Lay the Trap

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NeutralLay the Trap
Start Baelgrim [75.3, 43.1]
End Baelgrim [75.3, 43.1]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70-73] To the Meadery
Next N [70-73] Poking the Spider Nest
Kegs of cinderbrew ready to go


Connect 4 Rope Fuses to Sizzling Kegs.

  • Fuses connected to kegs (4)


With all these cinderbrew kegs here, this meadery would burn hotter than the Forgegrounds if they were all ignited.

I surmise that's why Wenbrandt's kegs are made out of stout and strong ironwood--they do not break or catch fire easily.

Luckily, we can start a reaction from the inside if we lead fuses into each of them.

Those ropes the workers left around should work in a pinch.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP


We need to get the cinderbrew kegs prepared.


Zirix will fall by my hand. It is my directive. It is my will.


Pick up N [70-73] Evacuation Area before heading out. On accept of both:

Wenbrandt says: Are you sure this will work, Baelgrim?
Baelgrim says: It will. It has to.
Adelgonn says: Then let's get started.

Head north into the Meadyard and either use the Meadery Ladders or fly up on top of the barrel piles, interact with the Rope Fuses, then run them to the Sizzling Kegs near the base of the ladders.


  1. N [70-73] Group Effort
  2. N [70-73] Calling the Stormriders
  3. N [70-73] Lasting Repairs
  4. N [70-73] To the Meadery
  5. N [70-73] Lay the Trap & N [70-73] Evacuation Area
  6. N [70-73] Poking the Spider Nest
  7. N [70-73] Bring the Thunder
  8. N [70-73] Return to the Coreway
  9. N [70-73] Recompense

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