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Pilfered Pearls

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NeutralPilfered Pearls
Start Aggartha [48.6, 83.0]
End Aggartha [48.3, 82.9]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [70-73] Weapons and Warriors
Next N [70-73] Heart of a Hero
Gorlocs on the Glimmering Shore


Retrieve 8 Pilfered Pearls from gorlocs at the Glimmering Shore.


The pearls that these farmers harvest are their only source of livelihood. Some of these earthen even look at pearl farming as their primary reason for existing.

The gorlocs continue to pilfer pearls at every opportunity. As you eliminate the gorlocs, search them for stolen pearls. Let us recover as many as we can.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP


We need to return these pearls to the farmers.


Thank you <name>. Eliminating the gorloc threat was just one of our objectives here. Giving the farmers their lives back is another.


Pick up N [70-73] Frontline Farmers before heading out.

Pearlfin Sea-Shaman, Sparkleseekers, Tiderunners, Waterweavers all can drop a  [Pilfered Pearl], but not the colossi that the sea-shaman have summoned nor the Pearlfin Clawclacker hunter pets.

While killing gorlocs and placing weapon crates, watch out for rare gorloc Gar'loc just east of the east crate location.

On return after completing both objectives, Aggartha and four Pearl Farmers have relocated slightly and have just fended off a wave of gorlocs:

Pearl Farmer says: Take that gorlocs!
Pearl Farmer says: Are we winning?
Pearl Farmer says: Of course we are!

Aggartha has new gossip:

The farmers have acquitted themselves well. I am proud to fight alongside them.

However, this is not yet over.


  1. N [70-73] Weapons and Warriors
  2. N [70-73] Pilfered Pearls & N [70-73] Frontline Farmers
  3. N [70-73] Heart of a Hero

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