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Image of Findorn
Title <General Goods>
Gender Male
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 70-73
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Unbound
Location Freywold Village, Isle of Dorn

Findorn is an earthen located in the Freywold Village inn, on the Isle of Dorn.


Inv misc wrench 01.png [Arclight Spanner]
Inv hammer 20.png [Blacksmith Hammer]
Inv misc questionmark.png Clumped Flour
9s 50c
Inv misc questionmark.png Coreway Dust
8s 17c
Inv misc questionmark.png Crunchy Peppers
11s 64c
Trade archaeology vrykul runestick.png [Draconic Stopper]
4g 75s
Inv inscription armorscroll01.png [Enchanting Vellum]
9s 50c
Inv misc bag 07 blue.png [Explorer's Pack]
Inv fishingpole 02.png [Fishing Pole]
Spell warlock demonicportal purple.png [Gateway Control Shard]
142g 50s
Inv misc questionmark.png Gilded Vial
2g 61s 25c
Inv enchant dustspirit.png [Granulated Spices]
10s 22c
Inv misc screwdriver 02.png [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor]
1g 33s
Inv misc shovel 01.png [Herbalist's Spade]
1s 51c
Inv box 02.png [Jeweler's Toolset]
7s 60c
Inv misc questionmark.png Khaz Algar Tomato
10s 69c
Inv pick 02.png [Mining Pick]
1s 17c
Inv misc questionmark.png Mosswool Thread
6s 65c
Inv staff goldfeathered 01.png [Runed Copper Rod]
Inv weapon shortblade 01.png [Skinning Knife]
1s 18c
Inv misc questionmark.png Twined Herbs
9s 60c
Inv misc dust 02.png 5x [Vanishing Powder]
Inv misc enggizmos 19.png [Virtuoso Inking Set]
7s 13c

Objective of


Main article: The Pillage of Freywold Village#Notes

Patch changes

External links