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The Mage Slayer

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NeutralThe Mage Slayer
Start Violet Warden
End Violet Warden
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 13,000
Rewards 56g 18s


The Mage Slayer is known to extract all of the mana from its victims to be used as batteries in grand rituals.

Slay Mage Slayer Phytethil near Rambleshire in the Isle of Dorn.


I confess I have come here with reason. There is one entity that may be out there still that cannot be allowed its freedom.

A prisoner from the Violet Hold that we begrudgingly know as the Mage Slayer. I had come to request aid from these people, but they are farmers and ranchers. I hope you are better equipped for a challenge.

Seek out this fiend and put an end to its existence.


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 13,000 XP


Dalaran may be in ruins, but the Kirin Tor does not grant you release Mage Slayer!

Thank you for your assistance, <name>.

Are you sure you defeated all of it?


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