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Prowler Sasha

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NeutralProwler Sasha
Image of Prowler Sasha
Race Saberon (Humanoid)
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Various
Status Alive

Prowler Sasha is a saberon found in Gorgrond.


  • Inv legendary fistweapon.png Death from Above — Inflicts 200 Physical damage to enemies within 8 yards.
  • Ability rogue fanofknives.png Fan of Knives — Deals Physical damage.
  • Ability rogue kidneyshot.png Kidney Shot — Finishing move that stuns the target.
  • Ability rogue shadowstep.png Shadowstep — Attempts to step through the shadows and reappear behind your enemy.
  • Ability stealth.png Stealth — Puts the caster in stealth mode. Lasts until cancelled.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Stonemaul Arena 95 111,657
Gorgrond 95 186,095
Strike While the Iron is Hot 94 316,130


Patch changes

External links