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They Come from Below

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NeutralThey Come from Below
Start Baelgrim [33.6, 75.2]
End Baelgrim [36.2, 64.2]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 13,000
Rewards 56g 18s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70-73] To Dornogal
Next N [70-73] Impossible Odds
A bombing run in Dornogal


Mount the stormrook, Lokren, and slay nerubians in Dornogal.


I do not yet know why you have come here, outlander. But you seem... efficient in killing nerubians.

As are we, the Stormriders.

The nerubians are an ancient enemy. I would not be surprised if this Zirix knows and fears me, the Stormward.

Even so, we could use your skill to help us protect Dornogal.

I have a stormrook for you to ride. Mount up and help us rid our city of these insects!


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 13,000 XP


I do not know why the nerubians have returned...

Or why they would attack Dornogal.

For now we must focus on assessing the damage to the Coreway.

Our brethren the Machine Speakers may need our aid, and it is the titans' will that the way to center of Azeroth be kept open.


Upon accept
Baelgrim says: Even with a novice rider, this stormrook will reduce those spiders to ash.

Hop on to start a bombing run:

Baelgrim says: Drive back the nerubians around the Coreway. I will handle the ones farther into the city.

Use the vehicle abilities to destroy the nerubians:

  1. Lightning Bolt 500 yd range — Launch a bolt of lightning at the targeted location. Instant (1.5 sec cooldown)
  2. Storm Blast 500 yd range — Blast the targeted location with a burst of storm energy, dealing heavy damage. Instant. (5 sec cooldown)

At 100% the bombing run ends and Lokren flies players down to the Coreway:

Baelgrim says: They are retreating! Well executed, outlander. Now, I believe you and your friends have much to discuss.

The characters nearby have gossip:

Moira Thaurissan

Might as well roll up me robes an' help while I'm here.

Cannae hurt, can it?

Dagran Thaurissan II

What kind o' luck do I have? My first venture out o' Ironforge an' I find myself in a land untouched by time.

An' the first buildin' I walk into is basically a library!

Did I die in the crash? Is this heaven? Nerubians aside, it feels like it.

I'm keen to learn all I can about the earthen--especially if it'll help me ma.

Magni Bronzebeard

The song of the earth is so strong here...


The fight is not over.

We will take it to Xal'atath.

Anduin Wrynn

All this destruction...

Lady Jaina Proudmoore

The earthen are still bringing our wounded to the city.

I am thankful for their aid. I just wish we could have saved more...

Alleria Windrunner

I could find no clues to Xal'atath's location amongst the wreckage.

We cannot tarry. Xal'atath must pay for what she has done.

Stormrider Meirand

We stormriders will persevere.


  1. N [70-73] Violent Impact
  2. N [70-73] Slay the Saboteurs, N [70-73] Urgent Recovery, & N [70-73] Erratic Artifacts (N [70-73] Shattered Spires if players did not pick Erratic Artifacts up)
  3. N [70-73] Secure the Beach
  4. N [70-73] To Dornogal
  5. N [70-73] They Come from Below
  6. N [70-73] Impossible Odds

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