Rainspeaker Canopy

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NeutralRainspeaker Canopy
Type Village
Leader(s) IconSmall Gorloc.gif High-Oracle Soo-say
Race(s) IconSmall Gorloc.gif Gorloc
Affiliation(s) Neutral Oracles, Rainspeaker tribe
Location Sholazar Basin[53.6, 56.6]
Status Active

Rainspeaker Canopy is a village wich sits northeast of River's Heart, within the Wildgrowth Mangal of the Sholazar Basin. It is home to the Oracles, a gorloc tribe. They live in little elevated houses, open-sided to encourage cool breezes and thatched with leaves to keep off the rain. They keep many crystals about too, from the pillars, and the Oracles build wind chimes tipped with crystal fragments that they hang from their trees.[1]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard visited the village, where they were well received, just like the Frenzyheart tribe at their village, and this because of the diplomatic relations that Brann Bronzebeard maintains with them.[1]


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