Necrolord (occupation)
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- For the Shadowlands covenant, see necrolord.
Necrolords (or necro-lords) seem to be in charge of raising, and turning mortals into undead.[1][2] The necrolords of the Scourge might be advanced forms of necrolytes and be led by Grand Necrolord Antiok, who himself is trying to unearth Galakrond in the Dragonblight.[3]
During the Age of a Hundred Kings, the mogu found necromancy. Powerful mogu necro-lords ruled their tribes from crypts dug deep beneath the surface.[4]
After the war against the Jailer, vrykul necrolords continue to coax the slumbering vrykul at Gjalerbron.[5]
Grand Necrolord Antiok - Dragonblight
Necro Overlord Mezhen - Howling Fjord
Necrolord Amarion - Dragonblight
Necrolord Horus - Dragonblight
Necrolord X'avius - Dragonblight
Varidus the Flenser <Cult of the Damned> - Borean Tundra
Necrolord Sipe <Combatant Mount Quartermaster> - Stormwind City
Necrolord Azael <Horde Captain> - Ashran
Necrolord Zian - Island Expedition
- Necrolord - Howling Fjord
- En'kilah Necrolord - Borean Tundra
- Angrathar Necrolord - Dragonblight
- Naxxramas Necrolord - Dragonblight
- Vrykul Necrolord - Icecrown
- High Overlord Saurfang was once disguised as a En'kilah Necrolord.[6]
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[15-30] Breaking Off A Piece
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[10-30] The Warsong Farms
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[15-30] Galakrond and the Scourge
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[10-50] Ancient Crypt Key
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 16
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[10-30] Foolish Endeavors