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A Titanic Expedition!

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NeutralA Titanic Expedition!
Start Rannan Korren
End Rannan Korren
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 1,300
Rewards 2g 34s


Meet Rannan at The Three Shields.


Our merchant friend told us about some small islands off the northeast coast called "The Three Shields."

Apparently, there was a lot of titan activity there long ago. To me, the "activity" sounded like titan research and development. Exciting stuff!

Tuberros and I are going there to check it out. Tharessa, my new Dragonscale trainee, is coming along to see true professionals at work.

Care to join us?


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,300 XP







Patch changes

External links