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Isle of Dorn NPCs

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The following NPCs can be found in the Isle of Dorn.

Quest givers

  • Delver's Call: Fungal Folly
    • Delver's Call: Fungal Folly (quest)
  • Delver's Call: Kriegval's Rest
    • Delver's Call: Kriegval's Rest (quest)

Profession trainers

  • Neutral  Gandorhil <Blacksmithing Trainer>
  • Neutral  Treagor <Cooking Trainer>
  • Neutral  Treni <Fishing Trainer>
  • Neutral  Amethil <Jewelcrafting Trainer>
  • Neutral  Shardgar <Mining Trainer>


  • Neutral  Bisdina <Herbalism Supplies>
  • Neutral  Findorn <General Goods>
  • Neutral  Gunnvar <General Goods>
  • Neutral  Ironstead Guldsh <Quartermaster>
  • Neutral  Marisda <Cinderbrew Cicerone>
  • Neutral  Opalin <Jewelcrafting Supplies>
  • Neutral  Velkura <Forgemaster>

Various services

  • Neutral  Albetha <Innkeeper>
  • Neutral  Drelda <Flight Master>
  • Neutral  Golgoth <Innkeeper>
  • Neutral  Iridi (earthen) <Flight Master>
  • Neutral  Ramble Rider Enkor <Stable Master>
  • Neutral  Tordrin <Flight Master>

Other notable NPCs


  • Mob  Anub'esska <Bane of the Kirin Tor>
  • Mob  Ashen Stonestalker
  • Mob  Bloodmaw (wolf)
  • Mob  Boroughbreaker Stik'kar
  • Mob  Burgle-gurgle
  • Mob  Clawbreaker K'zithix
  • Mob Coalesced Living Honey
  • Mob  Gramwharl
  • Mob  Grand-Heister Bokk
  • Mob  Hairless the Menace
  • Mob  Kix'arak <The Overseer>
  • Mob  Mage Slayer Phytethil
  • Mob  Malfunctioning Spire
  • Mob  Murgle-whurgle
  • Mob  Purgle-lurgle
  • Mob  Queensguard Zirix
  • Mob  Rotbark the Unfelled
  • Mob  Roth the Earthwound
  • Mob  Rustul Titancap <King Mushroom>
  • Mob  Sandros the Relicbearer
  • Mob  Sagassum Guardian
  • Mob  Shallowshell the Clacker
  • Mob  Springbubble
  • Mob  Stormscar <Pack Leader>
  • Mob  Shadowspinner Azarak
  • Mob  Shipwright Isaebela
  • Mob Wicktor
  • Mob  Workmaster Earwax
  • Mob  Workmaster Nast
  • Mob Warphorn