Lorgos the Resurrector

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MobLorgos the Resurrector
Image of Lorgos the Resurrector
Gender Male
Race Inquisitor (Demon)
Level 10-45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Heroes' Rest, Val'sharah
Status Killable

Lorgos the Resurrector is an inquisitor located at Heroes' Rest in Val'sharah during the Legion Assaults.

Objective of


  • Call out to your troops, "my lord". I will raise them, make them stronger!
  • Fear not, my lord. I can raise more.
  • I don't need you alive to know your secrets.
  • I'll break your will.
  • My eyes see all.
  • This should prove enlightening.
  • Yes... arise... fight the "Legion"!
  • You cannot hide from me.
  • You'll tell me your secrets before you die.

Patch changes

External links