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Azewrath is an alternate universe of Azeroth, visited during the Time Rifts. Azewrath is in a time when the Burning Legion won the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, which drastically changed the outcome of the war and led to the fel corruption of many races.[1]

The Illidan Stormrage boss encounter takes place on a Legion ship, reusing the Kil'jaeden map in Tomb of Sargeras.


In the first stage of the scenario, players come across Ellemayne, an uncorrupted night elf, who hands over a  [Map to Suramar], looking for help with the resistance under the command of Tyrande Whisperwind. Something happened to the Broken Isles, as if something gargantuan crushed the land around it. Suramar is the secretive shielded bastion of the Resistance against the Legion.[2]

After its encounter, Illidan drops  [An Antlered Skull], that of Malfurion Stormrage. Malfurion died young, his antlers not as developed as in the main world,[3] and his skull remains free of fel corruption, unlike what happened to the remaining kaldorei.

In this world, Ursoc the Destroyer is the fel-corrupted version of the Ancient Guardian Ursoc. Despite not appearing in person, Highlord Kruul seems to have been on Azewrath once, as corrupted druidic servants of him are here.




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Considering he talks about Lord Illidan, Fel Lieutenant Koltharius might be from the Azewrath timeline. If so, that would mean Queen Azshara and Captain Varo'then are still alive in this timeline as well. Since Illidan is Lord-Regent of Kalimdor, then Azshara would presumably be Queen of Azeroth.

Patch changes

See also


External links