Illiyana Moonblaze

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Not to be confused with Illiyana.
AllianceIlliyana Moonblaze
Image of Illiyana Moonblaze
Title <Silverwing Supply Officer>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 7-30 Elite
Class Rogue Icon-TCG.png
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silverwing Sentinels
Occupation Tracker
Location Silverwing Grove, Ashenvale[61.5, 83.9]
Status Alive
Illiyana Moonblaze.

Illiyana Moonblaze is a night elf pvp vendor located in Silverwing Grove in Ashenvale. She is not a Sentinel, and it is mentioned that she "belonged to a group that was not exactly favored by most Sentinels". She is known for her roguish personality. As noted in pictures of her she wears a dark corseted outfit and wields a pair of longswords. She radiates a presence in some matter akin to a wild pirate.

Although officially an officer, and therefore in a level of command, her unofficial duties and skills are actually the most important aspect of her service. One of these roles is scouting -- but it is only called that because there is a lack of a better term to describe it. She is also noted to be a very experienced and seasoned tracker.[1]


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Illiyana served as one of Su'ura Swiftarrow's scouts during the defense of Silverwing Outpost when the Horde invaded. Coincidentally, she was also the only scout to make it back to the outpost alive; she had found a trail that her experience told her was a bit too conspicuous, and so she did not follow it. She saved Su'ura's life when she was found injured by Garrosh Hellscream. With her saber distracting Garrosh, Illiyana rescued Su'ura and retreated with the surviving Silverwing Sentinels to safer territory. After the battle for Ashenvale, she was offered a commission, but turned it down as it meant more responsibility and less independence.[1]


For a list of what she sells see Warsong Gulch items.

Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.


  • Frenzy




May the blessings of the night be yours, friend! I am Illiyana Moonblaze, and I am the main supplier for the Silverwing Sentinels here in Ashenvale. As you improve your standing with the Sentinels, I will make available to you a fine selection of goods that you can use inside Warsong Gulch. Should you find yourself in need of item repair, I also provide those services.

Buy What goods have I earned the right to purchase for use in Warsong Gulch?


  • As it is noted that Illiyana's profession is not exactly welcomed by the Sentinels, it may indicate that there are at least some segments of kaldorei society that are somewhat wary of rogues, with there being relatively few night elf rogue characters in the established lore, and do not seem to be part of the established night elf military forces. It is also mentioned that although those of her calling had been part of night elf society for years, they were traditionally not much more respected than "pirates", but the changing times, presumably the Cataclysm, had found increasing opportunities for her kind among the "trusted fighters of the Alliance".


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be related to Aurine Moonblaze.

Patch changes

See also



External links