity he had certainly not properly gained in the past. When he was out on the field of battle, however, he was violent and relentless, brimming with searing hate, as he would spare no demon mercy, and slaughtered them in numbers, despite the danger that would often emerge from it, Danarshi not always having been particularly successful when becoming overconfident.

In relation to the Auchenai, word had become clear within Shattrath City that the death of the dreaded faction had at last come about, Exarch Maladaar having fallen at the feet of a series of brave heroes. Although Danarshi was grateful to hear that such corruption had been vanquished at long last, deep down within his heart, it brought him great dejection to grip on to the fact that at a time, the Auchenai had been an innocent priesthood, who had wished nothing more than to respect the fallen, and give guidance to their lost spirits upon entering the afterlife. Most prevalently above all, Danarshi would never be capable of forgetting that he himself had been a member of the Auchenai for a very lengthy period of time, both before, and after their corruption, and that in figure, it had been he who assisted in the very formation of such a priesthood.

Black Temple

Danarshi had eventually heard word of the fabled kaldorei demon hunter, Illidan Stormrage, who had been working against both the Burning Legion itself, and the forces of Azeroth. Upon learning of the Illidari forces, this puzzled Danarshi greatly. Following his practice of necromancy, Danarshi had certainly come to accept that no demon of the Burning Legion could be redeemed, though the Illidari questioned at his initial thoughts, as Illidan had gained the ability to sway demons beneath his own command, even further confusing to him, as a figure with the class title of “demon hunter” had managed to win over an army of demons. Danarshi knew well enough not to let such a matter overwhelm his curiosity, and as the final charge upon the Black Temple (the infernal, corrupted version of the Temple of Karabor) had at last come, Danarshi was one of the first to answer the call to war. Any demon, no matter the affiliation, was declared no more than dead to him. The forces made their march for Shadowmoon Valley, the air of the black, scorched land thick with the smoke of fel fire.

The journey to the Black Temple was a perilous one, though ultimately successful, as the forces of Azeroth made their march upon it's dreaded grounds. Despite the arrival of the Sha'tar, led by the naaru Xi'ri, and the presence of both the Aldor, and the Scryers, the Illidari proved relentless in their defence. Those assaulting the Black Temple required just as many forces to remain behind on the defence, as those who would take to the offence of the Black Temple. Danarshi, although eager to take the fight to the Illidari, accepted the role of defender, remaining by the entrance of the temple, in order to keep the Iliidari forces stationed there at bay.

It was at the Black Temple that at last, Danarshi was reunited with his son that he had thought to be long deceased: Kai'soran. Their confrontation, however, was not as heartwarming as one would expect, as the tension between the two appeared to be quite strong. Danarshi could easily sense the emotional strain that was present between the two them, though this did nothing more than confuse him. In an attempt to break such an atmosphere, Danarshi proceeded to hug his son, only to not feel the arms of his son wrap back around his own back. It became clear to Danarshi that Kai'soran sensed a great disturbance about him, both in how vastly his appearance had shifted, and the darkened presence that radiated from him, something that any user of the Light venerable enough would be able to detect. Kai'soran had become a champion of the Light, an honoured vindicator of the Sha'tar, and who his father had become simply shocked, and sickened him.

Kai'soran had become a very hardy and cautious individual throughout the reign of terror committed by the [orc]]s, and this certainly showed, both emotionally, and physically, as he appeared a far more worn and experienced individual. The refugees who had initially fled the Temple of Karabor alongside him nearly all perished, as only three of their numbers had managed to survive, two men, and a female, each of them now respectful vindicators themselves, mentored by the experienced Kai'soran, though their names entirely unknown to Danarshi.

Danarshi was dejected over how the reunion between himself and his son had played out, though no form of anger coursed through him, but rather, disappointment, not for his son, though for himself, and who he had become. He could not blame his son for his caution and disgrace, and when the time briefly came to join the defensive, Kai'soran ordered his mentored vindicators to join the fight, he himself venturing with them. Kai'soran decided to offer Danarshi the chance to join him and his vindicators in the coming battle, Danarshi having accepted in silence, and fight alongside each other they did. Taking up arms with an axe, Danarshi charged into battle head first, in hopes of proving to his son that not all he had once been had evaporated. The orcs and blood elves of the Illidari forces continuously pressed the fight against the defenders, though as the blood elves were slowly pushed back behind their own lines, the orcs continuously charged fourth, without fear. Next came a charge of great bravery, as Kai'soran, his vindicators, and Danarshi, all pushed back against the orcish forces, the sheer power and ability of Kai'soran and his vindicators nearly managing to dwarf Danarshi's skill in melee combat.

They fought, and they fought, and relent they did not. They pushed forward, until they had found themselves trapped, buried deep within the orcish forces, no way out, only able to fight. The battle was brutal by description, though as one of Kai'soran's vindicators at last fell beneath the might of the encroaching orcs, Kai'soran was set into a state of sheer rage, pushing his way through the thicket of the forces with the blazing energy of the Holy Light, Danarshi proud of the courageous idle his son had become, as he witnessed his push through the bulk of orcs with unfaltering bravery. Clearly, Kai'soran had been greatly affected by the heinous crimes committed by the orcs, and his hate for them burned brightly, even despite the fact that it had truly been at the fault of the Burning Legion, something that Kai'soran by now knew well. The luck of their group only continued to diminish, and no matter how many orcs they would cut through, many more simply came to replace their fallen. As yet another vindicator fell, the woman, Danarshi now knew that it had been a mistake pushing behind the enemy lines without additional aid. “Kai!” Danarshi had let out in a call, in an attempt to warn his son of their encroaching defeat, though it was to no avail, as Kai'soran had clearly become trapped, alone, barely managing to keep his resilience up against the enemy. It was that very moment when the sound of Kai'soran's voice, yelping out in sheer pain, could suddenly be heard, as he had at last been overwhelmed. “KAI, NO!” Danarshi screamed out in a yell of sheer terror and anger, and without care, dropped his axe and resorted to the complete, unrestricted use of the darkness, flaying any who would near them without relent, even grasping the opportunity to raise some of their dead, which he proceeded to do so without a single thought at mind, simply trapped inside a state of scalding desperation and rage for rescuing his son from the orcs.

The orcs risen by Danarshi fought with ferocity, holding the advantage of surprise, and taking many of the enemy out of the fight on short notice. The lone sight of a necromancer caught the attention of the final, surviving vindicator, his jaw proceeding to have dropped, before he was caught off-guard almost immediately by the pressing orcs, a blade lodged through his back, which instantaneously sealed his doom. Danarshi, witnessing the death of Kai'soran's final vindicator, turned his attention to those who had carried out such a death, melting down their very skulls at the seams, causing them agonising pain and suffering. Even with all the harm that Danarshi could inflict at his disposal, it did not prove to be enough for such a large force, and even he began to doubt his own chances of survival. By luck, he was met by the bulk of the Sha'tari and Aldor forces, the clash between the two forces grand, soaking the floor with the blood of both sides. The battle continued only for another matter of seconds, before at last, the orcs had been overwhelmed, forced to make a retreat, in which the Sha'tar, nor the Aldor made an attempt to pursue.

Men and women who were proved as being Danarshi's allies were pushed aside by him, as he searched for his son with darting eyes. When at last he had found him, laying upon his back on the cold, hard floor, Danarshi fell to his knees beside his son with a thump. Only silence would follow, many of the Sha'tar watching, as Danarshi silently mourned the loss of his son. In respect, they made their leave, Danarshi and Kai'soran now on their own, together. Staring down into the sealed eyes of Kai'soran, Danarshi eventually shut his own, until he had felt the tight grasp of his son's hand, pulling down against his shoulder, the man grasping for breath, choking on his own blood, Danarshi quick to have grabbed the hand of his son, staring him in the eye with great relief, though concern, as Kai'soran had clearly been struggling to remain within the realm of the living.

“Kai'soran! My son, stay with me! Please...” pleaded Danarshi, though said plead was only met with Kai'soran, who began to shake his head at him, Danarshi's eyes widened, his jaw rather dropped. “Stay with you, “father”? After this, this... monstrosity that you have become?! You are no father of mine, and I mourn the man that you once were, the man that I was proud to call my father. I know what you are, what you have become, and as long as I know that you roam the realm of the living, carrying such a taint of corruption, spitting upon the blood of our family, who have all lost their lives in this endless struggle, I shall not be there to accompany you. Farewell... father...” croaked Kai'soran, his final words, before his body slumped to the side, limp, lifeless. The last of Danarshi's family, gone. Danarshi was frozen on the spot, unable to make a single movement. Sadness and shock coursed through his body at such an intensity, that he was beyond that of tears. Any hope of forgiveness for orcish kind that had once existed within his heart, had all but perished.

On that day, the purpose of life in itself had become lost to Danarshi. No longer could the warm embrace of love comfort him in any shape or form; no longer could the aspect of friendship bring him joy or excitement; and no longer could life bring him true purpose. His only purpose now, was as a vessel of hate, anger, sorrow, vengeance, a combined force of negative emotions, hell-bent on the destruction of the Burning Legion, the avenging of those he had lost, and the long awaited reclamation of his long lost homeworld, Argus.


A New Hope

Following the defeat of the Illidari at the Black Temple of Shadowmoon Valley, Danarshi carried his vengeful outlook with him. At last, Outland had been retaken from the hands of the Burning Legion, though with little chance of celebration for any of the men or women present upon Outland, as the Burning Legion's strike upon Azeroth, led by the Deceiver, Kil'jaeden, through the use of the Sunwell, had abruptly commenced. Making his way for Shattrath City the very moment that word of such an invasion met with his ear, Danarshi gained passage to the sin'dorei Isle of Quel'Danas through the use of a portal, and it proved to be the location where Danarshi took his very first step upon Azerothian soil. The landscape of such a lustrous island caught even the attention of Danarshi, well enough to distract him for several moments, the thought of yet another world of abundant beauty, falling beneath the Burning Legion's Burning Crusade having crossed his mind, lighting a searing flame up within him. He was ready to kill.


Danarshi approached the war on Quel'Danas by his own accord, having joined no faction, roaming the grounds of Quel'Danas, alone. During this war, he had no true goals, though only a lust to inflict pain and suffering upon the demonic followers of the Burning Legion. Once again, he used the power of the Burning Legion against them, and he was relentless in his endeavour. Following the parting words spoken by Kai'soran, Danarshi could only accept what he had become: a vile wielder of the darkness, and one who would now use his abilities as extensively as he possibly could, only to his avail in the destruction of the Burning Legion. Any other being who would stand in his way, would receive an end no different. With nothing to lose, morals began to mean less to Danarshi by the day. On one occasion, he exercised this outlook with the cold blooded murder of an orc, who had been combating against the demons of the Burning Legion, his corpse joining the pile that belonged to those said demons, before being lit up in flames.

Although the Shattered Sun Offensive had considered Danarshi an ally on the front, Danarshi saw no similarity between himself, and the Shattered Sun Offensive, other than their offensive standing against the forces of the Burning Legion. Danarshi by no means stepped out of his way to lend a hand to the Shattered Sun Offensive, though when they were present in his path, battling against the the Burning Legion, he would gladly aid them in the fight, though no further than that did he help them. When the final push into the Sunwell Plateau commenced, happening rather briefly after Danarshi's arrival upon Quel'Danas, at last, he joined forces with the Shattered Sun Offensive. Although the fight against Kil'jaeden, once a figurehead for his people, was held strongly by Danarshi, he had been well occupied by the forces of the Burning Legion who were present within the plateau. As Kil'jaeden the Deceiver was soon banished from Azeroth, Danarshi stood atop the corpses of several demons and corrupted blood elves. Although disappointed to have missed such a battle, displeased with the escape of the Deceiver, Danarshi was pleased by the mere number of demonic forces that he alone had vanquished, and with no thoughts of regret for how he had approached the conflict at Quel'Danas, he made his way back for the Shattrath City portal, with a feeling of accomplishment.

New Beginnings

For a brief period of time, Danarshi remained upon Outland, once again taking travel around what remained of the crumbled continent, in hope of aiding in the removal of the remaining forces of sworn enemies such as the Burning Legion, and the Illidari. Although the Burning Legion had been primarily pushed from Outland, it was but a dying world, soon to become no more than an uninhabitable chunk of rock. Soon, the time had come, when Danarshi had at last felt that his time and service upon such a land had come to an end. At last, the time to move on from his crumbling home had come before him. Embarking on a journey to the Dark Portal, which had become heavily fortified, the demons who once pushed against the defence of the Azerothians resulting in utter failure, he climbed the grand stairs of the Dark Portal, giving himself a parting glance of the Hellfire Peninsula wasteland that laid behind him, before he made his way through the portal of overwhelming scale, the landscape of the Blasted Lands of the Eastern Kingdoms upon Azeroth set before his eyes only moments following.

By this time, it had already become apparent to Danarshi that despite his absence in the crash landing of the Exodar, as a member of the draenei race, the members of the Alliance would welcome him with open arms. The Alliance's defenders present at the Blasted Lands Dark Portal barely even acknowledged his existence, serving as a testimony to the fact that Danarshi would be openly welcomed into the Alliance. Danarshi's surroundings troubled him, as the Blasted Lands looked to be a land that had endured much destruction in the past, a sight that would understandably strike concern into Danarshi. Having the opportunity to embrace a world so alien to him, Danarshi set out on a journey of discovery, his path set for the north. Although he had not seen it within the Blasted Lands, his memories of the Isle of Quel'Danas placed hope within him for a world of unmatched beauty, simply waiting for him to uncover it. Danarshi's travels had spanned for multiple days, leading him through treacherous lands such as the Swamp of Sorrows, Deadwind Pass, and Duskwood. Despite the rather intimidating environments, Danarshi was intrigued, often facing great danger due to his curiosity alone.

Upon first witnessing the lush, green forests of Elwynn Forest, the first action Danarshi performed, was to take the largest breath of the warm, though comforting, fresh air as he could possibly hope to fit into his lungs, certainly proving to be a refresher, after spending his many years within closed structures, and a planet that had been entirely obliterated. Danarshi wandered the peaceful forest, until he had stumbled across the village of Goldshire, much to his misfortune. His only thoughts being “Never again. Ever.” over the sight set before him within the infamous village, Danarshi speedily made his way for the north, where the human capital of Stormwind City was said to reside. The very moment that Danarshi had experienced the grand statues of Alliance heroes, stationed within the Valley of Heroes of Stormwind City, he became heavily interested in the races native to the Alliance, their architecture being of a craft that he had never before seen at such a scale. For nearly two years following the day he found Stormwind, Danarshi spent the majority of his time within the city, living amongst the races of the Alliance, observing them. It had been the first opportunity for Danarshi to study the beings of a foreign world to a full extent, though how he came about to familiarising himself with such people was not done in a fashion that would be normally expected.

No Less Twisted

Danarshi, present at an event with one of his old crime associated guilds, the Masquerade of Shadows. Note: His hair colour, skin shade, and face, is all outdated by lore, as is his name.
Danarshi, observing the aftermath of the Cataclysm at the Park. Note: His hair colour, skin shade, and face, is all outdated by lore.

Danarshi, no less twisted of an individual than he had been upon Outland, sunk into the underbelly of human society, often performing unjust deeds, such as the initiation into multiple gangs and clans of crime, or simply dark activity. Although it would have appeared that many of his own people had been absent from Stormwind City during this time, either occupied in the battle against the Lich King upon Northrend, or mending to the wounds of their nation upon both the Azuremyst, and Bloodmyst Isle, Danarshi clearly was a unique case. As an impressive user of necromancy, his initiation into the various criminal groups proved a breeze for him, as he was quick to rise the ranks, becoming an invaluable member of the majority of these groups. Additionally, Danarshi spent much of his downtime raiding the various crypts that belonged to humanity, raising their dead and defiling their graves, the most infamous of these being a raid upon the catacombs beneath the Cathedral of Light, which proved to be a large success, causing a mighty upheaval within the cathedral itself. Danarshi's crimes, however, did not always go unpunished, as he was caught red handed by the Stormwind Guard on multiple occasions, who were quick to lock him up within their prison facilities, such as the Stormwind Stockade, and on a single, certain occasion, shipped to the Valiance Keep dungeon, located within the Borean Tundra of Northrend. Not once, however, were the guard able to keep Danarshi restrained for an extended period of time, as he would often be broken out of his imprisonment with ease, if he could not perform it himself, as he was undeniably a powerful user of dark magic.

Other than usual travel to the regions bordering Elwynn Forest, such as Duskwood, and the Redridge Mountains, Danarshi spent nearly all of his time within Stormwind City. During his time living amongst the races of the Alliance, primarily the humans, Danarshi became a skilful speaker of common, his accent much weaker than the majority of his people, although certainly not entirely diminished. Once the day of the Aspect of Death, Deathwing's reign of terror fell down upon the world, Danarshi was present at the moment that Stormwind City was laid under siege by Deathwing himself, the sight of such a beast reminding him no less of the demons of the Burning Legion. Naturally, this sent a surge of anger through him, though his grudge was by no means held against Deathwing, though unsurprisingly, against the Burning Legion. Even following the murder of dozens upon dozens of the Burning Legion's numbers upon Outland, and the Isle of Quel'Danas, his hatred would continue to burn on, perhaps even beyond the day that they are entirely obliterated. Following the devastating attack, Danarshi had little interest in the events of Deathwing's cataclysm, dismissing the dragon as anything more than a small, insignificant threat. Danarshi simply continued what he had been doing upon the streets of Stormwind for the past year in total.


Danarshi continued upholding his malicious behaviour for yet another year, before at last, he had become tiresome of both the common rabble he had spent much time with, and the actions that he had been committing. Upon witnessing a touching dream during his sleep on one particular night, of when the day that the naaru D'ore had contacted him during his time spent within Auchindoun, he felt a warmth radiate strongly inside his heart, though it brought a sensation of renewal, as though it was attempting to remind him of something. It was then that he had at last realised, that once again, he had allowed himself to fall into the corruption of the darkness, defiling the dead with necromancy, and causing nothing more than deeds of unjust upon innocents. Danarshi had allowed the death of his son to destroy his hope of redemption from the darkness, and although Danarshi had once again spat into the face of the Holy Light, D'ore had not given up on him, his blessing still present inside his heart. It was this moment that Danarshi walked his path in an entirely new direction, attempting to redeem the man he had become, knowing that although his family had gone to a better place, he would fight to redeem himself, so that even the spirits of his loved ones would have a reason to smile, and be proud. Although he would be unlikely to ever completely redeem himself of the crimes he had committed, both before, and after his arrival upon Azeroth through the Dark Portal, even Danarshi himself began to come to terms with this, and accept it he did, for he had no other choice.


Danarshi spent the following few months alone, unknowing on how to truly atone for his crimes. It was on one particular day, when a draenic order known as Elysium, had come across him, offering to aid him with his quest of enlightenment. Those of Elysium knew of what troubles that Danarshi had been facing, and even after learning of his grasp over foul practices such as necromancy, they accepted him among their ranks, offering him a path of guidance to unlock the potential of the Holy Light that once coursed through him, back when he was a powerful anchorite. Elysium, however, offered this guidance only upon a promise: that never again would he dare dabble with necromancy, under any circumstance. Danarshi, yearning to find the man he had once been, gladly accepted their offer, and promised that he would indeed never again defile the dead. A promise, however, can be broken, and it is questionable on whether or not Danarshi would resort back to the use of necromancy if the life of himself, or another that he truly cared about, was placed beneath a situation that perceived death, and one that could not be diverted without the use of necromancy. Danarshi's promise would only prove to be the very beginning of his road to redemption, as he was placed beanath multiple tests over the span of the following months, these tests ripe with both hardship, and failure, as no matter how hard he would try, how much he would study, or how much he would call out to the naaru for further guidance, he could not locate the Light that hid deep inside him, sealed away with a lock that seemed nearly impenetrable.


Nearly driven to a complete loss of hope on his journey to enlightenment, Danarshi was suddenly challenged by a Shaman of his own race upon the streets of Stormwind City, as she had learnt of the darkness that dwelled within him, and sought to have him destroyed. Danarshi, knowing that he would simply be foolish to judge the opinion of the woman, as even he knew that it was acceptable to see a man such as himself destroyed, accepted her enforcement of a dual to the death, knowing that if he was to fail on that day, his final verdict would be given to him: that all hope for his redemption had been lost, long ago. Taking their battle face to face atop the walkway overlooking the Stormwind Harbour, they granted each other their wishes of luck, and as the Shaman called for the power of the storm, Danarshi simply closed his eyes, blocking out all that was happening around him, as he focussed as hard as he possibly could. The very split second the bolt of lightning was launched in Danarshi's direction from the hands of the Shaman, a shield of the Holy Light formed about him, saving himself from the wrath of the Shaman. At last, Danarshi had managed to unlock the essence of the Light within him, an expression of great surprise, and accomplishment quite hastily spread across his face. The Shaman, nearly just as surprised as Danarshi had been, made her decision to spare his life, as it was made clear that he was indeed redeemable.

Danarshi, present at a meeting with Elysium within the Exodar (front). Note: His hair colour is outdated by lore.
Danarshi, present at a meeting with Elysium within the Exodar (back). Note: His hair colour is outdated by lore.

Danarshi, at last mustering the ability to reach further into the Holy Light, began to excel far more quickly in the subject, his understanding increasing each time he would unlock new knowledge. Danarshi spent the coming months close by those within Elysium, as he was introduced to the Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle, and the Exodar itself, the interior of the Dimensional Ship reminding him much of his travels aboard the Genedar, centuries ago. Many relations that could be considered as friendships were formed as both time, and Danarshi himself progressed slowly, but relatively steadily, as the meaning of friendship had partially returned to him, although even at that time, it would take far more progress for him to become anything less than a socially awkward old soul. When not openly studying the Holy Light, he began travelling Azeroth quite extensively, discovering much of the rich history that laid both above, and below it's soil.

Blood and Banishment

In recognition of distant continents, such as Northrend, and Pandaria, Danarshi had, unfortunately, not even gained the opportunity to venture to the latter, and his experiences of Northrend were only very limited, at best. On numerous occasions, Danarshi did find himself briefly revisiting Outland upon several occasions, each time having been due to the calling of Elysium, as his people's connection with the shattered world continued to stand strong. Although he had been planning a proper expedition, in order to traverse the far off lands of Northrend, and Pandaria, his plans were all but squandered. Upon one quiet, peaceful day, Danarshi found himself roaming the wilderness of the Azuremyst Isle in tranquility. Although he knew only little of the struggle his people had faced upon the isles following the devastating crash landing of the Exodar, wandering the forests of Azuremyst brought about him a great deal of pride, yet, harmony. That the draenei had managed to survive the trial of death over and over again, only to cease their perseverance, it brought Danarshi much pride, indeed. Exotic birds could be heard in every given direction surrounding him, forever singing their tunes, from the treetops to the skies, until their songs were blown clean from the ear, a loud boom sending any near creature scattering miles away, in fear. Danarshi could only turn as he heard the loud, startling sound, something which had originated from behind him.

Silence is all that he could hear, now, as Danarshi pushed his way back through the thicket of the azure woods, searching curiously for what could have caused such a horrific noise. There before him, a portal of unknown origin, was revealed, primarily green in colour. It laid before him, open, like the maw of the damned itself, before closing in on itself only a moment after he had spotted it's presence. Not a trace of the portal was left to be seen, although one would have to be blind to have ignored the mysterious, though miniature, fiery green crystal that left floating above the ground, that where the portal had been only a moment before. This strange crystal rotated in a circular motion, it's nature awfully familiar to Danarshi, who cautiously began his approach upon the strange crystal. Almost immediately, he could not help but notice the distant glare of two, chilling, yellow eyes of blazing fire within the core of the green crustal, gazing into his very soul. Danarshi was more than tempted to destroy such an object and be done with it, though his curiosity fought against his will, and with humiliating ease, it gained the better of him. Danarshi continued his weary approach of the crystal, until he stood only inches away from it. With a raise of his hand, seconds ticked by, as his fingers drew closer to the crystal, it's eyes continuing to read into his very being, forcing hesitation into him, the closer that he drew.

At last, Danarshi's fingertips made contact with the crystal. At first, nothing seemed to happen in result of his action, until the palm of his hand touched with the sinister surface, when a mighty force entered through his hand and forced it into a clenching hold of the crystal. This mighty force immediately rushed upward his arm, and it was physically visible to him, in the form of varying streaks of demonic, fel energy, rotating about his arm like thin layers of cloud. As they made their way up towards his shoulder, his arm's muscles were locked into place, their ability to function evaporating in a near instant. Not even the full might of his free arm could help tug his frozen limb from it's grasp around the crystal. The more that his body struggled and panicked, the weaker that he grew. His energy evaporated within seconds, his mind falling numb, as his vision blurred. Danarshi fell into a submissive kneel, unable to hail his own weight back up on to his hooves. He gazed up at the crystal with weakened eyes, it being the last entity he saw, as the remainder of it's fel energy coursed into his body, the crystal falling into a gray, powerless state, it's own, blazing eyes evaporating into nothingness, before it shattered into countless fragments, his vision falling into complete darkness.

Danarshi began to see visions within his state of unconsciousness, comprised of various, twisted images, many of them showing the grueling deaths of over a dozen different species. The Horde, the Alliance, and even his own people: all were included within the images. His dreams were of a crimson, red hue, until volcanoes began to rise from the earth itself, far into the distant, erupting waves of molten fel which poured down their rocky faces in waves of demolition, clouds of green acid overpowering the reddened atmosphere that came before them. From these clouds rained armies of burning infernals, falling upon the crying, desperate, and helpless mortals of Azeroth, the ground trembling in fury, as their doom was slowly met. Cities were razed, Stormwind itself having been amid this terrifying wave of destruction. This was the devastation that the Burning Legion was more than capable of. To Danarshi, it felt as though these images had all occurred within mere moments, as his nightmare was shrouded in a sudden bright, green light. His ears rang violently, as he could feel himself laying upon his back, weakened from head to toe, his eyes blinded, now able to see nothing more than a bright, white light. He could not even tell if he had yet awakened from his harrowing dream, or if a horror worse than all else was lurking through the expanses of his mind, ready to appear before him, and scream out at him. Nearly a minute of tension passed, until, at last, the white light upon his eyes began to fade. A sky choked by a swirling vortex was the first sight he bared witness to as he awoke from his unconsciousness; it nearly looked as though it was beckoning for him, hungering to the feast upon his own soul.

Danarshi, not so keen on his return to Auchindoun. Note: His tabard, and crown flame, are both incorrect.

Slowly, though steadily, Danarshi sat himself up, his body aching and weakened beyond belief, no doubt due to the fel crystal he had encountered. A sharp sensation stabbed into his back, uncertain as to what it even was. Danarshi looked down upon where he sat, his eyes having widened in despair, as over a dozen skulls stared up at him in an agonised manner. It was then that he had realised that he was, in fact, laying upon a pile of draenei bones. Danarshi let out a gasp of surprise, and fear, as he scrambled to his hooves as fast as his weary legs could take him, crumbling beneath his own mass, and rolling down the bone pile, many of them audibly cracking beneath him. As he reached the bottom of the pile, he was met with the cold, hard, cindered floor, slamming down against it, the side of his face pressed against the cold surface. Danarshi did not even have to think twice for him to know where he was: he was located within the Bone Wastes, and Auchindoun's hallowed ruins sat evocatively in the near distance, taunting at him. He took his breaths two at a time, heaving and wheezing away, as the dust gathered by countless bones, entered his lungs. With what little might his arms could muster, he used them to shakily push himself up off of the ground, eventually finding his footing, after what may have been his most difficult time lifting himself up in his entire lifetime. He looked about his surroundings in a state of stunned confusion, convinced that this was bound only to be another segment of his wicked dream. How could this have possibly been reality?

Danarshi soon heard a deep, bellowing voice, booming about the walls beneath his skull's shell, forcing his body to twitch from it's force. The voice called out for his name, over, and over, and over again, his mind pained further each time it sounded. He could not be more puzzled as he began to wander forward, a hand upon his forehead, squeezing at the throbbing pain, until his eyes gazed up in meeting of a tall, towering figure that stood before him, it's eyes identical nearly to those which glared him down from the fel crysal itself. Danarshi halted his movement and froze upon the spot, as he was met by the large figure. It's skin was as red as blood, and it's features cracked by streams of fel. An eredar stood before him. Danarshi, partially hunched over, began to clench his teeth and growl, his eyebrows furrowing, and his fists clenching. "Ah, Danarshi. At last, I have found you. It has been so, so long since I have last met you. Time has truly taken it's toll upon you. Perhaps it is the skin, or hair? You do look rather sickly, I am afraid I must so strongly state." the eredar began, clearly a male. A smile was upon the demon's face, quite clearly intent on toying with Danarshi's emotions. "Your nerve is unwavering, Man'ari." Danarshi stated, aggressive in tone, though plain in nature. The eredar's smile only seemed to widen further. "Indeed, it is. How could one possess no nerve when they hold as much power as I do? You see, Danarshi, you and I both know each other, this I can safely confirm. You could even say that we were once quite the "friends", at some point in time." the eredar continued to tease at him, Danarshi's anger boiling within him. "Cease your game of riddles, demon. Who are you, and why have you forced me back upon the grounds of this forsaken mausoleum? Few Man'ari I have crossed continue to live on to this day. Your lies are meaningless against me." Danarshi let back at the eredar, who did not seem much phased by the comeback.

"Are they, Danarshi? You believe them to be nothing more than "meaningless lies"? I am insulted by your lack of faith in me. These are no lies, you see. In fact, what I say is quite the truth. I suppose I should not be much surprised, considering I am speaking to a mortal who was foolish enough to lay his hand upon a fel crystal. I am sorely disappointed in you, Danarshi, although, humourously enough, not much surprised.“ the eredar taunted, proceeding to have crossed his arms following his sentence. "If you had suspected that your trap would be so easily detected, and avoided, then why did you not enact a more cunning plan? That, fiend, I am disappointed of." Danarshi let out, his tone having been without much breath to it. The eredar let out a laugh of amusement at Danarshi's words. "Because I did not need to. You are a fool, Danarshi, and it was as easy as I had expected for you to fall into my grasp. Despite all that has brought change upon you across the span of the past twenty five thousand years, still you lack the common sense of awareness. Still, you show no care of the perils that surround you on a constant basis. You would charge straight into the fray of danger long before you evaluate the risks that may result of your hasty action. In fact, your bravery must be applauded. Archimonde would have made much use of you, if you had not so foolishly chosen the wrong side; the weak side. Within the Burning Legion, your bravery could have been endless. Instead, you chose to follow the false prophet: Velen, and the deceitful word of the naaru. They claim that they wield the power to protect you, and that they possess the means to put an end to us. The naaru merely spit lies at you, for they are truly as hopeless as your own people. They know that they cannot defeat us, and yet, even so, they hold the gal to delay the long earned demise of the draenei, and the rest of their preserved little pets. Their efforts are futile, for we are an endless force, an endless legion." the eredar spat out, most certainly as he concluded his statement.

Danarshi clenched his eyes shut momentarily before reopening them, his gaze still set strongly upon the eredar. "You gravely underestimate the potential of the Holy Light, demon. You do not even comprehend it's true nature. To be one with the Light is to be defined by hope itself. Without light, you have only darkness. There is no hope in darkness. The Light guides my people, ensures that we survive, and find peace. For a time, I was forced to wander alone, without the guidance of the Light. Never before had I felt so... exposed, so... vulnerable. I was lost. Unlike you and the majority of our race, we, the draenei, held the most firmly to the strength of will. We resisted the offer of unlimited power, for we were wise enough to know the sacrifices that we would be forced to make, in payment of such energy. In choosing my freedom over eternal servitude, I forged myself a destiny of freedom, for not only myself, though also, my family. You, eredar, lacked that same strength. You lost the lone chance that you were granted, one that would allow you to pave your own path. Now, your own destiny lays within the hands of a delusional dark titan. You are beneath me. You, are the very dirt that is beneath my hooves.” Danarshi let out with what would be comparable to a faint snarl, at last, hitting a nerve within the eredar, as he began to twitch furiously upon the spot, his arms still crossed against his chest, although a little tighter than previously. "Worthless little gnat. You could not possibly be any more daft. Do you not understand that my people do not even rely on hope to see our means through? Hope is a tool for the weak to exercise use of, for them to forget how small and weak they truly are. The Burning Legion holds the entirety of the Great Dark Beyond within it's very grasp. If we demand a world be wiped from existence, then it shall be so. We do not have a need for hope, when the universe itself lives off of our mercy. Now, enough of this idle banter. Your false hope will not help you through that of which I have planned for you." the eredar spoke out with precision, clearly the sort of character that few would be able to defeat in an verbal debate.

With the uncrossing of his arms, the eredar waved his arm, gathering Danarshi's attention of his own surroundings. "Are you not curious as to why I have brought you here, to Auchindoun? You must be, considering your laughable little mistake on the Azuremyst Isle, that which led you here, through the means of teleportation. A curious little creature you are, indeed. You see, Danarshi, I know precisely of the deeds you committed within those crypts that are ripe with the fallen of your race. You rose them from death itself, in some feeble little attempt to 'give them life once more'. Even when you began to realise just how wrong you were, you delved further, and further into the practice. You relished every little dying moment of your studies, didn't you, Danarshi? Do not even bother denying it, for you and I both know that it is true. Aelleena must hold such immense hate for you, after the atrocities that you committed upon her beaten corpse. Surely you did not forget that the dead live on, even beyond death? Your wife has not so easily forgotten of your sins, I would care to wager." the eredar voiced in a disgustingly courageous tone. Danarshi could now truly begin to feel the blood within him boil in furiosity. With a stomp of his hoof upon the singed soil, causing it to crack about him, he began to rise in his stance, his anger forcing him through his weakened state. "You dare touch upon my past in such a way?! I regret all that I committed within those halls, all of it! In the name of my beloved wife who I failed to protect, I will smite you down in the name of the Light!" Danarshi proclaimed with a yell. He took an offensive step towards the eredar, prepared to initiate a fight between the two, if he was aggravated any further. The eredar remained unphased; he clearly did not perceive Danarshi as much of a threat.

"You see, Danarshi: I only jest. I did not lure you out here, simply to tease at your pitiful past. If I had wanted you to be crying out for mercy, you would be doing so. If I had wanted you dead, you would have died well beyond a thousand years ago. If I had wanted you to join us, then you would already be Man'ari. My intention here was that I, you see, rather found this iconic place to be a fitting location, for that of a little family reunion. Would you not agree with me, Danarshi? Or have you truly forgotten the face of your own brother?” the eredar, at last, had let out, as he allowed silence to now envelop them. Danarshi began to quiver, as he began to submit, having taken a measure of steps back. His eyes were dominated by dread, and his throat had turned dry, his voice unable to make even a sound. “I can see it within your very eyes, Danarshi. You now know now exactly who you are speaking with. Indeed, you are not wrong. You are right, my brother. You-are-right.” the eredar began, as he revealingly raised his arms to his side. “It is I, Mordaros, your brother, alive and well, in the very flesh.” Mordaros finished his fragmented sentence, a slight smile still present upon his face, as he lowered his arms from the position he had placed them. Danarshi only managed to begin shaking his head in a repetitive motion, denial flooding through his mind. His mouth opened, though no sound came out of it. He did not want to see this as being reality. “What is the matter, Danarshi? You are looking rather grim. Do you not admire what I have become? Sargeras enhanced the eredar, made us into an unstoppable force, to be feared by all beyond even dear Argus itself. You were foolish more than anything, to resist the gift that he had offered you. You became so very susceptible to death upon following the renowned traitor: Velen. Do you remember the eredar who went by the name of: Levixus? The one who named himself: "the Soul Caller"? The very being who bestowed the gift of necromancy upon you? It was through he could I see all that you were accomplishing within those darkened halls. You showed great promise, Danarshi, though unfortunately, your will was weak, and now, in consequence of your failure, you shall perish, for all of eternity.” Mordaros taunted once more at him, before raising his arm into the air, shadowy binds having shot from the very soil, binding the petrified Danarshi in place.

"Now, before I send you off on a long, hard earned slumber within the Twisting Nether, did you have any final, touching words that you would desire to pass on to your beloved brother of old? I would be much eager to hear them having waiting such time in order to speak to you again." Mordaros brought fourth in topic to Danarshi, who's face was now wrought with emotional agony. “...Mordaros..." Danarshi had, at last, forced from his lips. Mordaros, in response to this, leaned in closer to Danarshi, placing a hand by his ear, in a gesture that he was listening to him. "I loved you, like any true brother would. There was no friend who I would have had replace you. I forced myself to assume that you had perished in the initial attack, in a deep fear that your fate could have been of a worse one. Now, my eyes bare witness to you, your skin run red, broken by the corruption of fel. You are no different than Kil'jaeden, now." Danarshi spoke in a rather hushed voice, only enough to be properly heard. "Touching. I, too, loved you as a sibling, once upon a time, until you were revealed as not truly being one of us. It is quite hard to find love for a traitor, I am sure you understand. Now, if that was all that you had to squeeze from your fragile little vocal chords, then I shall be-" Mordaros began to pronounce, as Danarshi suddenly cut back in. "Look at yourself. Do you not see what Sargeras has done to you? I will not deny that a sinister magic did, too, take it's toll upon me, though you are not even phased by your corruption. You think that you have been bettered by all that you have gained, though, truly, you have only lessened yourself. Power does not mean as much as you have been led to believe. There is a limit to how much power that you can possess, before it is too much. I may hold far less power than you do, brother, though my knowledge topples your's by tenfold. I limited myself, so that I may still be myself. You, in your lust for power, have all but lost yourself. You think that you are the master of your own abilities, when, in fact, they are the master of you. The man who you once were, died, on the day he made his decision to bow before the Legion. You are only an image of the mistake that he made." Danarshi stated, his tone strengthening the more that he spoke.

Mordaros' smile had all but evaporated. "Say as you will, Danarshi. Regardless of what you may believe, the Burning Legion is coming. Azeroth is far from a safe refuge for the draenei. We will return, and when we do, the last of your people's hope shall be squandered. The naaru, nor your 'Alliance', will be able to prevent the long awaited doom of your new home. It's seas shall boil, and it's continents will break. When we are done with it, Outland shall be a world of beauty in comparison to it. You, however, shall not be possessing the privilege to see our plan take final motion." Mordaros said, as he began to conjure a gate to the Twisting Nether itself, that which opened behind Danarshi. He could feel the force of the portal pulling against him. His shadowy binds were all that were holding him in place, now. There was nothing that he could do to save himself. Without much choice but to accept that his fate may have, at long last, been sealed, Danarshi softly closed his eyes for but a moment, before reopening them, and gazing down at the ground beneath him. "The naaru, nor the draenei, have ever been as prepared for the Legion as they are now. The naaru, too, have a plan in motion. When the Burning Crusade reaches the soil of Azeroth as it has before, an army of the Light shall be there, waiting for it." he said, before looking back up at Mordaros. "The tables are turning, and with it, does the Burning Legion's end draw ever nearer." Danarshi uttered, as he took a brief pause. "Goodbye, Mordaros." he finished with what may have been his final words. Mordaros followed it up with the slightest little laugh. "Goodbye, Danarshi. This has truly been an "enlightening" reunion." he said, as he began to shield Danarshi in some form of barrier, formed out of the energies of the Void itself. As the barrier successfully formed about him, he was abruptly released from his binds, and he proceeded to fall through the rift, that which closed only shortly after.

Man'ari Mordaros, manifesting the mere base of his sinister capabilities.

Danarshi had not even managed to gain a glimpse of the Twisting Nether, before the ward that had been placed upon him took quick effect, forcing him into a deep, eternal slumber. This would allow him to be entirely unaware of his surroundings, in prevention of driving him insane, and potentially far more powerful, by venturing throughout the Nether in consciousness. Within his form of stasis, there was nothing that Danarshi could do. Truly, he was trapped, and this was to be a foreseeable end for him. Not even did he hold the freedom to dream, his mind resorting to nothingness, in the form of an empty, black void, of one that he could barely even notice, at that. It was almost as though he was dead, or, at least, the closest that anybody could get to it. Thankfully, Danarshi's very body froze in time. Whilst caught in stasis, he could not age, nor did need to eat, or hydrate himself. There were no ordinary means of escape for him. As the months began to drift by him, Elysium were the only beings to take notice of his sudden disappearance. None of them knew where he had gone, and some had speculated that he had wished to escape the order, or had simply found death. Regardless of what any of them were to believe, his months of inactivity had him removed from their ranks, with nothing that he could have done to prevent it.

Mordaros had plotted Danarshi's fate with a measure of care. Whether or not his action was an act of mercy was yet to be discovered, considering how easily he could have simply taken his life. Nonetheless, his plan was, in fact, fatally flawed: the Twisting Nether is an unstable plain of immense measure, and what is able to occur within is still, to this day, not entirely known, not even by the Burning Legion's most gifted. Soon it would be found, that not forever would Danarshi travel the Twisting Nether, as Mordaros had originally anticipated. A moment in time came, when an anomaly within the Twisting Nether stream opened, dangerously close to Danarshi, as he continued to float, timelessly. This rift was powerful in nature, though incredibly unstable, as it was clear that it would not support much material before closing back in upon itself. It's pull having been so incredibly powerful, Danarshi drew closer towards it, his motionless body drifting into the unknown, as he was sucked directly through the rift. The blackness in which he had barely been noticing in his unconsciousness turned to every colour his eye could identify. As white struck his vision, it was then that he re-awoke, not even a year having passed by him. Beneath him was a luscious, golden grass that perked out of a rich soil. The sounds of life sang all around him, meeting with his ears. These sounds were something that he had heard much before in particular, and he was puzzled by them. It was abruptly clear enough to him that he had not returned to Azuremyst Isle. As he began to rise, gradually finding his strength as the seconds passed by him, he bared witness to a sight far beyond his own belief: an unscathed Draenor.

Alternate Draenor

Work in progress.

Out of Character

Danarshi (Out of Character)
Faction Alliance
Gender Male
Race Draenei
Class Priest
Talent Spec Shadow/Holy
Realm Moon Guard
Guild Te Amun

When out of character, I enjoy a wide mix between both shadow, and holy specialisations. During Mists of Pandaria endgame, Danarshi was most strongly focussed on holy healing within raids and dungeons. When out in the world, he would often have been in shadow spec. During his levelling experience from 1 - 90, he was solely specced to shadow, in which he used in both PvE, and PvP. Following level 90, Danarshi has done only very light PvP, only out of boredom.

As of far in Warlords of Draenor, I have been adding an equal focus on both shadow spec, and holy spec, the first being for most world content, whilst the second being used very frequently for content such as dungeons, and raids. Danarshi has been level 100 for the majority of the latest expansion, and is now in the process of wrapping up his final Tanaan Jungle reputation.

At this particular point in time, I am quite satisfied with Danarshi out of character wise, and between now and the release of the next expansion: Legion, I plan to place my primary focus on developing Danarshi in character wise. Despite working over the months on his backstory, Danarshi has seen very little roleplay during Warlords of Draenor, and this I plan on rectifying over the weeks to come.

Outside of the occasional fun with friends, I have not been placing a focus on PvP at level 100 with Danarshi, and do not plan on doing this for the remainder of Warlords of Draenor, or during Legion.


-Danarshi, as an ingame character, can be found on the server: Moon Guard, if you wish to search for him on the World of Warcraft armory.

-Danarshi was originally created during 2009, on the server: Saurfang. He was a discipline priest who, due to my extremely nooby self at the time, used it purely for DPS reasons. Long following the creation of my character 'Lacvanis' on the server: Moon Guard, whom I decisively renamed to 'Danarshi', the original Danarshi from Saurfang was deleted shortly afterwards, due to long inactivity and increasing uselessness. Today's Danarshi, as we know him, was created on the nineteenth of January, 2012.

-Danarshi's name was, unfortunately, once: 'Lacvanis', which has long since been retconned. Lacvanis, out of character wise, however, still existed for many years beyond his recreation into Danarshi. It was only until recently that I finally decided that it was more than time to put the poor old guy to rest (the extra character slot sure came in handy, though). Additionally, for those who care, Lacvanis was, out of character wise, an unholy death knight, as his focus on necromancy, in character wise, was active enough to have urged almost any sane draenei to immediately cut him down on the spot. Basically, the character was a complete mess, and I like to think that I have come a long way since those dark times (let us forget).

-Danarsho, the orc infant rescued by Danarshi in the segment "Noble Intent", is, in fact, a real character of mine. His own, unique Wowpedia page is not currently planned. This character was created on the server: Saurfang, in the year 2009. His name was forged out of sheer laziness, as 'Danarshi' was the name in which it derived from. Due to their strikingly similar names, involving him directly with Danarshi, in character wise, only seemed to be the most fitting course of action, in explaining the origins of the orc's name. After transferring him from his original PvE server, he can be found on: Wyrmrest Accord, a roleplay server. If you are curious to discover Danarsho's appearance, then feel free to search for him on the World of Warcraft armory.


Future Plans

-I have a draft of a story involving Danarshi having a young veridian nether whelp placed into his care, in which he raises. As it comes of age, he learns how to fly the beast correctly. This amusing little segment was never complete, and in result of this, has never seen the light of day. Due to it's sketchiness lorewise, it was a difficult idea to successfully execute, proving as the reason for it not making it into the story, nor will this change in the future. Instead, I will be re imagining this entire segment, with the idea that rather than raising the dragon from youth, he, instead, aggressively defeats it in an act of self defence, to the point that the two are forced into cooperation, much to Danarahi's favour. This would, in time, form into an interesting though rather unstable bond, one made strongly through respect. The dragon itself, able to speak, will be Danarshi's flying tutor.

-There's a small chance that I may create a list containing all of the spells that Danarshi has access to. This is for in character reference only, and by no means relates to his out of character skill set.

-I will be creating more images to place on the page, to help keep it vibrant and interesting to read through. This will include Danarshi's family, and further images of himself, most particularly with the use of the new models. Note that the majority of my images are created with WowModelViewer, and the Wowhead model viewer. WMV has always suffered from many stability issues, and there have been a large amount throughout the last year in particular. This, unfortunately, has been making it increasingly difficult for me to create images with the program, so I can already confirm that it will not be a fast process (not that any of this page is).

-The Alternate Draenor segment of the story is currently under construction. I have begun writing on it and have planned ahead on where I want this particular part of the story to lead. Approximate ETA on it's release is marked around early next year. With over twenty pages currently existing to back it up, it is going to be another whopper of an update to the page.

-I will always be rechecking the story for any typos, poorly used/misplaced words, duplicate words, and correcting all of these usual errors, alongside adding new, smaller segments into the story, that I feel were missed. Sorry about all of the errors that currently exist, I know there's a truckload of them scattered about up there.

-I plan on duplicating this page, so that it may be published on the Moon Guard server Wikipedia.