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Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent Note
Argent Dawn Neutral Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock Light's Hope Chapel Eastern Plaguelands Eastern Kingdoms InstanceScholo/Strat
Bloodsail Buccaneers Mob Fleet Master Firallon
 [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat]
The South Seas Stranglethorn Vale Eastern Kingdoms HatedBooty Bay
Brood of Nozdormu Mob Anachronos
Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight
Caverns of Time Tanaris Kalimdor RaidAhn'Qiraj
Cenarion Circle Various Cenarion Hold Silithus Kalimdor RaidAhn'Qiraj
Darkmoon Faire Various Various
Gelkis Clan Centaur Mob Khan Shaka Gelkis Village Desolace Kalimdor HatedMagram Clan Centaur
Hydraxian Waterlords Neutral Duke Hydraxis Ravencrest Monument Azshara Kalimdor InstanceMolten Core
Magram Clan Centaur Mob Khan Jehn Magram Village Desolace Kalimdor HatedGelkis Clan Centaur
Ravenholdt Neutral Fahrad <Grand Master Rogue> Ravenholdt Manor Hillsbrad Foothills Eastern Kingdoms HatedSyndicate
Shen'dralar Athenaeum,
Dire Maul
Feralas Kalimdor InstanceDire Maul
Thorium Brotherhood Neutral Lokhtos Darkbargainer Grim Guzzler,
Blackrock Depths
Blackrock Mountain Eastern Kingdoms
Timbermaw Hold Mob Meilosh
 [Defender of the Timbermaw]
Timbermaw Hold Feralas
Tranquillien Horde Provisioner Vredigar Tranquillien Ghostlands Eastern Kingdoms
Zandalar Tribe Various Yojamba Isle Stranglethorn Vale Eastern Kingdoms RaidZul'Gurub


Alliance Forces

Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent Note
Silverwing Sentinels Alliance Illiyana Moonblaze Silverwing Grove Ashenvale Kalimdor BattlegroundWarsong Gulch
Stormpike Guard Alliance Thanthaldis Snowgleam Alterac Valley Alterac Mountains Eastern Kingdoms BattlegroundAlterac Valley
The League of Arathor Alliance Samuel Hawke Refuge Pointe Arathi Highlands Eastern Kingdoms BattlegroundArathi Basin


Horde Forces

Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent Note
Frostwolf Clan Horde Jekyll Flandring Alterac Valley Alterac Mountains Eastern Kingdoms BattlegroundAlterac Valley
The Defilers Horde Deathmaster Dwire Hammerfall Arathi Highlands Eastern Kingdoms BattlegroundArathi Basin
Warsong Outriders Horde Kelm Hargunth Mor'shan Base Camp The Barrens Kalimdor BattlegroundWarsong Gulch

Steamwheedle Cartel

The Burning Crusade

Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent Note
Ashtongue Deathsworn Neutral Okuno The Black Temple Shadowmoon Valley Outland RaidBT
Cenarion Expedition Neutral Fedryen Swiftspear Cenarion Refuge Zangarmarsh Outland InstanceCR
Honor Hold Alliance Logistics Officer Ulrike Honor Hold Hellfire Peninsula Outland InstanceHC
Keepers of Time Neutral Alurmi Caverns of Time Tanaris Kalimdor InstanceCoT
Kurenai Alliance Trader Narasu Telaar Nagrand Outland
Netherwing Neutral Barthamus Lower City,
Shattrath City
Terokkar Forest Outland
Ogri'la Neutral Jho'nass Ogri'la Blade's Edge Mountains Outland
Sporeggar Neutral Mycah Sporeggar Zangarmarsh Outland
The Consortium Neutral Paulsta'ats Aeris Landing Nagrand Outland
The Mag'har Horde Provisioner Nasela Garadar Nagrand Outland
The Scale of the Sands Neutral Soridormi Caverns of Time Tanaris Kalimdor RaidHyjal
The Violet Eye Various Karazhan Deadwind Pass Eastern Kingdoms RaidKara
Thrallmar Horde Quartermaster Urgronn Thrallmar Hellfire Peninsula Outland

Shattrath City

Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent Note
Lower City Neutral Nakodu Lower City,
Shattrath City
Terokkar Forest Outland InstanceAuch
Sha'tari Skyguard Neutral Grella Blackwind Landing Terokkar Forest Outland
Shattered Sun Offensive Neutral Eldara Dawnrunner Shattered Sun Staging Area Isle of Quel'Danas Eastern Kingdoms InstanceMrT
The Aldor Neutral Quartermaster Endarin Aldor Bank,
Shattrath City
Terokkar Forest Outland
The Scryers Neutral Quartermaster Enuril Scryers Bank,
Shattrath City
Terokkar Forest Outland
The Sha'tar Neutral Almaador Terrace of Light,
Shattrath City
Terokkar Forest Outland InstanceTK

Wrath of the Lich King

Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent
Argent Crusade Neutral Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard Argent Vanguard Icecrown Northrend
Frenzyheart Neutral Tanak Frenzyheart Hill Sholazar Basin Northrend
Kirin Tor Neutral Archmage Alvareaux The Violet Citadel,
Crystalsong Forest Northrend
Knights of the Ebon Blade Neutral Duchess Mynx Shadow Vault Icecrown Northrend
The Kalu'ak Neutral Tanaika Kamagua Howling Fjord Northrend
The Oracles Neutral Geen Rainspeaker Canopy Sholazar Basin Northrend
The Wyrmrest Accord Neutral Cielstrasza Wyrmrest Temple Dragonblight Northrend

Alliance Vanguard

Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent
Alliance Vanguard Alliance Logistics Officer Silverstone Valiance Keep Borean Tundra Northrend
Alliance Vanguard Alliance Logistics Officer Brighton Valgarde Howling Fjord Northrend
Explorers' League Northrend
Silver Covenant Northrend
The Frostborn Northrend
Valiance Expedition Northrend

Horde Expedition

Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent
Horde Expedition Horde Gara Skullcrush Warsong Hold Borean Tundra Northrend
Horde Expedition Horde Sebastian Crane Vengeance Landing Howling Fjord Northrend
The Hand of Vengeance Northrend
The Sunreavers Northrend
The Taunka Northrend
Warsong Offensive Northrend


Faction Quartermaster Subzone Zone Continent
Alliance Vanguard Alliance Knight Dameron Wintergrasp Fortress Wintergrasp Northrend
Horde Expedition Horde Stone Guard Mukar Wintergrasp Fortress Wintergrasp Northrend
