Malfunctioning Spire

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MobMalfunctioning Spire
Image of Malfunctioning Spire
Race Crystal elemental (Elemental)
Level 70-80 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Tranquil Strand, Isle of Dorn
Status Killable

The Malfunctioning Spire is a crystal elemental located at the Tranquil Strand on the Isle of Dorn.


  • Inv enchanting wod crystalshard2.png Crystal Smash — The caster smashes a crystal into the target, inflicting Arcane damage and knocking them back.
  • Inv datacrystal07.png Crystallize — The caster forms crystals around the target for 6 sec, inflicting Arcane damage every 1 sec and reducing their movement speed by 10%. This effect stacks.

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