The Fourth Seat

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NeutralThe Fourth Seat
Start Moira Thaurissan [40.5, 25.9]
End Adelgonn [41.9, 72.6]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 1,300
Rewards 2g 80s 90c
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70-73] State of the Union
Next N [70-73] Delve into the Earth
Adelgonn and Ebona


Find Adelgonn in Freywold Village in the Isle of Dorn.


With me da' and Anduin weakened and Alleria nowhere to be found, it's up to us, <name>, to clear the way for Thrall an' Jaina's army if we hope tae strike back at the nerubians an' Xal'atath.

But we cannae get to the nerubians without the Coreway. An' we cannae repair the Coreway without the earthen's help.

If Merrix thinks this Adelgonn an' her "Unbound" are the only ones that can fix the Coreway, then we need tae find her.

Time tae sharpen me smile an' put on me diplomat hat. Are ye with me, <name>?


You will receive:

  • 2g 80s 90c
  • 1,300 XP


If you are with Baelgrim, then the Council and Oathsworn must have accepted you onto our land.


It seems I have little choice but to hear you and Baelgrim out.


On accept:

Moira Thaurissan says: If this Adelgonn can fix the Coreway, we should seek her out.
Moira Thaurissan says: I'm willin' to be a liasion if ye be willin' to speak with her.
Merrix says: You are correct. Stormward, new directive: take them to Freywold Village.
Baelgrim says: I... will comply. Follow me.
Baelgrim and Moira run north and take the Earthen Teleporter, near the Portal to Stormwind.

Follow them to make it to the top of the Foundation Hall tower, then catch up with Baelgrim and Moira, ready to take off:

Baelgrim says: If Merrix wasn't Councilward... I would have never agreed to do this.
Baelgrim says: You do not grasp the magnitude of her betrayal, outlander. I have no hope for our success.
Baelgrim takes off.
Moira Thaurissan says: Well, this should be interestin'.
Moira takes off too.

Follow them south across Dornogal and down the Isle of Dorn coastline over the Opalcreg to find Freywold Village. On the way in, Natalia Pearce starts N [70-73] For The Love of Gems. Also available are N [70-73] Frayed Legacy from Freysworn Cruton, and N [70-73] All Ore Nothing from Germira.

In the center of the village, find Adelgonn standing in a hotspring in the center of town, healing Ebona:

Adelgonn says: Come on, Ebona. Stay with me.

Speak with her:

<Adelgonn tends to Ebona, a gravely-injured earthen, in the geothermal pool.

With her focus directed solely on her wounded friend, she does not notice your approach.>

Gossip (Quest) Are you Adelgonn?

An in-game cinematic plays, Baelgrim and Adelgonn:

Adelgonn is standing in the thermal pool, Ebona at her feet. Other wounded earthen are nearby.

Adelgonn: Personal directive: prioritize the wounded. We cannot fight if...

The adventurer and Moira walk up.

Adelgonn: Unidentified. Another survivor from the crash?

Moira Thaurissan: I'm Moira, of the Dark Iron and Bronzebeard--

Adelgonn looks away, and Moira and the adventurer follow her gaze to spot Balegrim, still mounted, walking into the village. The rest of the villagers stop what they're doing to face him. He stops just before the thermal pool and dismounts.

Adelgonn: Baelgrim.

Baelgrim: Stoneward.

Adelgonn turns away from Baelgrim, focusing on Ebona.

Adelgonn: I am NOT the Stoneward. You know that.

Baelgrim: I know you abandoned your post.

Adelgonn: And you abandoned us.

Baelgrim: The Coreway was attacked! It must be repaired!

Adelgonn stands back up, facing Baelgrim again.

Adelgonn: We were attacked too! You should have protected--

Moira clears her throat in an attempt to interrupt the argument.

Moira Thaurissan: I can see there is some... history between ye. But if ye haven't noticed...

Moira gestures at the corpse of a nerubian.

Moira Thaurissan: The nerubians have ye both in their sights. Ye need each other, age-old drama or not.

Ebona also has gossip:

<Ebona looks like a pile of rubble. A faintly glowing and mud-like poultice is barely holding her together.

Ebona's eyes are still and do not respond to light or movement.>

After completing the quest, Baelgrim and Moira have new gossip:


I regret coming here. Adelgonn must have seen your Dalaran crash and the smoke rising from Dornogal.

If that did not make her care about our plight, nothing will.

I will acquire the needed resources myself, even without her help if I must.

Moira Thaurissan

I'm not sure what I expected to find, comin' here. Adelgonn and her people have built a beautiful life for themselves. She cares for her people, an' that I can respect.

Now that we're here, we should help her, <name>. If she once was the Stoneward, then her people should still have the skills and resources to repair the Coreway.

She an' Baelgrim have a complicated his'try I have no doubt, but they must put that aside now.

Gossip <Stay awhile and listen.>

Moira Thaurissan says: It must have been... hard for ye to walk away.
Adelgonn says: Yes. I was the Stoneward. With the Stonebound, I built all of Dornogal. But I could not remain there.
Adelgonn says: The Stonebound continued to mine and build and maintain--that was our Edict.
Adelgonn says: But after thousands of years... the titans were silent. And yet we still built. My people wanted something more.
Adelgonn says: Many began to drop their tools and leave for the wolds. I argued for them. That we all should be able to choose.
Adelgonn says: But Baelgrim was furious, and Merrix would not defy the titans either. And so I joined my people here.
Moira Thaurissan says: Leavin' all you know for what ye think is right. That takes some courage.
Adelgonn says: Or faulty programming. We are free, but we did choose to live unprotected. And now my people suffer again.
Moira Thaurissan says: Well, I may be an "outlander" but I think ye are in the right. And these "Oathsworn" should be protectin' ye.
Moira Thaurissan says: Havin' a different opinion doesn't make ye any less earthen.
Adelgonn says: That is not Baelgrim's assessment.
Moira Thaurissan says: Well, let's hope he'll come around. For now, we can only help ourselves and get ye people healed.

Nearby, there is an Unbound Earthen kneeling next to a Dead Abductor:

Unbound Earthen

We were no match for the nerubians. A ram gored one from behind and we were able to finish it off.

How gruesome they look even when dead.

An Injured Earthen is kneeling next to four dead Unbound Earthen:

Injured Earthen

We are used to death, but only by time.

This was a slaughter. We were helpless. The ones who didn't escape into their homes fast enough... here they lie.


  1. N [70-73] Hypocenter
  2. N [70-73] The Archive & N [70-73] Stones of Dornogal
  3. N [70-73] State of the Union
  4. N [70-73] The Fourth Seat
  5. N [70-73] Delve into the Earth
  6. N [70-73] A Natural Remedy & N [70-73] Building Blocks
  7. N [70-73] Echoes of Compassion
  8. N [70-73] The Proscenium
  9. N [70-73] The Cavalry is Here & N [70-73] Fire in the Hole
  10. N [70-73] Convergence

Beta version


This was probably a peaceful place afore we ended up here...


<Adelgonn tends to Ebona, a gravely-injured earthen, in the geothermal pool.

Her focus directed solely on her wounded friend, she does not notice your approach>

Patch changes

External links