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Type Port
Leader(s) IconSmall Tuskarr.gif Elder Atuik
Race(s) Tuskarr Tuskarr
Language(s) Tuskarr
Affiliation(s) Kalu'ak
Organizations Northsea Freebooters
Location Northwestern Isle of Spears, Howling Fjord[25.9, 57.9]
Status Active

Done Inn          Done Mailbox

Done Stables

Undone.gif Anvil & Forge

Undone.gif Bank       Undone.gif Auctions
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Done Mass-transit
Undone.gif Portal(s)

Kamagua (or Kamagua Harbor)[1] is a tuskarr port settlement on the northwestern shore of the Isle of Spears, and the largest tuskarr village in the Howling Fjord.[2] The Kalu'ak, a tuskarr faction, run the area, led by their local chieftain Elder Atuik. The town is a major stopping point in the nomadic travels of many different tuskarr clans.[1] The town is connected via boat to Moa'ki Harbor in the Dragonblight, which is a great sea turtle named Green Island.[2]

The round-backed buildings of Kamagua, which look like monstrous fish, have lower levels dug into the frozen, rocky earth, which makes them easier to keep warm.

After the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeards visited the port. They noticed quite a few tuskarr fishing boats and canoes heading east. Brann asked where they were going—they said they'd learned of some far-off lands with welcoming ports, ones their ancestors had traveled to long ago. They also asked them about the ancestor Velog Icebellow had mentioned in his letter, but the tuskarr directed them to storytellers at Moa'ki Harbor.[2]

The start of the prologue for the novel Arthas: Rise of the Lich King takes place here, as does the ending of the short story "One Small Tuskarr".

Travel connections


Horde Apothecary Camp in Howling Fjord
Horde New Agamand in Howling Fjord
Alliance Westguard Keep in Howling Fjord

Turtle boat

Neutral Green Island to Moa'ki Harbor in Dragonblight

Gondola lift

Neutral Ancient Lift to the Howling Fjord mainland.


Patch changes


External links
