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To Wake a Giant

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NeutralTo Wake a Giant
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes


Apply elemental salve to the mountain giant for Harmot.

  • Elemental Salve applied to Mountain Giant


By the Coreway, this stuff packs a punch!

Combining healing silt with the molten fusion properties of fire honey has given us a salve that could wake a whole mountain!

Which is exactly what you'll do. Take the mixture over to our wounded friend in Farnee's pond and slap it on his hide!

It should be enough to wake him up and alleviate any soreness.

Hopefully, any ways.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,400 XP








  1. N [70-73] Lost Delivery
  2. N [70-73] Honey and Clay the Pain Away
  3. N [70-73] Pulse within the Earth
  4. N [70-73] Playing in the Mud
  5. N [70-73] Lots and lots of Fire Honey
  6. N [70-73] To Wake a Giant

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External links