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Lost Lord of the Storm

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NeutralLost Lord of the Storm
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70-73] Power Predators
Next N [70-73] Their Moss, Our Gain


Find Durzan near Rambleshire.

  • Durzan rescued
  • Ranchers questioned (3)


Listen well, stranger. Once a year, the great ram Durzan, Lord of the Southern Storm, crosses the isle to meet his brother Belzt on Thunderhead Peak. The clash of their horns heralds the storm and brings prosperity for another year.

But something is wrong. Durzan has not come and the skies have cleared. The Stormrider may not believe, but I sense you have seen wilder things.

Ask around if you still have doubts. Just please help us find Durzan.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP






Questionable ranchers include Buhisan, Fuoleim, Kiespuch, Kinnisant, Langan, Silbarspra, and Tofstrun.


  1. N [70-73] To Rambleshire
  2. N [70-73] Sleepy Sheep & N [70-73] Power Predators
  3. N [70-73] Lost Lord of the Storm
  4. N [70-73] Their Moss, Our Gain
  5. N [70-73] Thunderhead Butt

Patch changes

External links