A Titanic Expedition!

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NeutralA Titanic Expedition!
Start Rannan Korren
End Rannan Korren
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 1,300
Rewards 2g 34s
Next N [70-73] Not a Heating Pack, N [70-73] "Cataloguing"


Meet Rannan at The Three Shields.


Our merchant friend told us about some small islands off the northeast coast called "The Three Shields."

Apparently, there was a lot of titan activity there long ago. To me, the "activity" sounded like titan research and development. Exciting stuff!

Tuberros and I are going there to check it out. Tharessa, my new Algari trainee, is coming along to see true professionals at work.

Care to join us?


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,300 XP


All right, I'm fine. It's just a scratch.

But it took the three of us to bring down one little gorloc, so it's good you decided to join us.


Upon approach in Rambleshire:

Rannan Korren says: If what that merchant said checks out, landing here may be the best thing that's happened to us!
Tharessa Sunstrand says: Landed? We crashed and almost drowned! You call that the "best thing?"
Tuberros says: We're still gonna find somethin' shiny, right?

All three have gossip:

Rannan Korren

"Join us on Dalaran," they said. "It will be great," they said.

Good thing I can swim! Tubes almost drowned me trying to carry him to safe land! He latched himself to my back.

"Just dig through the water!"

Oh well, we lived.

I feel bad for everyone who is stranded here now, but the least we can do is make the best of it.


I'm a little shaken up, but this place is nice.

Lots of new smells. It makes me want to go back home to Perisimona.

But even if ya got love, you still gotta eat. So here I am with the boss making money for grubs.

We'll discover something, I just know it. It's going to be fat tubers and worms from here on out!

Shh! Don't tell Rannan though. I'm here for "history" or whatever like everyone else!

Tharessa Sunstrand

Greetings! Nice to meet you!

I am Tharessa, Rannan's new Algari Expedition trainee. I'm super excited to be here.

Even though... you know.

I am very into titan technology, and Rannan and Tuberros have a reputation for dealing with that "stuff" as Rannan calls it. I really want to see some of it up close!

And it looks like I will! Even if it took a city crash-landing to do it...

Gossip Aren't you a little young for an Algari Expeditioner?

<Tharessa looks uneasy for a moment.>

Uh, how could you tell? Don't tell anyone, but I told the expedition recruiters I was two hundred years old.

<Tharessa smiles, holding in a chuckle.>

Drop a zero out of that, and you will get the right answer.

Especially, don't tell Rannan. For some reason, he has a very high opinion of elves.

He keeps assuming I'm older and understand the science of what he's talking about. But honestly? No clue.

Upon accept:

Tuberros says: I hope these shiny artifacts are worth somethin'.
Rannan Korren says: Really Tubes? Not in front of Tharessa. I thought we talked about this.
Tharessa raises an eyebrow.
Tharessa Sunstrand says: Talked about what?

Arriving at the Three Shields to find Rannan lying down. Next to him is a dead Shimmerfin Scrapper:

Rannan Korren says: Ow! I've been wounded! Are gorloc claws venomous? Medic! Medic!
Tharessa Sunstrand says: You tripped and hit your head. The gorloc didn't even touch you.
Tuberros says: Yeah, Tharessa and I took out the gorloc.
Rannan Korren says: Well I... distracted it. Shh! You're making me look bad in front of <name>.


  1. N [70-73] A Titanic Expedition!
  2. N [70-73] Not a Heating Pack, N [70-73] "Cataloguing"
  3. N [70-73] Because It's Shiny
  4. N [70-73] It's Probably Nothing

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