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For The Love of Gems

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NeutralFor The Love of Gems
Start Natalia Pearce [40.6, 75.1]
End Natalia Pearce [40.6, 75.1]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Next N [70-73] Precious Gems

For The Love of Gems starts an optional chapter of the Isle of Dorn storyline outside Freywold Village.


Natalia wants you to gather information from the earthen villagers.

  • Talk to Betta
  • Talk to Kurron
  • Talk to Maluc


Before Dalaran crashed, I was a preeminent expert on gems. But I lost it all--gems, books, scrolls--like everyone else.

Imagine my surprise when I learned of a creature named Basalteous that possesses knowledge of gems stretching back before the Sundering.

I want that knowledge. I will do anything for it.

But the rock-skinned yokels here won't tell me any more about Basalteous. Can you get the earthen to talk.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP


Were you able to talk to them? Do you have any information?


You got them to talk to you? Amazing! That is more information than I thought they had.



Hello, Outsider. What brings you to my home?

Gossip (Quest) What do you know about Basalteous?

Another outsider came here asking the same question. Curious.

You are not here on their behalf, are you? I told her that she is treading into thick mud trying to find Basalteous.

I value both of your continued functioning too much to tell you of how to find him.

You can ask Kurron, but he will tell you much the same. Perhaps he will persuade you against seeking him if I cannot.


So many outsiders all of a sudden, bringing many outlandish ideas. A great change is upon us.

Gossip (Quest) Where can I find the Basalteous?

This is the second time someone has asked me about Basalteous today! What would someone want with that creature?

I will tell you what I told her when she asked me for info: no.

...Don't look at me like that.

All right, I will tell you where it is, but that is all. You need to know how to summon it to see it!

There is a cave, southwest of here. It is there.

No more questions! Besides, I don't think anyone else knows of it but perhaps Maluc...


Hello Outsider. Welcome to Freywold.

Gossip (Quest) What do you know about Basalteous?

Are all outsiders so persistent? You are the second to interrupt my tasks.

I should not tell you anything, but if it'll keep you out of my beard wires...

I heard Basalteous can be lured by violating the elemental balance around its den. There are four standing stones that act as seals. I will not say more than that.

But may your path never lead where it treads! Turn back and do not execute your endeavor to find it.


  1. N [70-73] For The Love of Gems
  2. N [70-73] Precious Gems
  3. N [70-73] What We Do For Gems
  4. N [70-73] Gems Are Forever

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