Fungal giant

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For the mobs, see Fungal Giant and Fungal Giant (Shadowmoon Valley).
Fungal giant
Fungal Guardian HS.jpg
Faction/Affiliation Sporeggar, Zangar encroachment, Coilfang tribe
Racial leader(s) IconSmall FungalGiant.gif Quagmirran
IconSmall FungalGiant.gif Hungarfen
Homeworld Outland (Draenor); Deepholm
Environment Marshlands
Area(s) Zangarmarsh, Deepholm, Blasted Lands, Nagrand, Gorgrond, Spires of Arak, Talador, Darkheart Thicket

Fungal giants (a.k.a. spore giants and bog giants) stand as a prime example of Zangarmarsh's remarkable fauna. Though relatively non-aggressive, these lumbering behemoths are savagely efficient at dispatching their adversaries when provoked. They feed on other native swamp creatures, as well as any Lost Ones unlucky enough to stray too close to the giants' beloved hideaways.[1]

Once, the area now known as the Dead Mire served as the spawning grounds for the fungal giants. With the waters receding, it seems the changes are preventing the giants from sporing. If the trend continues, the giants may disappear entirely.[2]

Recently, the giants have come into conflict with the Sporeggar. Driven by starvation due to the continuous sapping of the marsh's resources by the naga, they have began to roam the Spawning Glen, preying on sporeling young. Members of the Cenarion Expedition are looking for a peaceful solution to allow the two species to cohabitate in the marsh.

The bog lord variation is larger and hardier than regular bog giants.[3]

A number of fungal giants also appear in Deepholm. They appear to have been colossi who were struck by a curse similar to the Curse of Flesh, likely caused by the stone troggs. The other giants share no love for their fungal brethren.[4]

In the Blasted Lands, fungal giants started to appear from a small pool (beginning to form large mushrooms for unknown reasons) in the Tainted Forest.[5] They seem to have been corrupted by the residual demonic powers left from the Tainted Scar.[6]


Fungal giants are not actually made of fungus. The fungal growth over their bodies is another organism living in symbiosis with the giant.[7] Some, like the Gloomshade Fungi, are at least considered fungi. Not that the Gloomshade Fungi are attacked by the passive Fungal Giants.

They have three hearts that look like artichokes[8] and their brains, "complex fungal [structures]",[9] are described as "soft, convoluted [masses] of fungi" that exert centralized control over their bodies.[10]


It's unknown exactly how long they can live; however, Hungarfen has been alive for millennia tending to a very special plant, known as the Underspore.[11]


A fungal giant in WoW.


  • Fungal giants are considered giants in-game, showing the creature type "giant" under their names.
  • If they are idle long enough, they will sniff their fungal-ridden armpits and then try to fan away the stink.
  • They can also be "skinned" by those that have the herbalism skill, yielding herbs, Motes of Life, and  [Unidentified Plant Parts]. The skill required is 5 times the level of the giant, and does not reward a point in the profession.
  • An early piece of concept art for Warlords of Draenor indicated that creatures known as fungal whales would be present in the Zangar Sea as the predecessors to fungal giants. However, they never actually appeared in the expansion.
  • Rumor has it that podlings are extremely allergic to the spores of fungal giants.[12]
  • Exarch Hataaru considers them flora,[13] but he does not care enough about them to be a reliable authority on this.




  1. ^ The Burning Crusade Bestiary
  2. ^ B [10-30] Withered Basidium
  3. ^ A [10-30] Withered Flesh
  4. ^ N [30-35] Gone Soft
  5. ^ A [15-30] Wormthorn's Dream
  6. ^ Felspore Bog Lord
  7. ^ A [10-40] Fungal Bundle
  8. ^  [The Heart of Quagmirran]
  9. ^ N [35-40] Dirgemire
  10. ^  [Fungal Brain]
  11. ^ N [65D] Oh, It's On!
  12. ^  [Gloomshade Spore]
  13. ^ Exarch Hataaru gossip text right after A [10-40] Defenstrations

es:Gigante de fungal pl:Fungal giant