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Panthran Witchdoctor

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MobPanthran Witchdoctor
Image of Panthran Witchdoctor
Race Saberon (Humanoid)
Level 40-80
Class Witch doctor
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Panthran tribe
Location Gorian Falls, Ashran
Status Killable

Panthran Witchdoctors are hostile saberon mobs found in Gorian Falls, Ashran. They are usually found near small settlements, sometimes accompanied by patrolling Panthran Prides.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up.

  • Shadow Blast
  • Shadow Mending
  • Skulking


  • Originally, their name was "Panthara Witchdoctors". The change was likely done to distinguish between the panthara of Argus.

Patch changes

External links