Tainted Forest
The Tainted Forest is an expanse of the revitalized area in the Tainted Scar, created thanks to the efforts of a worgen druid named Marl Wormthorn.

At the time of the Cataclysm, Wormthorn created the great tree Maldraz with his immense power and managed to reclaim and bring back the Tainted Scar to its former, greener self. At first, it was a success and the forest was restored, allowing the refugees to build Surwich where the Tainted Scar was once present.[1]
However, the residual demonic powers left on the land began to take their toll, and while Wormthorn's attention was drawn to fighting back the demonic taint, the nathrezim who once resided there took the opportunity to infiltrate Maldraz. Once inside, they corrupted Wormthorn's trance, making him lose his mind in the process, and used his body as a weapon to corrupt the great tree and the forest.[2]
At some point, fel-corrupted fungal giants started to appear from a small pool (beginning to form large mushrooms for unknown reasons), possibly due to the demonic energies left by the Tainted Scar.[3]
Interested in the demonic artifacts once hidden in the Tainted Scar, the leader of the Sunveil Excursion, Rohan Sunveil, led his subordinates of the Reliquary to practice an archaeological study in the Tainted Forest, where they focused their work in the acquisition, cataloging, and preservation of any and all magical artifacts.[4] However, the unnatural forest threatened the Reliquary excursion's progress, as its trees' roots broke their picks, its moss grew over their excavation sites, and its animals attacked their men.[5]
In order to halt the corruption, both the worgen of Surwich and blood elves of the Sunveil Excursion sent adventurers to reduce the number of demons,[6][7] and to kill the corrupted druid.[8][9]
Warlords of Draenor

Years later, when the Ironmarch entered Azeroth through the Dark Portal, the orcs of the Iron Horde began to claim the wood from the forest, but were eventually repelled along with the rest of their army by the Alliance and the Horde, leaving their lumber camp abandoned.
Marl Wormthorn
Darkwood Treants
Doomguard Destroyers
Dreadlord Defilers
Felspore Bog Lords
Tainted Black Bears
Tainted Nightstalkers
Tainted Screechers
- The great tree Maldraz.
Patch changes
Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Area replaced much of the Tainted Scar.
- ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 105
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[15-30] Advice from the Cenarion Circle
- ^ Felspore Bog Lord
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[Reliquary Papers]
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[15-30] The Downfall of Marl Wormthorn
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[15-30] Wormthorn's Dream
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[15-30] The Demons and the Druid
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[15-30] Demoniac Vessel
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[15-30] The Downfall of Marl Wormthorn
External links