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Wold Memories

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NeutralWold Memories
Start Woldtender Igris [53.1, 74.9]
End Woldtender Igris [53.9, 69.4]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 1,300
Rewards 2g 34s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70-73] Mycomayhem
Next N [70-73] Keeper's Aid


Search Freydrin's home for help against the fungarians in Boskroot Basin.

  • Freydrin's Hovel investigated
  • Urn searched
  • Freydrin's memory heard
  • Pledge read
  • Freydrin's Shillelagh


Freydrin must have had some way fending off the fungarians.

Although there are few left in the countryside who still follow the Edicts. Freydrin was long a true believer. She would never have allowed these woods to reach this state while she held faith.

We should take a look at her home in the woods. Perhaps there is something that may prove useful inside.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,300 XP


Looking through the Woldkeeper's things unnerves me. So many untold stories.


This staff holds a familiar magic I had hoped to forget. Oh Freydrin, what happened here?


On accept:

Woldtender Igris says: I pray Freydrin's hovel will have what we need. Meet me there!
Igris runs off.

Enter the house and look on the shelves for a Fine Earthen Urn, next to plushies of Mr. Munchykins, Mayor Striggs, and Trunksy:

Fine Earthen Urn

<The fine craftsmanship in this clay pot is betrayed by the odor of rotting tree bark stored in it.

This is not what you are looking for.>

By the forge is a Dusty Memory Gem. Interact with it and a vision of Freydrin runs in:

Woldkeeper Freydrin says: Final offering. I can wait no longer. We are abandoned.
Woldkeeper Freydrin says: These woods will have to hold without me. Goodbye.
The memory of Freydrin removes her memory gem and shuts down abruptly.
Woldtender Igris says: Final offering? Oh. Hmm.

Downstairs to the east is Oathbinder's Pledge:

Oathbinder's Pledge

<This stone banner would have once hung proudly outside of this home as a pledge to the Keepers and their edicts.

Now it is a symbol of a broken memory and an empty promise.>

Nearby is Freydrin's Shillelagh:

Woldtender Igris says: That should do it. I feel an old presence in that staff. Bring it here!


  1. N [70-73] Frayed Legacy (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [70-73] Mycomayhem
  3. N [70-73] Wold Memories
  4. N [70-73] Keeper's Aid
  5. N [70-73] Boss of the Bosk

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