List of necromancers

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This article is about the necromancers in World of Warcraft. For the class, see Necromancer. For the necromancers in Maldraxxus, see Maldraxxi necromancer.

This article is a list of necromancers that are known from around Azeroth, Outland, alternate Draenor, and Argus.

Named necromancers

Alliance Crest Alliance

Name Role(s) Affiliation(s) Status Location
Alliance  Necrolord Sipe Necrolord and Combatant Mount Quartermaster for the Alliance. Kingdom of Stormwind, Alliance Alive Old Town, Stormwind City

Horde Crest Horde

Name Role(s) Affiliation(s) Status Location
Horde  Gunther Arcanus Once a mage of the Kirin Tor, he freed himself from the Scourge and joined the Forsaken as a necromancer. Forsaken, Horde Active Gunther's Retreat, Tirisfal Glades
Horde  Helcular Former apprentice of Kel'Thuzad, now a necromancer at the service of the Forsaken. Forsaken, Horde Active Ruins of Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills
Horde  Necrolord Azael Necrolord and one of the Horde Captains fighting the Alliance in Ashran. Horde Killable Ashran
Horde  Novice Thaivand Apprentice of Helcular and necromancer at the service of the Forsaken. Forsaken, Horde Active Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills

Neutral Neutral

Name Role(s) Affiliation(s) Status Location
Neutral  The Primus Eternal One, leader of the Necrolord Covenant and the Maldraxxi army, ruler of Maldraxxus. Undying Army, Necrolord Covenant, Pantheon of Death Active Seat of the Primus, Maldraxxus
Neutral  The Lich King Dark Lord of the Undead Scourge, created to weaken Azeroth for the Burning Legion's Second invasion. Scourge (formerly the Burning Legion) Defunct Destroyed at the Frozen Throne
Neutral  Abercrombie An alchemist who went mad after the death of his wife, he became the Embalmer and created Stitches. Independent Alive Beggar's Haunt, Duskwood
Neutral  Margrave Sin'dane Leader of the House of Rituals, one of the five necrolord houses of Maldraxxus. House of Rituals, Undying Army, Necrolord Covenant Active Hall of Sorcery, House of Rituals
Neutral  Baron Balmedar One of the two barons of the House of Rituals, at the service of Margrave Sin'dane. House of Rituals, Undying Army, Necrolord Covenant Active Hall of Sorcery, House of Rituals
Neutral  Cho'gall Chieftain of the Twilight's Hammer Clan, formerly ruler of Ahn'Qiraj and Avatar of C'Thun. Twilight's Hammer, Old Gods' forces Deceased Killed at the Throne of the Apocalypse
Neutral  Dark Summoner Marogh A powerful necromancer who joined the Ebon Blade after a long way from the depths of the Shadowlands. Knights of the Ebon Blade Alive Hall of Command, Acherus: The Ebon Hold
Neutral  Diesalven A necromancer who fought the High Wizard of the Scarlet Crusade Arellas Fireleaf, it is said they are locked in eternal combat. Scourge Unknown Unknown
Neutral  Diodor the Damned One of the first members of the Cult of the Damned, hero of the Scourge. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Deceased Killed at the Scarlet Monastery
Neutral  Drak'thul A warlock of the Stormreaver clan, he went into exile after the clan was eradicated at the end of the Second War. Independent Alive Broken Shore, Broken Isles
Neutral  Exarch Maladaar Leader of the Auchenai in Outland, driven mad after the Genocide of the draenei. Auchenai Deceased Killed in the Crypt of Remembrance
Neutral  Gravelord Monkh Leader of the Clan Ukhel, tried to resurrect Teera and Maruuk's spirits during the Nokhud Offensive. Clan Ukhel Deceased Killed at the Eternal Kurgans
Neutral  Gul'dan Master of the Shadow Council, Chieftain of the Stormreaver clan, and creator of the first death knights. Shadow Council, Stormreaver clan, Burning Legion Deceased Died in the Tomb of Sargeras
Neutral  Gul'dan (alternate universe) Lord of the Shadow Council, Burning Legion's ambassador to the Nightborne. Shadow Council, Burning Legion Deceased Killed in the Nighthold
Neutral  Kel'Thuzad Lieutenant of Zovaal the Jailer, formerly majordomo of the Lich King and leader of the Cult of the Damned. Mawsworn (formerly the Scourge) Deceased Killed at the Throne of the Damned
Neutral  Ner'zhul Warlord of the Shadowmoon clan and ruler of Shadowmoon Valley on alternate Draenor. Shadowmoon clan, Iron Horde Deceased Killed at the Edge of Reality
Neutral  Raeth Ghostsong Hearthstone Forsaken necromancer encountered as a boss in the Witchwood of Gilneas. Forsaken Active Witchwood, Gilneas
Neutral  Rakmar Sharpfang Unofficial leader of the necrolytes under the command of Gul'dan during the Second War. Stormreaver clan, Old Horde Deceased Unknown
Neutral  Teron'gor Leader of the Gorebound was charged with infiltrating the draenei mausoleum of Auchindoun Shadow Council Deceased Killed in the Hellfire Antechamber.
Neutral  The Necromancer A necromancer who attempted to overwhelm Duskwood by corrupting the Torch of Holy Flame. Independent Deceased Killed in Twilight Grove
Neutral  Timolain the Accursed A mage of the Scarlet Crusade killed by Grand Inquisitor Isillien, but he managed to resurrect as a lich. Independent Active Thondroril River, Western Plaguelands

Mob Hostile

Name Role(s) Affiliation(s) Status Location
Mob  Ambassador Bloodrage Ambassador of the Scourge to the quilboar in Razorfen Downs. Scourge Killable Razorfen Downs, Barrens
Boss  Amnennar the Coldbringer Commander of the Scourge forces in Razorfen Downs, leader of Death's Head tribe. Scourge Killable Spiral of Thorns, Razorfen Downs
Mob  Araj the Summoner Ruler of the Ruins of Andorhal and former leader of the Scholomance. Scourge Killable Ruins of Andorhal, Western Plaguelands
Mob  Bonebender Sun'la Skeletal troll necromancer subjugating a group of Subdued Exiles in the Port of Zem'lan. Pirate-King Zem'lan Killable Port of Zem'lan, Vol'dun
Mob  Bonebender Wonashi Skeletal troll necromancer subjugating a group of Subdued Exiles in the Port of Zem'lan. Pirate-King Zem'lan Killable Port of Zem'lan, Vol'dun
Mob  Corpse Bringer Yal'kar Blood troll necromancer raising Kel'vax Offerings on the Terrace of the Speakers. Independent Killable Terrace of the Speakers, Nazmir
Boss  Dalronn the Controller "Companion" of Skarvald the Constructor in Utgarde Keep. Scourge Killable Utgarde Keep
Mob  Dar'Khan Drathir Master of Deatholme, once a magister who betrayed Quel'Thalas and helped Arthas to reach the Sunwell. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Deceased Killed in the Tower of the Damned
Boss  Darkmaster Gandling Headmaster of Scholomance and leader of the remaining Scourge in the Western Plaguelands. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Active Headmaster's Study, Scholomance
Mob  Deathspeaker Kharos Leader of the Cult of the Damned camp overlooking the Argent Tournament Grounds. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Deceased Killed at the Deathspeaker's Watch
Boss  Dia Darkwhisper Left hand of Gul'dan and member of the Hellfire High Council, she is a champion of Void magic and an outcast of the Shadowmoonn. Iron Horde Killable Court of Blood, Hellfire Citadel
Mob  Doctor Theolen Krastinov The Butcher and provider of bodies in Scholomance, formerly the servant of Kirtonos the Herald. Scourge Deceased Killed in the Butcher's Sanctum
Mob  Ephial Betrayer of Admiral Taylor's Garrison and creator of Soulscythe. Unknown Killable Admiral Taylor's Farm, Spires of Arak
Boss  Gothik the Harvester Teaches the art of necromancy to the death knights of Naxxramas. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Killable Military Quarter, Naxxramas; Death's Breach, Scarlet Enclave
Mob  Grand Master Ulrich A necromancer fought by the Alliance and Horde adventurers during the expedition islands. Independent Killable Island Expedition
Mob  Grand Necrolord Antiok Grand Necrolord of the Scourge in charge of the effort to raise Galakrond to undeath. Scourge Killable Wicked Coil, Dragonblight
Mob  Grimkor the Wicked Commander of the Scourge at the Ironwall Rampart. Scourge Killable Ironwall Rampart, Icecrown
Mob  Grogal the Harvester Necromancer and warlock summoning minor demons in Gul'var. Shadow Council Killable Gul'var, Shadowmoon Valley
Boss  Heigan the Unclean The mastermind behind the plague cauldrons that turned the wilderness of Azeroth into the Plaguelands. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Killable Plague Quarter, Naxxramas
Boss  Instructor Chillheart Instructor from Northrend who teach aspiring necromancers discipline in Scholomance. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Killable Reliquary, Scholomance
Mob  Instructor Malicia Cultist instructor who left Scholomance and begun field-training cultists near the Weeping Cave. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Killable Malicia's Outpost, Western Plaguelands
Mob  Jax'teb the Reanimated Skeletal troll accompanied by Crumbling Skeletons at Koramar. Independent Killable Koramar, Nazmir
Mob  Konrad the Enslaver A necromancer fought by the Alliance and Horde adventurers during the expedition islands. Independent Killable Island Expedition
Mob  Kormok Once a mage of the Veiled Blade, he was exposed to necromantic magic and became a necromancer in Scholomance. Scourge Deceased Killed at Scholomance
Mob  Korthall Soulgorger An orc necromancer raising the dead in Ashran. Independent Killable Ashmaul Burial Grounds, Ashran
Boss  Krick A gnome necromancer accompanied by a plague eruptor named Krick in the Pit of Saron. Scourge Killable Pit of Saron, Icecrown Citadel
Mob  Lorgos the Resurrector Inquisitor responsible of the corruption at Heroes' Rest during the Legion Assaults. Burning Legion Killable Heroes' Rest, Val'sharah
Mob  Lord Maldazzar An agent of the Cult of the Damned in Malicia's Outpost Scourge, Cult of the Damned Killable Malicia's Outpost, Western Plaguelands
Boss  Maleki the Pallid One of the first to join the Cult of the Damned, preparing himself to be remade as a lich. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Killable Gauntlet, Stratholme Service Entrance
Mob  Morbent Fel Leader of the undead in Duskwood and ally of the Dark Riders. Independent Deceased Killed in the Dawning Wood Catacombs
Mob  Naberius Betrayer of Kirin'Var Village, formerly an apprentice to Archmage Vargoth. Independent Killable Kirin'Var Village, Netherstorm
Mob  Necro Overlord Mezhen Necrolord in charge of awakening the vrykul at Gjalerbron. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Killable Gjalerbron, Howling Fjord
Mob  Necrolord Amarion Necrolord responsible of the undead attacks on Wintergarde Keep. Scourge Killable Wintergarde Crypt, Dragonblight
Mob  Necrolord Horus Necrolord emptying the Wintergarde Mausoleum to create undead for Necrolord Amarion. Scourge Killable Wintergarde Mausoleum, Dragonblight
Mob  Necrolord X'avius Necrolord emptying the Wintergarde Mausoleum to create undead for Necrolord Amarion. Scourge Killable Wintergarde Mausoleum, Dragonblight
Mob  Necrolord Zian A mogu necromancer fought by the Alliance and Horde adventurers during the expedition islands. Zian-Ti Killable Island Expedition
Boss  Noth the Plaguebringer Once a reputable mage of Dalaran, he joined the Lich King and created the process that distills the souls of the living. Scourge, Cult of the Damned Deceased Killed in the Plague Quarter of Naxxramas
Mob  Ogzor the Necrothurge Agent sent by the Shadow Council spread corruption in Throm'var. Shadow Council Killable Icescar Boneyard, Frostfire Ridge
Mob  Rage Winterchill Commander of the Scourge employed by the Burning Legion during the Battle of Mount Hyjal. Burning Legion, Scourge Deceased Killed at the Hyjal Summit
Boss  Salramm the Fleshcrafter One of the first necromancers trained beneath Scholomance. Scourge Killable Forlorn Cloister, Scarlet Monastery
Mob  Sataiel The first necrolyte of Azeroth and the former wielder of Ulthalesh, gave by the Dark Titan Sargeras himself. Independent (formerly Burning Legion) Killable Soul trapped in Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester
Mob  Spirit Master Rowena A necromancer fought by the Alliance and Horde adventurers during the expedition islands. Independent Killable Island Expedition
Mob  Summoner Laniella A necromancer fought by the Alliance and Horde adventurers during the expedition islands. Independent Killable Island Expedition
Boss  Thalnos the Soulrender Once a torturer of the Scarlet Crusade, he was infected by the plague and became a necromancer. Independent Killable Forlorn Cloister, Scarlet Monastery
Mob  Thule Ravenclaw Once an apprentice of the Kirin Tor who gave his soul to the Lich King, he lead the Rot Hide gnolls on Fenris Isle. Scourge Killable Fenris Keep, Silverpine Forest
Mob  Tombcaller Arban Centaur necromancer who helped Gravelord Monkh to raise Teera and Maruuk. Clan Ukhel Killable Eternal Kurgans, Ohn'ahran Plains
Mob  Tombcaller Ganzaya Centaur necromancer who helped Gravelord Monkh to raise Teera and Maruuk. Clan Ukhel Killable Eternal Kurgans, Ohn'ahran Plains
Mob  Uruk Leader of the Deadtalkers in Townlong Steppes. Deadtalkers Killable Deadtalker's Plateau, Townlong Steppes
Mob  Varidus the Flenser Agent who oversaw the abduction and transformation of Warsong Hold's soldiers into undead. Cult of the Damned, Scourge Killable Borean Tundra
Mob  Zunashi the Exile Zandalari troll necromancer hiding in the desert of Vol'dun. Independent Killable Bone Pit, Vol'dun

Unnamed necromancers