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The Archive (quest)

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NeutralThe Archive
Start Speaker Brinthe [29.4, 59.9]
End Speaker Brinthe [29.4, 59.9]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70-73] Hypocenter
Next N [70-73] State of the Union
File:The Archive.jpg
The last memory of Odon


Use the Prismatic Codex to view the Memory Gem. Then, return the Memory Gem to the Archival Repository in The Archives.

  • Prismatic Codex used to view memory gem
  • Memory gem deposited in Archival Repository


The memory gem you recovered is what its name suggests. It contains an earthen's memories, directives, and a hard coding of our Edicts.

This building, the Archives, is the nexus of our civilization. Here, memories are cycled, catalogued, and stored at the end of an earthen's scheduled rotation.

With the codex I invented, we can access one or two memories from a memory gem. Take it, and read the memory gem you found.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP


The operating instructions are simple. Insert the gem into the device, and a memory will play.


It is... comforting that Odon will be preserved in the Archive.


Archival Repository

An extra action button appears:

Prismatic Codex — View a memory from an earthen's memory gem. Instant (10 sec cooldown)
An image of Odon appears.
Odon says: Nerubians everywhere! Look out--
Odon back-steps, but is attacked and falls over dead.
Speaker Brinthe says: It was Odon... I knew him. His memory will be preserved.
Speaker Brinthe says: Please deposit his memory gem into the Archives' repository.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: So, the Archives hold every earthens' memories? Can ye view them?
Moira Tahurissan says: Dagran, this may be a solemn ritual for them...
Speaker Brinthe says: His query is valid. Yes, but the Archive has been inaccessible for thousands of years.

Head up the stairs and interact with the Archival Repository to deposit the gem.

On complete:

Speaker Brinthe says: Thank you. Keep the device. You may find use of it if you find more memory gems.
Moira Thaurissan says: Dagran, this seems like a place ye'd be keen to explore. I'll be back for ye when I know it's safe.

After completing the quest, Dagran Thaurissan II has gossip:

What kind o' luck do I have? My first venture out o' Ironforge an' I find myself in a land untouched by time.

An' the first buildin' I walk into is basically a library!

Did I die in the crash? Is this heaven? Nerubians aside, it feels like it.

I'm keen to learn all I can about the earthen--especially if it'll help me ma.

Gossip <Stay awhile and listen.>

Dagran Thaurissan II says: Can I ask you another question, Speaker Brinthe?
Speaker Brinthe says: Yes, small one. My current directive is to answer your questions.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: Fantastic! I'm much obliged. Hm. Where to start?
Dagran Thaurissan II says: How long has Dornogal been here?
Speaker Brinthe says: Unknown. Our Archive would contain that information, but as I said, it is non-functioning.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: I should be writin' this down. I'm standin' here with a livin' relic! offense.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: Can ye give me a rough estimate?
Speaker Brinthe says: The Archive's last access date was approximately five thousands[sic] years ago.
Speaker Brinthe says: But Dornogal itself has been here much longer, since before the Sundering that we believe damaged our machines.
Speaker Brinthe says: Unfortunately, our memories from that time have been overwritten.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: Overwritten? Ye mean in the Archive? Or... your memory personally?
Speaker Brinthe says: An earthen's memories are erased upon recharging. Hence, the need to upload our memory gems to the Archive with each charge cycle.
Speaker Brinthe says: I am not offended. But we are unfortunately in decline. Without a way to recharge, we will eventually all enter stasis.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: When will tha happen?
Speaker Brinthe says: Sooner for some than others. In the next ten centuries, we will all cease to function.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: I'm... sorry to hear tha'.
Speaker Brinthe says: Do not worry. We Machine Speakers are working hard to reinitiate the machines.
Dagran Thaurissan II says: I hope it works, Speaker. Truly.


  1. N [70-73] Hypocenter
  2. N [70-73] The Archive & N [70-73] Stones of Dornogal
  3. N [70-73] State of the Union
  4. N [70-73] The Fourth Seat
  5. N [70-73] Delve into the Earth
  6. N [70-73] A Natural Remedy & N [70-73] Building Blocks
  7. N [70-73] Echoes of Compassion
  8. N [70-73] The Proscenium
  9. N [70-73] The Cavalry is Here & N [70-73] Fire in the Hole
  10. N [70-73] Convergence

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