Gorian Falls
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Gorian Falls is a sub-zone in eastern Ashran,[55, 55] on Draenor. This damp, winding zone features marauding saberon, swarms of podlings, and some very large flying insects, as well as a series of caves. Notably, the [Star Root Tuber] can be looted here.
- Buzzing Venomfly
- Noxic Bellyflopper
- Panthran Pride
- Panthran Witchdoctor
- Sharpclaw Hunter
- Sharpclaw Poison-Shaper
- Star Root Sniffer
- Waterfall Gulper
- Rares
Star Root
Star Root objects found around the zone can be looted to gain [Star Root Tuber], a powerful item with some very useful combat applications.
- During the expansion's beta this area was known simply as "The Waterfall".
Patch changes
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.