Durnholde military

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AllianceDurnholde military
Blackmoore and Thrall.jpg
Blackmoore torturing Thrall in front of his men
Main leader  Aedelas Blackmoore
Secondary leaders  Karramyn Langston
 Captain Skarloc
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
Character classes Warrior, Mage, Paladin
Capital Durnholde Keep
Theater of operations Hillsbrad Foothills, Arathi Highlands
Affiliation Kingdom of Lordaeron, Alliance of Lordaeron
Status Disbanded

The Durnholde military[1] was the military force garrisoned in Durnholde Keep, under the command of Lieutenant General Aedelas Blackmoore and his second-in-command Karramyn Langston. It was in charge of the protection of the orcish internment camps, trying to stop Thrall's escape and then subsequent liberation of his people.

Some of its members wore the white and blue tabard of Lordaeron such as Captain Skarloc, others wore the red and gold livery of Blackmoore's personal troops,[2] while Durnholde's actual garrison wore blue livery.[3]

The military was a diverse, powerful force including footsoldiers but also mages, knights,[4] paladins,[5] and flying machines.[6]


