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Image of Ba'ruun
Race Fungal giant (Elemental)
Level 10-40 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Umbrafen, Shadowmoon Valley [52.8, 16.5]
Status Killable

Ba'ruun is located on the northern island of the Umbrafen in northeastern Shadowmoon Valley.


  • Fungal Root - The caster sends a series of vines outward to the target location. Upon arrival the vines will persist for 2 sec. Any enemies who are caught in the vines when they expire are rooted for 6 sec.
While rooted, the victim suffers Nature damage every 3 seconds.
  • Mushroom Bloom - Detonate all of your current mushrooms over 10 sec. Each detonation inflicts Nature damage to all enemies within 5 yards of the blast.
  • Mushroom Growth - The caster hurls a cluster of mushrooms at the target. Entering the area of these mushrooms will cause them to explode for Nature damage.
  • Mushroom Spores - The caster hurls a cluster of mushrooms at the target. Entering the area of these mushrooms will cause them to explode for Nature damage.
  • Spoiling Spores - Your next swing will inflict significant Nature damage and inflict the target with Spoiling Spores. Further attacks from Spoiling Spores inflict 100% more damage per application of Spoiling Spores.
If the victim dies under the effect of Spoiling Spores, a mushroom will form at their location.


Objective of

Tracking quest

To check whether Ba'ruun has been looted, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35731))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Ba'ruun has been looted; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links