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The Spirebreaker

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NeutralThe Spirebreaker
Start Violet Warden
End Violet Warden
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 13,000
Rewards 56g 18s


Anub'esska prefers to ambush her prey from below. A tactic that's well known by now, but highly effective.

Slay Anub'esska on the road near Rambleshire in the Isle of Dorn.


We are no strangers to nerubian attacks. The Kirin Tor is well equipped to handle such a threat. Dalaran...

Was equipped. I cannot fend all of this town's foes, but you might be able to. I spotted an ambush near the road on the way here. An all too familiar tactic of an all too familiar foe. Go spring the trap and slay the monster that lurks below.


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 13,000 XP


Are they safe now?


Thank goodness. With your aid, we may be able to make a difference... this time.

These people deserve safety.


Patch changes

External links