Into the Shadow Web Caverns (WC3 Undead)

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This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.
Into the Shadow Web Caverns
WC3x-U07 1.jpg
Location Shadow Web Caverns, Azjol-Nerub
Result Scourge manage to access the inner kingdom
Commanders and leaders

Undead Scourge


Muradin's Dwarves

Casualties and losses

Undead Scourge

  • Light

Muradin's Dwarves

  • Heavy
Previous A New Power in Lordaeron
Next The Forgotten Ones

Into the Shadow Web Caverns is chapter 7, part one, of the Legacy of the Damned.

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At that same moment in Northrend, King Arthas and Anub'arak march into the dark, forgotten halls of Azjol-Nerub.


After arriving into Azjol-Nerub the Scourge come under attack by Dwarves to Arthas's surprise and after a quick battle the Scourge heads deeper into the fallen kingdom. However with the Nerubians and Dwarfs fighting one another and the Scourge, Arthas and his undead had an easier time going through the kingdom and eventually killed Baelgun, who had warned him that something dark had awaken before hand. With the forces ready Arthas and Anub'arak move forward deeper into the fallen kingdom.


Main Quests

Availablequest BTNNerubianSpiderLord.png The Old Kingdom

  • Locate the entrance to the Old Kingdom
  • Kill Baelgun
  • Bring the Blood Key to the Old Kingdom Lock
  • Arthas and Anub'arak must survive

Deep within the tunnels of ice lies the Old Kingdom. Only through its ancient doors will you be able to find your way to the Frozen Throne. Let nothing stop you from finding the Old Kingdom's entrance.

Optional Quests

Availablequest BTNChestOfGold.png Find the Gold Stashes

  • Find the five gold stashes (5 found)

Gold Coins have been hidden throughout these underground chambers. Find them for an increase of your gold coffers. This would be useful the next time you require gold to sustain and build your forces.



IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: We've been walking for hours. We've got to quicken our pace. The Lich King is defenseless without us.
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: I left many of my warriors at Icecrown before I came to find you, death knight. They will hold the line for as long as they are able.
The Scourge forces approach an open gate.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Tell me, where are all of your people? Shouldn't there be nerubians around here--undead or otherwise?
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: I've been wondering about that myself. Something must have driven them all off.
A trio of dwarf Riflemen appear from behind some rocks.
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dwarf: We did, ye rotting bastards! We been watching ye all along!
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Muradin's dwarves! Impossible... Doesn't anyone stay dead anymore?
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dwarf: We've been wandering this forsaken land ever since you killed Muradin and left us to rot, Arthas. Our leader, Baelgun, led us into the ruined city to survive.
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dwarf: But there's no way we're letting you in!
The dwarves begin firing at the undead.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: We have no time for these games!
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Sapphiron, attack!
Sapphiron appears and flies over Arthas. Two of the dwarves flee through the gate, but the third is left behind as the doors close in front of him. Sapphiron breathes frost, knocking down the gate and killing the lone dwarf.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Well done, mighty Sapphiron. I wish we could take you with us, but the confines of the dark earth are no place for you.
Sapphiron flies off.
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: The Lich King's time is running short--we must hurry.

During the Mission

  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dwarf: For Khaz Modan!
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dwarf: Kill 'em all twice, that's what I say!
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dwarf: This is for Muradin, ye bastards!
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Rifleman: A pint for every ghoul ye blast!
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Rifleman: Shoot anything that shuffles or skitters!
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Rifleman: Set off the charges! Blow the bridge before they get across!
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: No! Stop them before they--
Too late, the bridge is destroyed.
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Baelgun: That was for Muradin! Now you'll never get across!
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: There are other passages through the labyrinth, death knight. We will find another way.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: These nerubians are your kin. Why are they hostile to us?
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: Many of us fell during the War of the Spider were brought back to serve the Lich King. These warriors, however, never died. Foolishly, they still fight to liberate Nerub from the Scourge.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: This place looks like an old storage silo. It's a dead end, Anub'arak.
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: There must be a hidden passage somewhere. We nerubians were crafty engineers in our time.
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: This is an ancient nerubian hoarding cell. We kept most of our treasures hidden in chambers like this. The passage to the lower depths lies just beyond this room.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Great. As long as we're here, we can take some of these items with us.
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Rifleman: Don't even try it, ye bastard! That there treasure belongs to the dwarves!
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: This treasure belongs to the Lich King, little creature. We, his servants, shall take what we will.
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Baelgun: I remember you, evil prince. You're the one that killed poor Muradin!
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Get over it already.
IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Baelgun: I won't let ye through this door, traitor. The recent quakes have awakened dark things under the ice... ancient, horrid things. We've vowed to keep them locked where they are.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: We'll take our chances, dwarf. We're going through that door one way or another.

Optional Mission

  • IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Gold! We should take this with us!
  • IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: More gold! This might help us later!
  • IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: More gold! Take all you can carry!


IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: The air smells awful in here. Something doesn't feel right.
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: If the dwarf's story was true, there's no telling what awaits us in the darkness.
IconSmall Anub'arak.gif Anub'arak: This stairwell leads into the heart of the old nerubian empire. We must be cautious.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: By all means. You first.


Undead Scourge
Muradin's Dwarves


  • This mission contains unused files for a Dwarven Axeman unit, likely meant to give dwarves a melee unit.
    • It uses the Bandit model as a placeholder.
  • If you play this level on Hard difficulty, you can encounter a nerubian queen named Nezar'Azret. Her scepter can later be found using the archaeology skill in World of Warcraft.
Into the Shadow Web Caverns Map.jpg