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Thunderhead Butt

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NeutralThunderhead Butt
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70-73] Their Moss, Our Gain

Thunderhead Butt concludes the optional Lost Lord of the Storm chapter of the Isle of Dorn storyline, required for  [Sojourner of Isle of Dorn].


Accompany Durzan to Belzt on Thunderhead Peak.

  • Durzan slain


Durzan looks hale and hearty again. That moss packs a real punch.

I have a sense that he's ready to go. I just wish we had more time. I have so many questions. But the greatest of those questions will be answered when he reaches the peak.

We shouldn't send him up there alone. But I think he trusts you to take him.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP








  1. N [70-73] To Rambleshire
  2. N [70-73] Sleepy Sheep & N [70-73] Power Predators
  3. N [70-73] Lost Lord of the Storm
  4. N [70-73] Their Moss, Our Gain
  5. N [70-73] Thunderhead Butt

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