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Gems Are Forever

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NeutralGems Are Forever
Start Natalia Pearce [29.6, 86.5]
End Natalia Pearce [29.6, 86.5]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Previous N [70-73] What We Do For Gems


Lure out Basalteous by placing a core by each standing stone.

  • First core placed
  • Second core placed
  • Third core placed
  • Fourth core placed
  • Defeat Basalteous


I am so close, I can feel it in my bones.

Place the cores next to each standing stone. It is time to summon Basalteous.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP


This is it. I can feel it.


That was almost effortless! For me, at least.

Can you imagine what I can do with this knowledge? Can you imagine my name spoken in Stormwind? Gilneas? Maybe even Orgrimmar!

I will be able to do and achieve everything I wanted. Everyone will finally look up to me. I will have all the gold for all I can find and create!


Place the first core:

Mysterious Grindy Voice yells: A king of old, blinded by pride, he thought he could rule more than just his mortal subjects.
Natalia Pearce says: Did you hear that? It must be Basalteous! We got its attention.

The second:

Mysterious Grindy Voice yells: The curse of never-ending desire brings mortals and creators alike to their knees.
Natalia Pearce says: Haven't you heard? Greed is good, you old grouch. Let's keep going.

The third:

Mysterious Grindy Voice yells: The self-consumed love for one's appearance hides the inner gem from sight.
Natalia Pearce says: What does that even mean?

And the fourth:

Mysterious Grindy Voice yells: Coveting others' natural talents leads to stagnancy and self-ruin.
Natalia Pearce says: I didn't come here for a lecture. I just want --
Basalteous pops out of the ground!
Natalia Pearce says: Basalteous! Quick, <name>, subdue it!
Basalteous says: I do not wish to fight you mortal.
Basalteous says: I am here to grant you your heart's desire.
Natalia Pearce says: What? Really? That was easier than I thought!

On complete:

Natalia Pearce says: I am ready, creature! Give me your knowledge!
Basalteous says: As... you... wish.
Natalia Pearce says: What is happening? No!
Basalteous encases Natalia in a Standing Stone of her own.
Basalteous says: To know the gem, one must learn humility, patience, and nurturing--like the high mountains and deep caves that harbor gems.
Basalteous says: You will remain in this form for many eons until your inner silent screams cease and the calmness of your mind guide your heart to the task.
Basalteous says: Only after thousands of years of this stillness will you learn the truth of the perfect gem as I do. You will wait patiently. Like the others before you.
Basalteous' gaze falls upon you as it returns to the earth.

Her Standing Stone reads:

<Its carvings fresh and deep, this standing stone depicts a human woman. Her hand is outstretched as if trying to command Basalteous. Beside her is another figure resembling you.>


  1. N [70-73] For The Love of Gems
  2. N [70-73] Precious Gems
  3. N [70-73] What We Do For Gems
  4. N [70-73] Gems Are Forever

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